9 Post – 169 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

pls remind me not to be so mean

The authors' vainly disguised fetish rule

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And I believe the time is ripe for Hollywood to fuck off

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If it's spoofing them, its going to be more effort than it's worth to actually detect that client. I strongly recommend you to delete this post or you're gonna cause a massive Streissand Effect

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Personally, I'm fine with sexual content as long as it's marked properly. But gore (aka NSFL content) should not be allowed here

Then you wouldn't be torrenting over Tor, you'd be torrenting through a VPN. And also using Tor with a VPN, which is not recommended.

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Clean your room

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FYI: Ninite has largely been superseded by Chocolatey

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I've personally been doing this for many years, seeding all sorts of nasty stuff and no one that I know has ever gotten so much as an email.

Feel free to use no privacy measures, but at least setup an alert so you know if your country's police decides to start persecuting pirates.

I recommend u setup a Google alert with a query like "YOUR-COUNTRY-HERE arrestan pirateria". So if a news article that matches that query ever gets posted online, you'll instantly get an email

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What are the names of those? I only recognize Wine ("Wine Is Not an Emulator")

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No, that would use up too much storage lol. Also, 99% of people don't update their apps manually, instead, they just let the Google Playstore handle it whenever it feels like it

idk about you guys, but I'm not returning to r*ddit, even if they undid all of their terrible recent changes. Lemmy's just a lot nicer

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There's some seriously cool things you can do with Shizuku and adb:

  • Install custom Material You designs on your device
  • View and modify hidden settings on Android devices
  • Install F-droid app updates automatically without having to tap "Install" a hundred times

A really good list for things to do with it is

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according to all studies.

Such as?

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Least obvious Microsoft spyware

Reasonable response tbh

I hate to brake it to you...

You just proved his point lol

Ben Shapiro if he was based

Ben Shapiro in a cinema in front of a "Boy Kisser" movie poster

You have once again had a stroke

You say system, but all I see is trash

picture of a messy room with the trash highlighted in red circles

!I really hope that bucket isn't being used for human waste!<

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ITT: OP gets pissy because the moderators didn't let him disrespect the people who answered the question he posted

This community is called NoStupidQuestions, not NoStupidPeople

Jerboa is getting there, but for now I’d recommend using the progressive web app

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They still are??? Tons of people still use them

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putting the W in crimew

Honestly the best guide is within lucky patcher itself. Open luckypatcher and then tap on the question mark icon in the top-right corner. There you'll see an explanation of all of the features within luckypatcher. There's also a guide for creating your own custom patches.

Happy cracking!

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Yeah that picture looks cute but if u did that IRL the guy would get asphyxiated

Wow, thanks Google!

Why are downvotes disabled in this instance?


The entirety of South America

Mobilism is not some random sketchy site. It's been a very popular forum for many years now. It has strict moderation and reputation-based profiles.

Anyone know the name of that character? She seems familiar..

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boykisser vibes

You'd be surprised

I don't get it?

Both are good

I think such changes have been actually fueled by the desire for "infinite growth" that investors constantly demand from companies

Considering the asker didn't get any benefit out of the answer to that question, this is definetly not "the best question" he could ask. So your proposed answer to this question is wrong. The question itself though, is the best one I've heard so far.

Walled garden? More like golden prission

Dog twitter

Soo, what's the bounty amount? I doubt anyone will pour the hundreds of hours a project like this requires without having at least a range of what the bounty amount will be.

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Nope, you can use chocolatey completely for free, even if you're an enterprise! In fact, the choco CLI is FOSS.

They do offer a special "business plan", which has special features for IT departments which they could find very handy due to their special needs when handling thousands of software updates at a time. But you as an individual probably have no need for those paid features, so you can use it for free :)