What's your lemmy app of choice?

christophski@feddit.uk to Android@lemmy.world – 42 points –

I'm currently using Jerboa but curious to know whether any of the ones popping up are a better experience!


Sync for Lemmy but it's a bit basic right now

That was mean... And awesome!

Any chance for alpha/internal testers like we were on the Sync for Reddit?

Wink, wink!

Cheers brother! Nice to see you around here.

Connect for Lemmy.

It's being updated to add features and fix bugs pretty much daily. Which means it is improving at a crazy speed.

It's come a long way since I first started using it - about 3 days ago!

Another (mostly) happy Connect user here! It's crazy the blistering pace at which the Dev keeps pumping out updates. I keep alternating between Connect and Thunder. I think Liftoff still needs some UI polish and it doesn't handle jumping to communities in different instances very gracefully.

Right?? if the dev keeps going as strong as it's been so far I can see Connect being a competent option even after Sync Launches.

Connect here too. Jerboa kept crashing on me. When it did load it couldn't connect. When it could connect it wouldn't load in icons and left some posts blank.

Jerboa, Thunder, and Liftoff.

  • Jerboa is the most complete, but it's not very good... It's slow and the UI is very bland.
  • Thunder is great, and has some very nice features. It's still pretty buggy though.
  • Liftoff might be the best out of these 3, but there's some very bad bugs/problems when dealing with separate instances.

IMO. I use Lemmy on desktop most of the time anyways.

Using Liftoff, it's pretty good!

Liftoff is still 'early access' and yet... so polished. It immediately became my go-to.

I can't believe that just a couple of weeks ago, we had a single (Android) solution. Suddenly, it's hard to keep track of all the clients...

I literally have 5 installed. Exciting times. The birth of a social network.

Yeah just found it today and I quite like it so far. Had been using Jerboa but the after v0.0.37 that was pushed out made it's just crashing on startup since I was logged into lemmy.world. However I would like to see an option to not merge the feeds of all logged in accounts. I prefer a UX to switch what account I'm viewing with and see only the subscriptions of the selected account.

Apparently my desired feature is already present. From the Home tab the Subscribed/Local/All button expands to let you pick which logged in account to show.

Connect for Lemmy on Android.

Jerboa had too many breaking bugs for me.

I'm testing connect right now and so far it works very well. Unfortunately Jerboa crashed for me all the time since the last update. I'm still hoping for a bacon reader version for Lemmy.

So far Liftoff has my vote on Android.

I am unable to find it in the playstore. Could you link to it? There are too many apps called "LiftOff" haha

Honestly, not sure at this point. Jerboa has the fullest features as far as everything goes. Every other app has been missing some key functionally for me to varying degrees. Not to say any of them aren't good, but none have truly, ultimately impressed me yet. Sync was my go-to on Reddit, so I have very high hopes for that launch. If I had to pick one alternative that I could use, but still doesn't quite tic all the boxes, it's Thunder. Especially right now, as Jerboa crashes on launch.

EDIT: Liftoff is where it's at. It has all the features other third-party apps are still missing.

I was using Jerboa but it seems a little unstable, had it crash on me a number of times.

Currently I'm using wefwef as a Chrome app thing.


Liftoff all the way! At the moment is miles away. Hopefully more will step up in near future.

Wefwef has been great and it's a PWA so no need to download.

Thunder, until Sync for Lemmy is released

Edit: okay, Liftoff is pretty good

browser. i'll revisit that decision in a few months.

Same. I've installed a few apps to keep an eye on their development, but web is still my favourite for now. Some of the apps have gestures and easily collapsible threads, but UIs aren't completely polished yet.

Try wefwef it's a web app with gesture support. Seems to be one of the more featured GUIs so far.

I'm using wefwef which looks a bit like Apollo. It's browser based but you can install it on your home screen as a browser app.


WefWef is SOLID. Nothing will ever be Apollo but this definitely a easy transition from it.

I guess so I never used Apollo I used to use infinity for reddit but I'm definitely liking it so far except up voting or downvoting is two taps away instead of one.

edit: it's one tap away I'm still learning how to use it sorry.

Is it made recently? It often throws errors how it can't load content.

it was made recently but I haven't had any errors as of now.

Maybe I'll have to install it from a different browser

I'm using it on Mull which is a fork of Firefox with uBlock Origin activated and so far no issues. so it should probably work even better on a chromium based browser. I might try later just to see the stability.

It got updated and I thought that was that, but after some time of browsing it just refuses to work sometimes.

Jerboa, but can't wait for Sync to be released. If it's anything like the Reddit app, it'll be amazing (obviously after many iterations and testing etc).

Wefwef looks really simple slick and Apollo like. Those are win for me.

Jerboa is the best Boost-like app for me but Liftoff has been a good alternative to .17 instances

At the moment I'm just using the website, added to my home screen from the firefox app. It formats just fine on mobile, and it has all the features.

I was using Jerboa. But after a lot of bugs in last few versions I currently trying other apps.

Currently alternating between Connect and Wefwef

Thunder is pretty amazing right now.

Agreed, the update from yesterday really made it daily driver material!

I just wish these clients would take some cues from the way Relay does its "List" view. Thunder's list view is getting there, but it's still way too crowded. Connect's is worse, it's just evenly spaced details for each post, which then blends into the space between each post.

Wefwef until it exploted on lemmy.world, Jerboa is dead with lemmy.world as well...

Man, lemmy.world really needs to fix their instance to make it at time when "the big migration" happens.

For now I'm using Liftoff and Connect, with honorable mentions to Lemming and Thunder.

Actually I use all of them lol.

Liftoff, it's functional and looks good. Waiting to try Sync for Lemmy, though.

Started with Jerboa but started having issues with it. Now trying Liftoff and will probably give Connect a try also.

Connect for lemmy works great for me so far. Though it doesn't support wide screens very well.

Started with Jerboa, but it started crashing on me yesterday (plus, it apparently isn't working right now with lemmy.world). So I tried Liftoff yesterday, which I'm using to comment this. Definitely going to Sync again once it's done!

I've tested many, but I always end up coming back to Jerboa.

Personally, I use Jerboa on mobile. It's got its own problems and compatibility issues, but they're also not so significant that it makes me want to go use another app, and with lemmy.world still being on an older version that probably isn't compatible with most apps that work for 0.18 and above, the risk of breaking everything makes it not that worthwhile.

Still on my phone browser. So far not seeing any downside to it compared to PC browsing, so I think this will be fine.

jerboa most of the time : it's quite light (3,2Mo), it's on fdroid, it's pretty useable. But it's crashing a lot thรจse days

Using Jerboa right now, but to be frank: I haven't tried any other apps, because I am actually waiting for Slide, so whenever that launches I'll switch.

Boost for Lemmy when it comes out. Been using Boost since 2017 and I hope to continue doing so!

Connect and Thunder seem to work best for me. I'm on .world so Jerboa isn't an option at the moment

What is the conflict with Jerboa and .world instance? I haven't had any problems on Jerboa.

You can't login until .world updates to 1.8 if i understand it right, so it's only temporary inconvenience

I had not logged out so I didn't notice. I just tried logging out and now the app won't load. Odd. Good thing I can just use kbin.

Liftoff, for the moment. But I think that there is still room for a lot of improvement. It is completely normal, this is still growing ^^

wefwef.app until Sync for Lemmy is out

Jerboa for now. The other ones I've tried were not information dense, only showing 3 or 4 posts on screen at a time, or had other issues. Looking forward to trying Artemis and Sync.

Connect for Lemmy at the moment, as it has a very similar interface to sync, but I've signed up to be notified when Sync for Lemmy drops. Sync had everything I wanted for my Reddit app, and I'm hoping for a similar interface for Lemmy when it arrives.

Kbin so currently just using hermit to make the web app until Artemis comes out

If Sync for Lemmy releases with half of the features and polish of the Reddit version, it's going to default to be the app of choice.

I'm using wefwef. Its very uhh Apollo inspired.

I am using jerboa but really miss redreader, the creator floated making it support lemmy and I am excited for that possibility but am sticking with jerboa for now.

I'm on kbin, so i guess i get no app until artemis is out :(

I'm not using lemmy but kbin. I'm just using the app shortcut that you can create in Chrome on Android. It works well enough for now

Newbie here. Just installed Jerboa and two minutes later it shows "Network error". Installed Wefwef and it's ok. Taking notes to try the other ones.

Still learning about Lemmy and the communities to have an accurate opinion.

Was using Jerboa and really liked it up until today, it just crashes now.

Downloaded Liftoff and it seems pretty good. I want something like RIF interface and both apps give me that.

New user here. I use the Web app for now. Connect seems to make my phone freeze for whatever reason and I can't seem to login with jerboa because "my server version is too low"...

I'm using Lemmy as an android pwa. Works well. I liked Jerboa but it was too buggy.

started with connect for lemmy. which is visually very clean but it neither has an edit comment function nor a block user function yet. lemming has both functions but loks a lot more clunky.

Connect is improving crazy-fast.

Blocking users has already been added. I'm sure comment editing will show up any day now.

I use Liftoff and also test Thunder. Liftoff has a complete search function and Thunder a very pleasant UI.

Jerboa doesn't work with my instance at the moment, as it still runs on version 0.17.4.

Been trying all of them but I keep going back to Liftoff. Looking forward to Sync and Boost.

Yep! Liftoff is the choice until Sync comes out! It does the trick.

After a quick search, I've decided to settle on Connect. The UI looks really familiar to Infinity, which is a giant plus for me.

on connect after the jerboa problems, taking a look at wefwef too, but it loads in my browser... haven't dug into the UI much, but it seems decent.

I'm just using the mobile website. It works and it doesn't pester me to use something else, which is really refreshing!

I'm so tired of that, Especially when a site says to use their app and won't let you keep browsing the site because the popup is in the way.. Why even have the website anymore.