73 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If they don't want to be blocked their server admins need to clean it up. As is it sounds if they just don't care or endorse this sort of shit. Fuck em, nazis get out.

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Kid named jpeg compression

'); drop table posts;?

Basically he mods this "shitpost" community over there that consists of transphobia and general alt right shit like Dr fauci and masks being child abuse. I reported a bunch of shit before blocking it and then I get @'d and see he screencapped all the reports and followed it with this wall of text.

Hard-core authoritarian communist. The kinda peeps who support Stalin and shit

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Lmao, yeah imma be real with you I didn't read it all either. It gives me a headache, too much unformatted text. The highlights I got were his love of Elton John and Hemaphroditic cousin

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He's just a Lil guy

Gay is the nature state of the cat maid

I think I just got confused. I was pretty stoned tho. Duvet by Boa is a certified hood classic tho

Dunno, my friend sent me this

It's got copypasta vibes tbh

I'd rather your paperwork was submitted and readable

What a superpower

The Horn of Gondor

Forzen 🥶

Lizard 🦎 🦎 🦎

New copypasta dropped

I have a friend whose asexual and I often joke about him being a wizard because he's not constrained to dumb horny brain like most of us and also he read a bunch of alchemy and black magic books.

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He's just like me fr fr

Apparently possums are quite clean as they are fastidious groomers like cats

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My favorite retro game is probably Mother 1 for the Famicom. Specifically the fan translation of the GBA version. It has a cool atmosphere and challenging game play. Plus the story is pretty good for NES.

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Yeah, the owner did another wall of text because I asked that our instance defed.

Skeletons are so fricking cool

BTW, how is this instance anyways? Is it chill, might jump ship depending on how things go over on

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See back on reddit 196 was the community I mostly interacted with so that sound good to me. I'm straight and cis but y'all are more fun to hang with.

Ah jeez, I'm bad at risk.

Knowing Trump he'd probably still end up being transphobic if she transitioned.

My hot take about Earthbound is that the official translation kinda sucks tho. I've played with the official translation and the Mother 2: Perfect Edition fan translation and greatly preferred the romhack

Oh jeez

Like I've been pretty polite to the people who are saying we shouldn't defed because they think it will further radicalize them or because they disagree with defederating until they become an issue, but I've given up all pretense of civility with the ones who are defending hate speech or um acktuallying me.

Yeah I got called a bigot for saying I don't see why I should be civil with people justifying why hate speech is "free speech"🙃

They once had to blow up the moon to beat Goku tho

Incomprehensible, have a nice day

Avg recipe blog

Me when I see the elderly

Mushrooms and coke, sounds like a hell of an evening.

You just need your glasses. You are seeing double and a bit

Hell naw, they sogged him

It's because he dresses like the nesquick rabbit imo.