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Joined 1 years ago

Shit or get off the pot.

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I'm not going to tell you that you're managing your information wrong. I would physically die if I had ever more than 20 tabs (my ADHD couldn't handle it).

But I think you might be using the wrong tool. A browser (like Firefox) is not really designed as an information manager. It's primary purpose is navigating and visualizing web pages. So when you talk about "a few megabytes of text and images" thats not what your browser sees. Your browser handles more than just the text and images. It also handles fetching and prefetching, a browser history for every tab, a JS context and much much more.

What you want is some kind of personalized archiving system that processes websites into machine processable (ie searchable) structures. Firefox is not that. Maybe data hoarder communities will have the answers you seek.

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Yes. But the state still has to prove that what you did was a) a Nazi thing and b) that you either knew or should have known it was so.

So if you show the Hitler salute, you'll be arrested and fined. If you give a speech in which you suggest that immigrants need to learn "the liberating power of work" (referencing the Motto of Auschwitz "Arbeit macht Frei" "Work makes Free") that is totally fine.

Being a democracy has nothing to do with committing war crimes.

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"We totally would have saved the climate if you had only paid us enough." Bitch, please.

The trillions the oil industry has earned over the years were not enough?
You had enough money, you had the knowledge of the problem and what you could do to fix it and you had enough time to change your strategy from lieing and denying.

The only thing you didn't have was the will to give up a single cent to help clean up the damage you have done.

Imagine what could have been done with half of the 52 trillion the oil and gas industry earned in the last 50 years (that's without coal, even). Imagine how far we could have developed renewable energy sources. What we could have achieved with carbon capture. What could be done today if the fossil industries propaganda hadn't turned climate change into a question of political opinions.

Fuck that guy. He and his ilk created this mess and they got fat of it. He doesn't get to shift blame.

Presumably there is a way to challenge this decision in court. And tbh I like this way of handling it better. Trump does not meet the basic requirements of being a president, which are:

  • Must be over 35. ✔️

  • Must be born in the USA. ✔️

  • Must not be an insurrectionist. ❌

If a 32 year old was frontrunner to become the candidate for either party, you wouldn't expect a court proceeding to disqualify them. Same here.

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The first randomized, controlled clinical study to attempt to study this “reversal” protocol’s effectiveness came to an abrupt stop in 2019, after three participants landed in the hospital hemorrhaging blood.

The general horrificness of this aside. How do you recruit participants for a study like this? "Do you want to be pregnant but don't mind having an abortion? Would you like an abortion but don't mind if you actually get it reversed?"

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Don't actually tear down church buildings though.

Many of them are beautiful and even if the morals of the Organisation(s) that built them are, to put it mildly, "outdated", it is still a huge part of our cultural history.

Use the spaces to open "sexual health centers" (like Planned Parenthood on steroids), libraries, and in like 1 or 2 per continent you could create memorial centers to keep alive the memories of the suffering created by organized, doctrinal religion.

Moving past a phase of our cultural development has to include remembering that phase. The church buildings turned to useful purpose will be powerful monuments.

I don't think that is an accurate reading of what he is expressing. Crate (his company) is a smallish indie studio that makes high quality games (in my opinion) and supports them long term with both paid DLCs and free updates.

He made that statement when talking about Embracer Group that was looking to buy Crate. When he told them "we are currently working on an RTS" they said "Why don't you make something multi platform and a different genre instead?" (i.e. a cashgrab) to which his reply was "you can't buy my company, fuck off".

RTS are inherently limited to PC. RTS are not popular as eSports anymore. His company is making one not because they want a short term profit, but because he thinks they could make a great one for a niche target group that will stay loyal for a long time (e.g. their 2016 game Grim Dawn just got a massive free content update and a new story DLC in February this year).

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Because they see "Jew" and think "Zionist".

Actually, no.

The science is quite precise, if largely theoretical. Neither the article nor the study it is based on are doomerism. If you'd read it you would have found the following paragraph:

Their results showed that we're not necessarily headed for certain climate doom. We might follow quite a regular and predictable trajectory, the endpoint of which is a climate stabilization at a higher average temperature point than what we have now.

Basically they are saying "this new method (which is a very macroscale perspective) does not predict a stabilization at preindustrial climate given the amount of change the system already has experienced. Also if we really want to we can probably kick earth into a runaway greenhouse system".

They do not claim that we are already at that point nor that we will inevitably cross it. Only that it is possible for us to do it.

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Also beverages when hosting a party. No need to buy name brand when store brand is half the cost and will get drank the same anyway.

People will drink it, but they may also remember. I have a cousin at whose house I turn tea-totaller, because the beer & wine they offer at parties is literally the cheapest stuff available and it's fucking horrible.

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Because a Nation (and I know this sounds crazy) is not a person. You can do many things a country can't and vice versa.

For example, you can make a rule that in your house black people do not get sweet foods. It's a dick move but not illegal. A country is not allowed to make a law that says black people can't eat sweet foods, because that would be racist discrimination (which is illegal for the government to do in most countries).

Another example: You can poop (like you did when posting that question). A country does not have a digestive tract and in fact does not eat and can therefore not poop.

You don't. The only thing you need their permission for is to work with them (by putting something in their stores). I feel it's reasonable to give them that power.

As a Berliner, it doesn't match my memory either. I don't have historical data other than my own shitty memory, but I remember vaguely getting upset at Döner prices during the Pandemic being above 3,50€ (so in 2020).

It's a trilogy of children's books, where the first two get a movie each and the last book is split into 2.

[IANAL] In Germany only specific types of hate speech are criminal. These are:

  • Use of Nazi symbols and slogans for other than artistic or educational purposes (things like the Swastika, the SS logo, or the Nazi salute, but not more modern versions like the "white power" guesture and similar)

  • Direct calls for violence against groups or individuals

  • Denying that the Holocaust happened or trivializing it's extend

Other forms of hate speech might be cause for civil suits or may oblige the platform provider to remove your speech, but do not rise to a criminal offence.

Again: I am not a lawyer.

Inconveniencing oil execs achieves absolutely nothing. You will never change someone's opinion whose livelyhood depends on holding that opinion. The climate crisis will not be confronted by oil execs and any meaningful measures will not have their support. Protesting them is a waste of time.

The only way to achieve anything is to increase the immediate right-now cost of doing nothing over the cost of doing something. The cost in annoyance, money, time and for the people that can be persuaded, ie. the general public.

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This article seems bad.

The only sources cited are RAC (Retailers Against Crime) and their employees. If there really had been a major bust against organised crime as they claim, wouldn't there be confirmation by the Scottish police (who RAC is cited as claiming they cooperated with and made these arrests?).

So why is not a single government or police source being cited? Did they just copy a press release from RAC?

What I would like instead is a browser that treats tabs more like virtual machines that you can roll back, suspend to disk and resume. Little package of data that get frozen in time and are externally searchable.

Maybe look at ArchiveBox. IIRC it has pretty much everything you ask for including an import from your browser history and bookmarks.

Also: Hello Officer. No I wear these zebra stripes on my clothing and the googly eyes on the back of my hat for religious reasons, not to confuse your drone swarm. What do you mean I'm under arrest?

Specifically for Ukraine there is also the fact that, when your country is under attack, nationalists are the first ones to sign up to fight the invaders. It's like their whole thing. And the intersection in the Venn diagram of Nazis and nationalists is usually almost a circle.

Huh. Cool stuff. Today I tee-totally learned something new.

Imagine the old black&white but with chatgpt level creature AI and propper gesture recognition...

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"credible reports" (but low confidence) of some employees of UNRWA participating in the attack. No evidence at all that UNRWA had partnered with Hamas or supported the attacks.

What that means is "somebody said that some people that work for UNRWA also participated in the attacks but we have found no proof either way."

Command & Conquer Red Alert (I think 2 as well)

You can find them at

They have reimplementation of Command & Conquer, Red Alert and Dune 2000. Excellent work really.

For me it was kind of the opposite. I care less about getting shit faced and more about flavours. Getting buzzed is just a pleasant side effect.

That and of course Slay The Spire, IMHO peak rogue like deck builder.

You can turn down everything to minimal (so maximal battery life) and have a perfect playing experience with that.

Only 1 concurrent player per copy in the family library. So to play together you'd still have to both buy the game.

Matlab exists for Linux and is the same as on Windows. LibreOffice is a fully functioning office suit for Linux.

I can't speak to SOLIDWORKS, their website only lists a windows version. There is however some community work being done here And it looks like they have it running.

Given that Fedora and Ubuntu are listed on that github, you should probably start with either one of those.

For a complete beginner I'd recommend Ubuntu, since it's a solid distro with huge wealth on online support available.

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I'm not down voting you because I disagree with your pick, but because this answer needs to be at the very bottom of the thread.

Fair enough I can see that.