3 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm so in the minority here, but I have a different perspective.

I worked at a grocery store for years, with about a third of my job being cart duty. I loved it when people left their carts outside of the corrals, for a few reasons.

First, if a lot of people did so, I would point it out to whoever was the manager on at the time before I went outside. My manager knew that I would take longer before coming back in, and that would give me more time to stroll/relax/enjoy the outdoors before coming back in to customer craziness. Having those extra minutes because my manager didn't know how long I should take was nice.

Second, sometimes I had to walk way the hell out to the edge of the parking lot, which was really nice for a long walk away from customer craziness. Such walks were very nice when the weather was nice.

Third, it was job security. Working during the recession made my managers want to let as many people go as they could, but customers who made it so even the most efficient cart duty workers took a while to clear the lot effectively kept more of us employeed than management would have employed otherwise.

For those reasons, whenever the weather is nice, I try to leave my cart in a weird spot that is anchored by something. I realize that many other cart duty folks probably dislike me for it, but I know I appreciated it when others did this. So I do it for the folks like me.

I know all of the arguments against it and I'm not trying to debate here. Just sharing a different perspective; sometimes, leaving your cart in a terrible spot can be nice for some of the workers.

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Popularize the apps that exist. I couldn't figure out how to browse it in a Reddit-like way until I tried an app. That was all I needed to make the switch.

Nick (fine print) learned that by choosing violence, he gets more of the limited resources.

They tried training an AI to detect AI, too, and failed

You can choose to ignore things you don't understand on Lemmy. I don't go into the Risa posts because I know they're not for me. If something doesn't make sense and you want to ask about it, go for it, but don't get upset when the explanation isn't one that makes sense to you. For a lot of people, popular Vines were everywhere for a while. Not everything on the internet is for you.

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GPT-4 will. For example, I asked it the following:

What is the neighborhood stranger model of fluid mechanics?

It responded:

The "neighborhood stranger model" of fluid mechanics is not a recognized term or concept within the field of fluid mechanics, as of my last update in April 2023.

Now, obviously, this is a made-up term, but GPT-4 didn't confidently give an incorrect answer. Other LLMs will. For example, Bard says,

The neighborhood stranger model of fluid mechanics is a simplified model that describes the behavior of fluids at a very small scale. In this model, fluid particles are represented as points, and their interactions are only considered with other particles that are within a certain "neighborhood" of them. This neighborhood is typically assumed to be a sphere or a cube, and the size of the neighborhood is determined by the length scale of the phenomena being studied.

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Eh, us professors care pretty deeply about the plagiarism she did. Intent or even knowledge of plagiarism isn't necessary for disciplinary action in plagiarism cases at major research universities. Any one of these examples would be enough for my university's academic integrity committee to rule that plagiarism occurred:

And in the case of a dissertation, plagiarism is an automatic expulsion and degree retraction from my university. At the PhD level, students certainly know that what Dr. Gay did is plagiarism (a good rule of thumb is that five sequential words, even with paraphrasing, without citing the source, is plagiarism), and that plagiarism is completely unacceptable.

I already know of a student who made the argument that their plagiarism wasn't as bad as Dr. Gay's, so because Dr. Gay wasn't penalized, they shouldn't be penalized. Had she not stepped down, that line of argument likely would have snowballed out of control. The professors I know think her comments to Congress were out of touch, but all of us had been livid that she and Harvard were saying that she didn't plagiarize--any professor who looks at those examples will tell you that she did.

In the longest ultramarathon, which is 3,100 miles, men have beaten women by days every single year:

Most professors at the caliber of his institution don't teach undergraduates, or at least don't do so very frequently. If his workload is like most professors, his primary job is research, with mentoring PhD students and service to the department/college/field taking up the remainder of his time. Instructors and teaching professors are hired to teach undergraduate courses at major research universities. His Google Scholar shows he has still been publishing, so this was probably political:

Seconding. Kagi is the only one that was able to replace Google for me.

The Nebuchadnezzar was commissioned in 2069 in The Matrix series.

Yeah, accurately simulating a single pyramidal neuron requires an eight-layer deep neural network:

I interpreted it as showing that 8 hobbytes were equivalent to a hobbit. I didn't see that it could be interpreted as saying each little frodo picture under the hobbyte was a hobbit until your comment.

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I did as soon as Sync came out.

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Donating plasma is particularly good at reducing your blood PFAS, and they pay you for donating plasma in lots of places in the US

Good lord, I hope no one employed at Microsoft reads this. I would bet they institute it if they think of it.

I'm back on my BS is also a solid contributor

Interesting take! Is lightning conscious, then? The idea of Thor isn't too far off if so, haha.

It's FDA-approved for weight loss

By season 8 she's so convinced she's essentially Mulder. She has times where she's more or less convinced until then, but it's a trajectory towards believing until she does. It just takes her a really long time.

Crude isn't RBOB. Converting crude oil (which went negative) into automobile gas (which didn't) is a process that takes time/work, and not everyone has the infrastructure to do it. Crude also loses the ability to convert to RBOB in time, so if you buy and can't convert or use it otherwise in time, it's wasted money. Crude went negative but RBOB didn't, and auto gas companies were making only their usual profit off of it at the time.

I comment sometimes. Upvote a little more frequently. Just try to be active when I can.

Linux is a hell of a drug

Or Kagi. I couldn't do DDG but Kagi was good enough for me to finally switch off of Google.

In Texas, if you tell three people you're married, then you're legally married.

I wonder how many other states have crazy laws like this.

I haven't heard of any ultra-rich person who wants to reduce the population. A population decline will lead to stock price declines as the majority of the population ages (automated 401k investments buy and thus increase stock prices, withdrawals from 401k sell and thus decrease stock prices; an older population means less investment and greater withdrawal). Do you have a source for your decrease surplus population claim?

I've taken probably over 100 Uber/Lyft rides and have never been picked up by someone who presents as a woman. It's definitely region specific.

I go out of my way not to do so. Whenever I search for some specific items and see "Sponsored," I'll scroll down until I get the same listing without the ad link.

I do but I don't know what that means either.


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It also seemed to me that a growing number of comments in recent years there on product-relates posts (e.g., what's the best language learning app?) reeked of companies promoting their own products rather (e.g., someone's post history was selectively related to promoting some app after a period of inactivity). I haven't seen things like that here at all, which is nice.

A lot of millennials are struggling though. Only a few figured it out. It could be even worse for GenZ.

As a professor, I am terrified of what will happen when GenZ takes the reins. Without changing course content, GenZ has been failing what millennials passed without issue.

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To a degree. The large subreddits, like AskReddit, get far fewer upvotes on the top posts of the week than they used to get. I think there's a good chunk of folks who left for a replacement, then left their replacement without going back to Reddit.

You are our last hope!

Agreed wholeheartedly. The Lemmy community has been wonderful. People here actually have good conversations, even if they take a few days to do so, unlike the folks on Reddit. Reddit comments were more meme-y and less substantive.

Glad to hear this classic may make a comeback

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There are still people who have terrible American accents in media. Lucifer's twin, for example, was so ridiculously bad. The only person without an American accent who I've ever seen pull one off in media was Hugh Laurie in later seasons of House. I still find most attempts amusing, even with coaching.

This is how I see it, and it seems like comments are better received here, too, which encourages me further.