
15 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

ITT people who think all coffee is like the Z-tier roasted-until-burnt held-until-stale blasphemy they serve at Starbucks.

ITT people who think all tea is the result of oversteeping a lipton bag in a cup in the microwave.

ITT people who think any random plant plus hot water is "tea" but are oddly specific about what is "coffee".

sees headine oh, that's good news!

sees source oh it's gay fox, which means it's probably sensationalized to the point that the headline is a lie, because that's what they do over there.

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what an awful article. some people on twitter speculated about some things. journalism!

cowardice isn't manly

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i didn't make it, but my read on it was as a critique of male-gendered products go over the top injecting "masculinity" into their branding. they do mention the pink tax ("20% cheaper for no reason!"), i don't know that reactionaries would include something like that. Either way, I agree wholeheartedly that tampons for men who need them should be normalized.

i was diagnosed early in childhood. my parents chose to believe it was fake and more than once actually pleaded with me to explain why beating me senseless every other day didn't make the behavior stop.

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Is that what's happening here though? I don't have any context for this and there's no obvious tell (that I could find) that the business is Jewish-owned and that it wasn't put up by the owner, just looks like a small business taking an anti-genocide stance to me.

If the context is what you're saying though, that's fucked. Jews deserve blame for the actions of the extremists running the Israeli state the way Christians deserve blame for the actions of MAGA - these fascist groups don't represent the religion or the people they're just wearing it as a hat.

EDIT: To the reader: I should have read farther, another reply chain provides context that

  1. this is in fact a Jewish-owned business, and

  2. this specific Jewish-owned business has expressed a pro-Palestine stance on its Facebook account (specifically, its pfp is a palestine flag overlaid with a raised fist encircled by the words "Free Palestine End The Occupation").

It seems very unlikely that this is a targeted act of hate, and PerogiBoi should be ashamed of themself for inventing a narrative out of whole cloth based on one factual detail and then proceeding to decry everyone else as "reactionary".

so? nothing worth reading there anyway.

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oh they still are, mom likes to work "subtle" transphobia into every single conversation so she can act like a victim when I point it out, and my dad told me in so many words to go fuck my freeloading self for wanting to crash his guest room and stop being lazy and sensitive when I found myself unemployable and facing homelessness after moving to be closer to family after my wife took her own life and my living situation fell through. good christian folks you know?

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it's because (in the US at least) the "Skinhead" subculture has been colonized by neo-nazis to such an extent that they're basically synonymous. also falling back on pedantries like "I'm not a nazi because I'm not a member of the german national socialist party" is how nazis try to deflect people calling them out.

edit: just realized you said it was /r/bald... very strange that people on /r/bald would start calling someone a nazi for having a shaved head. i think you got called a nazi for something else, and the content of this comment makes me think they were right.

e2: account is 10 days old, refers to women as "females", and likes to whine about anti-white racism. tag appropriately

e3: a reddit account with the same username exists, but they've had a bot overwrite their comment history with gibberish. can't find shit from them posted to /r/bald, so it looks like that's just an out and out lie. why would you tell on yourself this hard?

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shitty fearmongering propaganda outlet does shit thing to their website that will only drive away users thereby hampering their own ability to propagandize and fearmonger. no sorry i don't see what's wrong with this picture. never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.

I actually had Cyberpunk in mind because my friend is currently obsessed and acts like the issue is that I failed at liking it and need to be fixed by having it crammed down my throat. I'm a brokeass with very few dollars to vote with but hard agree on "stop giving big studios money for making franchise shovelware", especially those three you mentioned and also bethesda.

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do what? look good while it chokes on itself? because i'd say unity did that even better.

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requiring my students to create Lemmy accounts

No. Nobody likes registering accounts for random services because an authority figure told them they had to, I feel like if it were me I would do the bare minimum of interacting that I was required to and never look at the service again out of resentment.

not every trans person gets genital surgery, in fact the majority don't. additionally, in many states your birth cert can't be amended so then not even everyone who's had genital reassignment may use the restroom legally. that bit is there specifically to make it sound halfway reasonable to the uninformed who think transition is a surgery.

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"criming on people for being minorities should not be a crime in itself because muh freeze peach" lmao what an idiotic take

political memes in 2024 be like:

  • octogenarian with laser eyes

  • reskinned voldemort vs dumbledore memes

  • recycled memes from 20 years ago that used to be about Al Gore

  • weird tribalist overreactions to said recycled memes because we stan billionaires as long as the correct people put on a show of hating them, apparently.

  • shitting on grossly underpaid workers because their industry forces them to rely on gratuity

  • im gigachad and you're wojak

Fox news pulled out the old "rich liberal having a private jet makes them a hypocrite because emissions" nugget they've been falling back on since the 2000 election (if not longer, that was the year i started following politics) and now it's getting astroturfed everywhere like it's a brand spanking new meme and not the same old conservative media tripe. more meaningless culture war shit, basically.

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Terrific advice in this thread, definitely start on flat ground (hell i started off practicing ollies in the grass) and wear helmet/pads (some people might give you shit about these; those people are idiots), BUT:

You absolutely will eat shit from time to time, and you have to accept this and be ready for it. I must have tumbled down the side of the bowl 50 times before I finally dropped in successfully, and it was worth every scrape and bruise.

Someone else said "learn to fall." I'll go one further and say if you have the means to do so then take a judo or parkour class - they will teach you how to minimize injury when you hit the ground.

Also, it's not a terrible idea to walk an area before you skate it, and note large cracks/gaps in the sidewalk, scattered bits of gravel, etc. so it isn't a suprise when/if you run over them.

she ran out of Earthsea to rip off and she has nothing else

ITT gamers melt down and act like rowdy children when other people have opinions about games

edit: guys guys guys Larian studios will be fine, you don't need to defend them or shame me into compliance because BG3 doesn't look enjoyable to me. Jesus christ you'd think I was trying to take the game away from everyone.

edit2: guys capcom isn't going to sleep with you because you bravely defended the literally 40th Street Fighter title against some rando's disinterest and failure to hail it as a great moment in gaming or something. sheesh.

After Cyberpunk I decided to be done paying $50+ to take up a quarter of my disk with a highly-acclaimed game that turns out to be the same old cookie-cutter 3D game with an expensive makeover. Anymore I mostly just play small indie games that friends recommend, and generally have a way better experience for it.

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been waiting over a decade, still janky. don't hold your breath.

I am very lucky to have landed in a lovely and accepting community where people truly care about each other, and as a bonus the landscape is jawdroppingly beautiful, so at least a there was a good outcome at the end of it. The US South is no place for anyone who isn't cis, het, white, male, nominally "Christian" in a way that would absolutely shock Jesus of Nazereth to his core, and neurotypical, and it's mindblowing to me how much better my general mental state is just for being away from that culture.

This was back when it was new - my thoughts the entire 30 hours I was playing were things like:

"Johnny Silverhand is more annoying than Jar Jar and I will do anything to not hear his stupid fucking voice anymore" "this 'hacking' is one of the worst minigames I've ever seen" "the setting is ripped straight from PK Dick and doesn't feel like it really lends anything to the story besides 'high tech stuff that looks flashy on screen'" "oh the background i spend ten minutes consiering before choosing does fuckall about shit except slightly reword a few dialogs" "my god, every single character is insufferable" "oh wow, my inventory is full again already, and not a single thing in it is worth fuck for shit" "these physics are just as shitty as that Witcher 3 game I wasted money on last year" "this button feels really awkward to press when i need it but i don't feel like editing the config by hand again" "holy shit when will this cutscene be over? There we g- DAMN IT THERE'S MORE? STFU ALREADY"

It was buggy but the bugs were the least of my worries. I came away feeling like I was promised Mexican food and then was given a cold soggy leftover Taco Bell burrito, and frankly after having basically the same experience with the super-awesome totally-finished fully-patched all-dlc-included GotY version of The Witcher 3 I really don't trust CDPR to fix shit.

"MLK envisioned a post-racism society in a speech once and I don't know a single other thing about him, so we should ignore racism entirely and never, ever work to counter it"

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more like

"have you seen Mindless Action 7: Ultimate CG 3: The Reckoning yet?"

no, I don't keep up with Marvel movies, they just don't appeal to me.

"well it's insert 30 minute lore dump and it ties into the ending of Space Hero Movie 3 because insert 20 minute side rant about Space Mask Guy's entire history while also being an indirect sequel to Weird Magic Dude 6 because of when Weird Magic Dude altered the timeline by extended synopsis of Weird Magic Dude 2, 5, and 6 which ties into the Unremarkables Netflix series, that's why indicipherable gibberish, and then The Bulk eats a car with Alien Skin Chin inside and Shrinky Dinky has to get him back out again! It's amazing, you gotta see it!"

idk man i watched Metal Noggin and Space Hero Movie and didn't really care for either of them, the genre just doesn't appeal to me. i'm glad you have a thing you like but it's not really my bag.

goes to internet "why are people so vocal about not liking marvel movies, as if we care?".

It's all too common when anti-phrenology people don't understand phreno101.

the "have an app-y day" makes me irrationally angry

this is news to all of us greymuzzles with multiple decades invested in the fandom

even in the deepest depths of my "bitter newly-deconverted atheist" phase i always found the bible and its history downright fascinating. mainline christians and critical atheists alike sell it so short.

if we're gonna randomly pedant on people it's "anglicization". not that anyone cares.

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basically everything beyond launching itunes/safari/whatever is tucked away in weird non-obvious places. i literally had to have someone show me how to get the list of all apps (it's called something absolutely baffling that i've since forgotten) after clicking on and combing through things for like half an hour. the longest it's taken me to suss out the same, to get a list of applications, on literally any other OS has been seconds, maybe a minute at longest.

so yeah, my example is the single most basic thing a user should be able to do in order to use the computer, is so unintuitive on mac that a grown ass adult who is a chronic distro-hopper needed help figuring it out. and god forbid you want to change a setting beyond the wifi, screen brightness, and audio volume.

my wife would be legit stoked, she loves weird huge creepy crawlies.

SCOTUS knows that Haley polls better against Biden than Trump does. It's in the interest of their owners that they block him from running.

linguistic prescriptivism is for weird losers bent on controlling others' thoughts. the joke is fine, i think you're upset about something else here.

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i see a couple commenters in semi-relevant professions so i'd like to ask: when i die i don't want to be pickled and buried, nor belched into the atmosphere as a plume of carbon. (i like the idea of my remains being placed on a body farm where they can go back to nature but i don't really know where to start looking into a thing like that.) to whom and how can i donate my remains with assurance things like this won't happen?

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no you must be shamed into compliance with my opinion that Age Old Franchise 5 (the fifty-fourth Age Old Franchise game) was decent and acceptable therefore AAA is good.

I'd like to add that anyone messing around with anything in that area should be aware that the airbag is very much capable of taking your head off and throwing it into the back seat so make damn sure you know what you're doing.

switch to my Furoticon (link NSFW!) deck, of course.

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