Joe Biden Tees Off On Trump With A Most Backhanded 'Congratulations' to politics – 151 points –
Joe Biden Tees Off On Trump With A Most Backhanded 'Congratulations'

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Trump bragged of winning both the club championship trophy and the senior club championship trophy at the Trump International Golf Club in Florida.

Biden tweeted from his personal account that it was “quite the accomplishment” for the former president to win a pair of trophies from his own club:

I also like this one:

“Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, I have crushing debt, and I’m completely wiped out,’” Biden said at a fundraiser. “And I had to look at him and say, ‘Donald, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.’”

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Didn't this exact scenario happen with Kim Jong Un playing golf in North Korea? (I mean, I know that's their general shtick anyway, but still)

Dear leader scored 18 straight holes-in-one, and furthermore accomplished this feat whilst riding a patriotic unicorn and leading its vulnerable offspring to a new, highly advanced North Korean Unicorn Habitat, simultaneously fighting off multiple waves of Capitalist Bear and Tiger covert assault forces!

a large and golfing talented membership

It’s awkward phrasing and needs a hyphen between golfing and talented, but I think it’s generally cromulent. The way I read it is that it was a challenge because there’s a large number of members who are talented at golfing.

That said, when it’s your club, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the trophy. You can do anything.

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