3 Post – 106 Comments
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Which one?

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I'm loving the court phase so far, his dumb stupid grimace says it all.

She should be asking if this was his plan all along when he propped up Hammas over a civilian government..

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yep, this is the first in a looooong time that I see it used correctly

I guess being squeezed out of an asshole aint that fun, but the snake one could be a bit less menacing

what a pathetic loser lmao

And don't forget to tip your delivery driver!

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The cornered coward will lash out at everyone and no doubt would back and suggest/support an armed civilian conflict if it meant delaying his inevitable upcoming demise

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He ain't getting better anytime soon, I believe he will try to bring the whole country down along before going to jail

Thats always his thing, he tried to interfere with the election? the prosecution is election interference. He committed fraud in NY? The GA is the fraud.. Hes the worst threat of our times against democracy? No the people pointing it out are the actual threat, lmao. And so on its always somewhere in his whinny drivel. Impressive

he kinda admitted to it

The worst part is the Cambridge Analitica kinda shit that they figured out eventually, the orange cunt, brexit and other modern calamities were fueled by the social networks reach into private activities or otherwise. It sucks cause it exposes how easy normal people will go down the rabbit hole.

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"tHe bIdEn cRiMe fAmIlY"

lol it's all projection with this mofos

Gold-diggers have it real good, two areas of influence

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Faux News? That checks out

those three harpies are fucken revolting

One can only hope but hes a the point where the courts dont matter to his government so we'll see I guess. This stinks either way

I can def see a man-child reaction exactly like this dumb statement -kinda like what he did on the debates with Hillary and Biden, interrupting and interjecting his sad alternate reality- as the cases pick up steam and hes forced to fly between Fla, DC, Ga and wherever his current cult rally/grievance is that day, oh boy, is it gonna be fun or what?

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Those people are dumb.

Oh the irony

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'won't somebody pleease think of the children'

I really do hope the big rat will have its comeuppance

You still need the 'bag of bones' look.

I concur with both the Dr. and the Capt. very well said

They only need to prove two (2) instances for the criminal enterprise to be established under the Georgia Rico laws, and the tampering and harrassement of Ruby Freeman as well as the Coffee County extraction of voter information would easily set the stage for the other 140 acts described, I dont see the 'show' here, sounds like an easily winnable case in the state of Georgia, as for the removal to the federal system, they would need to prove that the criminal conspiracy acts, overt and predicated were part of the official duties, which in the current state of the judiciary is a flip, but should not have any bearings on convictions anyway.

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He doesn't look the I'm carrying and will shoot some pigs if provoked part, just my assumption tho

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Nah, the First Amendment doesnt cover criminal acts nor is total as the trumpet found out on the Chutkin case, as for the whole case as argued, you can throw out some of the 140 listed acts, but as provided on the Georgia special vaguely RICO laws you can link those seemingly innocent 'First Amendment' 'perfect' tweets with the whole scheme which is pretty clear, steal the presidency -'wE wOn' speech et all- and we all saw it happen, now, the indictment its just a detailed timeline with specific set of acts, that when looked as a whole can be linked to the criminal enterprise -you can buy a printer, but not use it for blackmail-, be it govt officials or civilians or any group of people acting in concert, and as such under the Georgia law, the solicitation for votes, the speeches, the false statements, the tweets are overt acts aiding the conspiracy.

Seems to me, after reading the indictment, theres more than enough to satisfy the Georgia RICO Laws and that the first amendment as well as the change of venue should fall on its face but the judge is a novice and the trumpet will try it all.

As for the motion to dismiss they -trumpet lawyers- file those daily, on the most banal and frivolous grounds and they must be very well paid cause they lose them all, so l wanna see how the judge weathers the first motions from Meadows, you really cant tell anymore, just look at the Cannon debacle down in Fla, so its a flip.

The consensus from people that have argued RICO cases and won seems to be its pretty well built and there seems to be people cooperating with the Ga prosecutors, based on the accts mentioning unindicted co-conspirators declaring shit to the grand jury.

And as a final note the same Willis on the press conf that night said that some acts were added cause the grand jury considered them to be part of the conspiracy so I would not agree on the "Fani Willis" wants attention hot take, whereas the trumpet is the one sociopath crying and whining on social media and well known thinned skinned coward.

Edit. formating

Im pretty sure he wouldn't have showed up in Georgia to get his ugly mug shot or to DC or any of the other surrenders hes being forced to make, that in itself its a big ego hit for a mofo that prizes himself as the ultimate weasel, not much admittedly but its a start, the stupid face he showed up with at the civil trial in NY told the story, and yes the dissolution its being halted but the odds are not in his favor.

Its being a pretty fun few days watching him fail like a maggot on salt lmao, well see whats up but the co defendants are already flipping in Georgia.. and the prisons over there are a fucken nightmare lmao, Im gonna run out of popcorn

Yeah Israel needs no help savaging Palestinian cities

sums up him quite good, would add petty and craven sociopath

bwahahaha those dumb names haven't heard in a while, I prefer Mar a Lardo personally, would that increase the property value? maybe the classified documents you can find in the shitter?

The terroruzzian clown shown has come to town

Thats one convoluted logic.. or lack thereof

The facts are not in dispute, the crazy fraudulent way the trumpet is used to do bussiness is not a secret, he himself said 'Im very smart' when asked about not paying taxes. Hillaryous!

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Isn't there something about criminally indicted fellows (91 times) not to mention he sent the defecating squad to hang his vicepresident in that very same building. 2023 really upped the ante.

I think he may be a lot more shallow, lets say a 3rd grader that never learnt to be compassionate and empathetic. More dangerous even.

So he thought the grenades were glasses? Was he drunk?

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In the motherland lmao its very common to fall off of windows if you speak against the mafia like regime, so this is totally on brand so other would be challengers take notice

oddly specific, but go on..

"they were forced" lmao what a gaggle of shit