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You are in denial, either intentionally or not.

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That's what Nazis said when reports of mass graves in Germany came!

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UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/38/17 (22/11/1983), page 186:

"2. *Reaffirms *the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, *apartheid *and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

3. *Reaffirms *the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national unity and sovereignty without foreign interference;"


I'm for Palestine and their right to self defense and have their land back from Israeli robbers, but:

  1. Before they were fighting to have their land back. Now they have to fight not to be genocided

  2. On past conflicts, they always lost much more than Israel

  3. Israel is military much more powerful

How can Hamas have thought that the situation would improve, even if Palestinians deserve freedom?

I'm coming to the sad conclusion that indeed Palestine will disappear, like the indigenous people disappeared in the US.

If they are lucky they will preserve they culture like the Jews did after being kicked out by Rome, and will come back 2000 years later, when they have more technology.

Is this a recurring pattern of people/cultures living in this region? I know of curds and other people who seem to suffer as well from a similar fate.

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"the king will dissolve his laws because they can arrest him"

Before anyone wastes time answering this guy, his Account is just 4 hours old. Troller

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I know people living in Gaza/Palestina and what they see with their own eyes is not different from what I see in mondoweiss.

And if you want another source on the land robbery:

Different sources gives different details that other source may have hidden in order to fit their agenda

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That's not what the Republican Jesus says

Ok, but see I'm not worried about Hamas, I'm worried about the rest of the population who is being slaughtered.

Are their better off after the 7th, or they are worse but accept is better than dying passively? From their point or view, how do they feel about what will happen?

I have a friend in Gaza and she's really suffering. I don't ask her too much because I don't want to make her thing of the tragedy.

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By international law Israel is the OCCUPYING force and the OCCUPIED has the right of armed self defense, not the opposite.

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In Germany now this is called "Holocaust denial" and it's a crime.

As much a some Nazi will deny a genocide, some pro Israel extremists will deny they learned from Nazis how to commit a genocide

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Ask the International Court of Justice.

Israel asked it to stop the process and claim there's no genocide, but the court denied and will keep the process because there's plausibily a genocide.

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Kidnap and murder are not self defense, but Israel commiting Genocide is self defense?

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UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/38/17 (22/11/1983), page 186:

"2. *Reaffirms *the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, *apartheid *and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

3. *Reaffirms *the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national unity and sovereignty without foreign interference;"


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I remember Israeli government saying they found name of terrorists in a paper under a hospital, and when it got translated it was just the days of the week.

Israeli propaganda can be detected even by a 10 year old.

Denial happens all times, not only in Holocaust.

The nazis also went to Warsaw Ghetto and gave once a dinner to starving Jews and made a movie out of it to prove to their population that they were treated well and were complaining for nothing.

But if you want something specific, you can look on the site below, which starts with denials beginning 1942:

A small excerpt:

*1942–44 To conceal the evidence of their annihilation of Europe's Jews, Germans and their collaborators destroy evidence of mass graves at the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka killing centers, and at thousands of sites of mass shooting operations throughout German-occupied Poland, the German-occupied Soviet Union, and Serbia, including Babi Yar, in an operation code named Aktion 1005.

1943 In a speech to SS Generals at Poznan, Heinrich Himmler, Reich Leader (Reichsführer) of the SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons), remarks that the mass murder of the European Jews will be kept secret, never to be recorded.*

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Make me a 100 words tutorial on how to create a Risc V processor with Verilog

This was hinted by Israeli media 5-6 monthes ago. Funny how Western media takes so long to catch up

My app doesnt allow me a newline, but I've added a dash

Yeah, let's trust Israelis, who claim Palestinians don't even exist. That's for sure not fake news /s

By the way, those 1.5 million people killed in Iraq due to "weapons of mass destruction" were really not fake news /s

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Here his a report on how the locals experienced this:

*Among the dismembered bodies, scattered limbs, and decapitated heads are a large number of people searching for family or just there to observe. Some cannot bear it and stand far away, unable to fathom the carnage.

The mass grave at Nasser Hospital is one of dozens left by the Israeli army throughout Gaza. Civil Defense officials believe that many more are yet to be found.

Ayman, 51, his wife Jamila, 44, and their son Abdul Karim, 22, insisted on going to Nasser Medical Complex after the Civil Defense announced that over two hundred bodies had been recovered in one day. The family was there to look for Abdul Karim’s younger brother, who had been missing in Khan Younis for over two months.

Once at the gates to the compound, Jamila could not bear the sight and smell of death, so she stayed outside with her son Abdul Karim, while Ayman went in to inspect the bodies.

“I could not bear to take a single step in there,” Jamila tells Mondoweiss at the door to the complex. “It is a scene that a person cannot bear: a great massacre, a large basin of blood, a pit of bodies buried, cut up.” People continue to arrive at the gravesite at Nasser Hospital in search of missing family members. (Photo: Hassan Selaieh) People continue to arrive at the gravesite at Nasser Hospital in search of missing family members. (Photo: Hassan Selaieh)

The Civil Defense teams at Nasser Hospital say that the mass graves they uncovered here contain more than 400 martyrs. The bodies had been buried with bulldozers, which dismembered some of them. Body parts were mixed together with garbage.

Ayman searches among the scattered pieces of human bodies for his son. Some of the decomposing bodies are already skeletons, so he looks for identifying signs like the clothes his son wore the last time he went out.

“He was wearing the blue wool sweater. I bought it for him. I know everything he wears and can identify him by his clothes,” Ayman says, describing his son as he searches among the bodies pulled out of the sand. “I could recognize him even if he were a skeleton.”

Over the past several days, new families have arrived as people continue flocking to the complex. Every day, Civil Defense teams announce the discovery of dozens of new bodies buried inside and around the complex. Some of the people who arrive come and go multiple times, like Ayman and his family, without learning the fate of their missing child. Others are able to identify their loved ones and take them to their final resting place.

Alaa al-Arabashli, 43, identified his 19-year-old son Moaz’s body at Nasser Hospital. Despite the pain he endured in collecting his son’s body, picking him up from the dirt, and burying him with his own hands, it was an end to the fate of his missing son.

He says that he found his son after the rescue teams were able to recover more than 40 bodies from the gravesite. Civil Defense teams allowed people to check them, and there was nothing that distinguished the bodies except for the clothing. That was enough for him to identify his son.

Some families are summoned to bury their children after relatives recognize them, and they come carrying flowers to transport their bodies to other graves. The bodies are lined up among the people in the hopes that whoever comes will recognize some of them. After they are identified, they are placed in a new plastic bag, covered with a white shroud, and buried again. Palestinian health workers unearth bodies at the mass grave near Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis, April 21, 2024. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images) Palestinians who were able to identify their relatives came carrying flowers to transport their bodies to their final resting place. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images) Signs of execution of detainees

The Civil Defense teams at the gravesite insist that the Israeli army committed a massacre inside the hospital, which it wanted to hide by digging this mass grave.

Colonel Yamen Abu Suleiman, the Director of Civil Defense in Khan Younis, has been working at the scene over the past four days. He says that he and his colleagues have recovered over 300 bodies so far, confirming that a large number of them showed signs of torture and executions.

Abu Suleiman told Mondoweiss that Israeli forces deliberately carried out indiscriminate killings at Nasser Hospital and tried to hide them in mass graves after collecting them in bags placed on top of each other. Many of the bodies were cut up in pieces, some even torn in half, showing signs of tank treads and bulldozer tracks.

“There was no morality in dealing with the martyrs and the dead,” Abu Suleiman said. Civil Defense teams reported finding bodies with their hands tied at the Nasser Medical Complex. (Photo: Social Media) Civil Defense teams reported finding bodies with their hands tied at the Nasser Medical Complex. (Photo: Social Media)

He also confirms that he recovered bodies with their hands tied with plastic tape, which the Israeli soldiers used to bind their prisoners. Abu Suleiman says they also found martyrs with their eyes and mouths blindfolded.

He points out that the collection of body parts has not yet been completed and that the Ministry of Health will hold a conference in the coming days to reveal further details.

He also asserts that there are dozens of mass graves all over Gaza. “We are still counting and discovering graves in various places based on the presence of bodies in those areas, which leads us to begin searching and excavating in the vicinity until we find mass graves and extract the bodies from them in the dozens,” he tells Mondoweiss.

“So far, four mass graves have been discovered in Nasser Hospital alone,” he continues. “The number of martyrs indicates a massacre, and we found the martyrs with signs of torture, their stomachs and chests opened and their heads smashed.”

The mass graves at the Nasser complex were not the first to be found in Gaza. A few weeks ago, mass graves just like these were discovered in the al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City. Indeed, the number of bodies discovered there exceeds the number that has so far been reported in Khan Younis. To this day, bodies are still being discovered from the Israeli army’s massacre in al-Shifa, which took place during a two-week siege of the hospital. Before that, mass graves were discovered in the Turkish hospital in Jabalia, in northern Gaza.

And now, the Israeli army has withdrawn following the conclusion of its assault on Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, leaving behind a similar story. The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said the exhumation revealed "the presence of urinary catheters or splints that were still attached to some patients' bodies." (Photo: Social Media) The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said the exhumation revealed “the presence of urinary catheters or splints that were still attached to some patients’ bodies.” (Photo: Social Media)

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that it has so far documented a combined total of 140 unmarked graves and mass graves across the Gaza Strip, containing the bodies of thousands of victims since October 7. These graves include documented cases of people who were executed by the occupation before being buried.

“The Civil Defence teams’ discovery of hundreds of bodies from mass graves in the ‘Al-Shifa’ Medical Complex and the ‘Nasser’ Hospital represents a dark chapter in the history of Israeli military violations,” the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said.

The human rights monitor also expressed that the mass graves at al-Shifa and Nasser revealed several bodies with hands bound behind their backs, raising suspicions that the army carried out extrajudicial executions of people it had arrested and detained.

Moreover, the organization asserted that the exhumation process revealed “the presence of urinary catheters or splints that were still attached to some patients’ bodies,” indicating that there were executions of the sick and the injured at the hospital. Palestinian health workers unearth bodies at the mass grave near Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis, April 21, 2024. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images) Palestinian health workers unearth bodies at the mass grave near Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis, April 21, 2024. (Photo: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images)

Alaa Al-Arabashli, the father who found his son Moaz, said that he could never have imagined that he would be looking for his son in a ditch full of human body parts. Still, he was able to find him and be at peace, knowing that his son was a martyr.

“I collected my son with my own two hands, and I took him to his final resting place,” he told Mondoweiss. “It felt like pulling my heart out of the earth.”

“But I consider myself lucky,” he added. “I found my son. There are thousands of people who don’t know where their loved ones are.”*

Good Analysis.

I read about the Jewish roman war in 70 BCE, and when the city of Masada was about to be entirely killed, all jewish there (around 1.5 MILLION people) just committed suicide.

Maybe yes, instead of commiting suicide you can have your last "desperate attempt", not to die passively.

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That's what I heard Neytaniahu sold on his election campaign: to take Gaza for Israel, and that's what his voters are demanding from him

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Somehow US is a hotbed for religious fanatism.

Maybe it has to do with their history, as they left England due to religous reasons, than you have a whole inheritance tree of people who are still on the same mindset of regious war.

Read about the "Bible belt", which are states with most religious activism.

I was not aware this was a duplicate

Maybe depends on the city and if you are the leader of the Demo?

Without seeing the picture, what I can say is that when I go to African countries I dress like the people there because I identify with them.

I think it's only bad If you mock them.

Why if people paint themselves as if they were people of type X is bad, but when men dress themselves as a women it's not bad? That's contradictory.

What might answer your question is that IF in a country people traditionally paint themselves as X to mock X, then the natural reaction would be to classify it negatively.

But in a country or in a time where people do this out of identification, I don't see it as a problem.

Morals are specific to countries and times, it's not universal and atemporal

That's actually a good idea, because when your finger is wet the touchscreen doesn't work and on touchscreen is more difficult to develop muscle memory, so you spend more time distracted trying to find the spot on screen to touch

I have a friend who is Jewish and since 10+ years she shares jokes telling Palestinians are bombers and robbers, and thar Jews are inventors, or telling me that Palestinians don't even exist. When I counter argue her she gets pissed and says she accepts no moral lessons from anyone.

That's sad for me, because I only know 4 Jewish person: 2 were very nice but I lost contact, and the 2 others are so belligerent destroy the good image I have of Jewish people.

On the other side, I know some 20 Palestinians and much more Arabs, and all of them except one never said anything bad against Jewish (but of course they don't approve when Israel kills people).

When my Jewish friend tell me that Arabs hate Jews and I provide her this statistics she gets crazy mad again.

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Hi, I actually posted an article from Mondoweiss, but it was taken down for "not being a credible source".

I think if you read the families reactions from there you will be able of answering your own questions.

They quote families looking for disappeared babies for long time, finding them on the bad, and also people tied via their hands on their backs inside bags, eyes blinded.

I don't believe the population would take people with their hands tied and eyes blinded in such a dehumanizing way and put them inside bags.

Here is it:

I'm interested in hearing how the articles answers your questions.


Given that:

a) Israel is military much more powerful than Palestine b) Israel has US cover

Do you think that

a) Hamas was aware of was coming to them after the 7th October, or did they underestimate it?

b) was the Palestinian people aware of what would follow, and did they accept to "pay for it"?

Sorry if my wording makes it seem too cold, or pro Hamas or anti Palestinian or whatever. I just cannot find a better wording

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Today in Germany, the day Germany is ok the ICJ being accused of genocide participation, all the German press could show was the Israeli protest to release their hostages

Hehe. To be true, I gave up on the idea that media are telling the truth: Either they won't tell because they don't want, or they themselves don't know better, or because they are not aware of their bias, or whatever reason.

I see media now as lawyers.

As in a court hearing, each presents the case of his clients (ther countries, their CEOs, their ideologies, whatever).

The mission of the judge is to put the opposing lawyers in contradiction, and each lawyer has the right to contradict everything the other side says: contradict the witnesses, the framing, the questions, everything.

Only then can the judge have a base to decide their mind.

We, news consumers, ar the judges in this analogy: We have to read contradicting media (and I mean not CNN vs FOX, but Western vs non western), to have a minimal chance of expanding the picture and filter what makes sense or not, and see what each lawyer is hiding about his client.

Only then we have a minimal chance of taking a well informed decision.

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I also find weird that so much people just suicide.

Thanks for the info

But that's what Israeli wants..they will vote on someone who can fullfil the same promise

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Its not the first time US does this. 3 years ago they blacklisted ICC member for investigating it's warcrimes in Afghanistan

Palestine is composed of Gaza, West Bank and other terrories.

Israel is stealing land continuously from West Bank and putting settlers illegally there. It's a war crime to put civilian population in occupied Territory.

And I didn't even mention the illegally annexed territory in 1967 and the murder in 1948 to steal the land (Jews had bought 7% of the land up to 1947 and stole more around 46% with the Nakba).