12 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just want an EV company to make the equivalent of a shitty Toyota Prius.

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How did you feel about the L3 charging rate? 50kW isn’t super fast.

Yeah I think they needed horsepower to run some sophisticated models in Matlab, and Apple had a killer educational discount.

If you want to spite this guy, ride a bus.

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Just seemed odd to pay your way into the Apple ecosystem just to wipe it and install Ubuntu

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Techbros love reinventing trains

I remember having my mind blown in college when I saw a Mac Pro tower running Ubuntu in a lab.

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What a coincidence that the best broadcaster who ever lived or will ever live happened to be alive in time for us to record him and immortalize his voice to use for generations to come.

That's why we're doing this, right? Because there's no other human alive who is capable of reading a script as well?

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Yeah, but he’s right about that part. Hybrid cars are just BEVs with more steps that can’t be recharged at home. Maybe useful for planes and other specific applications. Dumb for cars.

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Handling a pet peeve of mine. 3 seconds into the video, he talks about induction stovetops and shows a picture of a glass top radiant stove.

Radiant stoves are just slightly better than electric resistive stoves. They are not induction though they can look similar. People try them and hate them and assume induction is terrible when it isn't.

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Something something book by its title.

The only thing I can think about is if you billed to a university address. A couple electronics outlets I shopped at would give discounts for students and universities.

need a vehicle that sits high

Why does anybody need a vehicle that "sits high"?

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You could even use one from the 1940s if you want!

Assuming your tuner was manufactured later than around 2005 and supports ATSC digital broadcasts. Also makes me wonder when you got your TiVo. I thought they were dead long before everything went digital.

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Technically LBJ killed the small truck with the chicken tax. If nobody can afford to import reasonably sized European and Asian trucks, we're left with whatever the big three churn out.

Yeah, and increasing your buying power can talk you into making a larger purchase than you might otherwise have made.

Huh. Didn’t know TiVo was still around.

We use a Tabo at home. Like TiVo, but primarily for network access from phones/media streamers. Has a similar lifetime subscription too.

Yeah, mine can boil a liter of water in 101 seconds at 450ft altitude.

I had a unique opportunity to directly compare my infrared cooktop (which I mislabeled as resistive) and my new induction cook top, so I did a little experiment to compare them:

TLDR: It boiled water in half the time using roughly half as much energy. Part of that may be due to the test pot being smaller than the burner, but this was the case for both stoves. It's just the induction doesn't heat the space around the pot.

Yeah but that actually works tho

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The closest planet to Earth is Mercury.

On average that is. Mercury is actually the closest planet to every other planet in average. Because when it’s on the other side of the Sun, it’s still pretty close.

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Don’t worry. The next paragraph provided an email address where you can send reports of inaccuracies for them to review.

Maybe specific, but if you do any DIY housework, get an endocscope. Baiscally, a 10 foot long flexible wire with a camera and light at the end. Uses your phone as a screen. Can be had for <$50. So many of my house projects would have been impossible without it. Also good for finding stuff under the couch.

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I don’t get it. For the average consumer, EVs as they exist right now are fine. Charging is generally 20 mins every 2-3 hours and only on road trips. Charging an EV at home is a trivial technical challenge. I understand that there aren’t chargers on street corners, but vehicles are rarely parked more than 20 feet from some kind of electrical service.

The idea of shipping liquid fuel in trucks and dispensing it out of hoses at special fuel stores is just silly. Rolling out that kind of infrastructure is unnecessary, and hydrogen has already showed that it doesn’t work. We only did it with gasoline because there was no other way.

I can see liquid fuel being useful in certain applications, but for the typical consumer, BEVs are the way to go.

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What I love so much about the whole “turning the water off when you brush your teeth” debate is how everyone is basically telling on themselves.

The ADA recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes. Do you think anybody sits there and lets the water wash down the drain for two whole minutes? Or more likely does everyone have terrible dental hygiene?

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She was actually made up to be pretty ugly for most of the first season, but they hotted her up at the end as the result of some magic shit.

I watched it once four years ago, so don’t remember the details.

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I remember a while back when the first comment was always someone debunking the clickbait article headline with a good source and succinct summary. Redditors famously never read the article, but the comments were often better than the article.

Now, you have to scroll down half the page to find any original thought. You see dozens of people spouting nonsense or even defending nonsense because they…don’t want to be wrong?

One example: an image from the 50s displaying a child with their hand caught in a fire pull with a caption explaining that the device would trap the kid at the spot to deter pranksters.

The device was indeed designed to deter pranksters, and it would attach to the user’s wrist, but it would come free. So you would know the kid who did it because they have a thing stuck on their hand.

I recognized the device and had a video demonstrating its proper, safe function. People were still arguing with me.

Why would anyone want to put any creative/intellectual energy into a place like that?

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It’s possible that these vehicles are already built and Tesla needs a way to entice budget conscious buyers to clear out their inventory.

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What’s the play here? Does she not know that people upload highly inaccurate or blatantly fake photos to dating sites all the time?

What problem does this solve?

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Your camera lens is made of several pieces of glass. The glass is designed to admit as much light as possible on to the sensor, but at each layer, a small amount is reflected.

If the source light is bright enough, especially in comparison to the background, these reflections bounce around a bunch and eventually hit the sensor. Normally, any reflections are very faint and get washed out by the rest of the image, but the sun is like 1000x brighter than the sky, so even a weak reflection shows up.

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I remember asking my dad if the Earth ever got heavier besides when meteors landed and babies were born.

I couldn’t comprehend that babies were made out of food. I thought they just came from nothing.

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Electronic product development. Apple releases a iPhone every year, so people think you can start developing a new phone in September and ship 100M of them the following September.

Really became a problem with Kickstarter reporting where some bullshit project would ask for a puny $50k to develop and ship a tiny wrist mounted supercomputer phone and promise to ship in six months, and tech blogs would eat that shit up without an ounce of skepticism.

I even wrote a blog about it

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I remember some kid at a job fair in college handing out his resume on flash drives. I remember one of the booths saying “yeah, that’s not getting read.”

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Magnetic soap holder.

You shove a little metal bit into your soap bar, and the bar dangles from a magnet on a stand that holds it over the sink.

Soap dries quickly, no scum in the soap dish, any drippage falls right into the sink.

Only downside is the magnet falls out when the bar gets smaller, so you have to mash the old bar into the bottom of the new one to keep from wasting it.

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Realize that a lot of traffic laws are more or less designed to make everyone a criminal. That leaves it up to the cop to decide who they like to pull over.

Sprinkle in a little racism and bam! This is America.

We lost five days due to a hurricane. Rather than adding 5 days to the end of the school year, they added 20 minutes to the end of every day or 5 mins to the end of every class.

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You forgot: