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If you’re here just to find out what this article says is the “one big reason,” it’s “because old people like their jobs.”

This despicable fuck is aging, and the future can’t come fast enough.

This story is fucked. He was wrongfully convicted and then set free, gets $800k compensation in August, then pulled over (looks like they’re still coming up with a reason for pulling him over), threatened I’m sure with more jail (essentially provoked), tased then shot.

I think some fucking cops were after him and pissed that the dude got paid.

Video link from a comment below. Not a good look for the guy. Hard video to watch.

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This is the most simp-y shit I’ve ever heard of. You don’t bail out a billionaire.

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God I am so fucking tired of hearing about the 2020 election. Republicans are so exhaustingly insane.

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It’s just incredible that the guy is in a legal battle about mishandling intelligence materials, and we’re even talking about giving him access to more of them. This country is absolute brain rot.

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Someone noted that basically all of the media from the Arab Spring—which was a massive Twitter moment—has been wiped out.

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He didn’t build any of that shit.

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That’s how shit looks after it burns. You ever seen a campfire? And cloud cover or smoke filters daylight which actually reveals a lot of natural color. Think about what your town looks like on an overcast day vs a clear one.

The end of the article is great:

For his part, Mr. Raskin has tried to come up with creative ways to invoke Mr. Trump’s criminal cases without running afoul of the ruling.

During a recent floor speech, he made reference to an “unmentionable American felon, one of 19 million in the country” and an “unrepentant and anonymous convicted felon from New York” without mentioning the former president by name. He referred to Mr. Trump’s hush-money case as “the trial whose very existence must be sent down the Orwellian memory hole to save someone’s hurt feelings.”

In the interview, he noted that no rule could erase the facts of Mr. Trump’s status as a felon.

“I’m afraid the Republicans have now invited a contest for how creative we can be in talking about Donald Trump’s criminal convictions without explicitly stating those words,” Mr. Raskin said.

I learned these real quick in the workplace as a young adult, around a coworker with a mentally disabled child, and with a coworker who was gay. The abstraction is what made using such crude language easy. As soon as I knew someone affected by the words, I snapped out of it.

Abstraction, come to think of it, is what permits a lot of bad behavior.

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God, worse than I was expecting. I thought it would just swap Christians/heathens.

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Couldn’t find the human in the photo right away so I thought this was a self-own about being single.

Trump bragged of winning both the club championship trophy and the senior club championship trophy at the Trump International Golf Club in Florida.

Biden tweeted from his personal account that it was “quite the accomplishment” for the former president to win a pair of trophies from his own club:

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I really hate every picture of her. It is so frustrating trying to square how weird she looks with how much power she holds.

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As someone who knew an actual good cop (grew up with him): They quit. That’s what he did. That’s all they can do. Because speaking up just ruins your career path. So they choose to go along or they change careers entirely.

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I watched the video and what that guy did was indefensible.

I say “Elon Musk’s Twitter” like would I say “Joel Schumacher’s Batman” — to identify it as the worst version of the thing.

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Bert doesn’t strike me as the hand-washing type, if I’m being honest.

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Memmy on iOS is promising. Some bugs, but I see the intention (Apollo refugee).

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Fuck the heritage foundation

Look at the degradation. I found it, made a new screenshot, and am sharing it now. enjoy

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Wait for the headlines where he’s fighting with the other candidates. That’s when you know he’s really suffering. Can’t wait for his campaign of hatred to sink.

I think I have this same bug [humps comment button]


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Website trying to get me to set up an account to read?

Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative who served as an adviser to Donald Trump, was secretly recorded at Mar-a-Lago spilling the beans on the former president’s strategy to challenge the results of the 2024 election should he lose again.

The self-described “dirty trickster” of right-wing politics unknowingly divulged the plan to liberal reporters Lauren Windsor and Ally Sammarco, who posed as Trump fans and covertly videotaped him at a “Catholics Prayer for Trump” event on March 19. The recordings were first reported by Rolling Stone.

The remarkably candid conversation is just the latest released by Windsor and her left-leaning sting group, The Undercurrent, in recent weeks—and comes on the heels of headline-grabbing tapes that captured both Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, weighing in on a number of hot button culture war issues facing the court and the country.

Stone, who was a key figure in Trump’s “Stop the Steal” efforts following the 2020 election, characterized his plan to challenge election results in 2024 with three pillars: “Lawyers, judges, technology.” He also bragged that the Trump campaign occupied strong “offensive footing” this time around.

“In some states, it’ll be easier to stop. In other places it won’t,” Stone told Sammarco. “At least this time when they do it, you have a lawyer and a judge, his home phone number standing by so you can stop it,” apparently referring to the certification of 2024 results.

“We made no preparations last time, none,” he added.

Stone also tacitly endorsed storming the Capitol building after Sammarco told him she was at the insurrection.

“That may not be necessary,” Stone continued. “There are technical, legal steps we have to take to try to have a more honest election.”

Stone noted during the conversation that the Trump campaign is attempting to change state voting laws and plans to immediately file a number of lawsuits seeking to change the results should the former president lose again, as Trump allies did in Michigan and several other states in 2020.

“We should be suing in a half a dozen places,” Stone said of the Michigan lawsuit, adding that the RNC’s war chest would be tapped to fund the various lawsuits.

The Trump campaign launched 62 lawsuits contesting the results of the election across the country in 2020. However, most were quickly dismissed or dropped due to a lack of standing or evidence, according to Bloomberg Law.

Stone told Windsor that the Trump campaign even has governors who are ready to contest this November’s election results—though he qualified, candidly, that there “aren’t many” willing to put their reputation on the line in service of the former president.

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I’m sorry to be this way, but both are acceptable. Lede has never been formally or universally adopted, and is more a remnant of an industry effort toward low-context clarity due to the word being a homonym. There are countless records of journalists using the traditional spelling when using in the context of writing an article.

Again, I hate myself for being like this.

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It’s not an easy choice to cut off an interview like this. I’m certain the producers in the control room had to do the calculus on whether to allow her to seed horrible misinformation and “appear” “neutral” (I know, I know), or cut her off and appear to be “suppressing the truth” (AGAIN… I know).

She came onto the show with exactly this intent. It was a win-win for the Trump campaign to pull this kind of bullshit. They’re all so fucking rotten.

For what goes on in this video I’d say that’s a pretty good number.

Didn’t he bus his Florida supporters to Iowa to create better crowds? Sad!

* snaps *

Wallet & phone
Give your wallet & phone
Think twice about walking
Down this alley alone!

“Fucker’s settin’ up franchises”

Americans are not a monolith, dude. A lot of us have grown up well-aware of the Israel-Palestine conflict, among other nuanced conflicts in the Middle East. Plenty of Americans have not forgotten about Ukraine, either. Quit scolding people on a website likely populated with much more liberal users. Jesus Christ.

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Oh I understood the tone and it made me laugh. Sorry you got downvoted tho

Are they on the moon because earth didn’t understand their love? 

New Jersey. Whadya gonna do.

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Dan Crenshaw is a proper shithead politician, just google his ass


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Agreed, but I will say it’s easy for Epic to have a “backbone” when it involves not paying out $200k. Seems like a perfect scenario for them, unless runner up makes a claim to the prize money.

The gray area of them playing from Belarus is not so gray in my opinion. Everyone knows they have Russian’s hand up their ass.

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Hope it’s enough. She barely made it last election, so I’ve got hope her constituents are getting tired of her bs.

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