14 Post – 272 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Using a mouse is great for some games like OpenTTD!

Really would be amazing if godot became the Blender of the games world. A serious open source contender used by major studios.

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Ask Historians had so much high quality content and there strict moderating ensured it stayed that wau

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Not having kids because of climate change is stupid. You are leaving the world in the hands of people who care less than you.

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More catastrophic than any of that would be the loss of Google Cloud Platform. A huge amount of the Internet runs on Google cloud platform, millions of businesses, even Spotify and Twitter are hosted on Google cloud platform. So unless they have a hybrid-cloud strategy, which I can guarantee for 99.99999% they do not, then a huge section of the Internet and business in general goes down.

I don't understand, it seems perfectly reasonable - people are just so used to these products being sold at a loss or at cost and subsidised by huge companies.

I would happily pay extra to not be tied to a massive corporation.

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Sounds like both things are a problem?

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N o s h I t

Satirical candidate that pretends to be from outer space beat a racist party in the London Mayor election

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This is just the continuation of the instagrammification if reddit. They want to turn it into a influencer platform where people are desperately trying to make money so that they can take a big cut of it.

Literally the opposite of friendly. Already in the hello world you have two imports for extremely basic functionality (why should I have to import the ability to throw exceptions??) and a completely enigmatic symbol ' that apparently has a significant function.

A "friendly" programming language should be readable without knowing esoteric symbols.

Really got my hopes up with that headline that it'd be a python-level intuitive-to-read language with static typing.

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Wow, didn't expect a company like ProSonus to do something like this, this is a big deal! Tbh hadn't heard of Studio One but Linux is getting noticed in the audio world, this is a great sign. You can claw Ardour from my cold dead hands but it's always great to see more software brought to Linux and always up for trying a new DAW.

Drive the speed limit, it's there for a reason. Don't be so selfish.

The way they pointed it out was rude and condescending, we don't need that behaviour.

Now if only my people I knew used signal instead of WhatsApp 🤦‍♀️

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I see you have no money... I'm going to have to charge you for that

Nationally, COVID-19 remains the primary cause of new respiratory hospitalizations and deaths, resulting in about 1,000 fatalities a week.

1000 deaths a week? This seems like it should be newsworthy no?

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Chevalier d'Éon spent the last years of her life recognised by the king as a woman from 1777.

The term transgender is 20th century, but transgender people have always existed

I strongly disagree with this, any error message shown to the user should be helpful to the user

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The main issue I take with this is saying it is off the record.

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Apple's constant anti-interoperability stance is the core reason I do not and will not own their products

In that scenario, Google Voice is your carrier, so it's the same

Programming took a lot of goes before it clicked. Having a real goal instead of just doing tutorials really helped.

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Bbc breaking news stories like this often start as a very small article and are updated rapidly to give more information

Don't install it then - easy!

Unions should not be a controversial thing, they should be standard practice

Yep. Norfolk, full of em.

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Looks like they have put a lot of thought into it so I'm keen to see where they get with it. My concern with these kind of changes is that they often end up trying to guess what the user wants, which creates an unpredictable behaviour that is then more annoying than it is helpful.

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Maybe disarm everyone?

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You can do this using gparted, however I would recommend you back everything up before you do it as this is very risky if you have not done it before, you can easily destroy all of your data.

Depending on the layout of your drive you would need to reduce the size of your windows partition. Be aware that you cannot increase the size of a partition from the start of the partition, only the end, so you may need to move your fedora partition to the left before your expand the partition to fill the available space

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My Aiwa P22 micro hifi from 1978. Very nice, compact and sounds great.

It's mind boggling that having an easy to use local environment wasn't the first thing cloud providers did

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Facepalm emoji

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Tiny refillable perfume bottle so I don't have to bring a big glass bottle when travelling

Seems like nobody had heard of it until it shut down... No wonder it shut down

It is not meth. It is amphetamine though

Somebody that has retired and is living off their pension:

Haven't watched it but could be this:

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