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Joined 1 years ago

Google isn't going anywhere. We are the minority. People who know what "open source" even means are the minority. The vast majority of people will just put up with it because they don't know any better. You are highly highly overestimating the tech literacy (and motivation level) of the average person.

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Personally, I don't even want Lemmy/kbin to become Reddit 2.0.

Reddit from 10 years ago is the goal for me. Reddit has become far, far too bloated for its own good, and that line was crossed a long time ago IMO. Let's just enjoy what we have. Let all the normies stay on Reddit, the people I wanna vibe with are here already.

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Out of curiosity can you define "no boring intrusive story"? Because personally I'm big on storylines, so if they nail that part then that takes the game to a whole other level

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Should should should should should

Nothing works within our government anymore.

They literally tell you when you go through setup.

Why, more money of course.

You're proud of this, but you missed out. There truly was a golden age where it was easier to pay $8 for streaming and everyone was happy. Good for you for being Nostradamus and everything, but there was a good ~8 years there where you really could have enjoyed the ride if you wanted.

Give me a prime membership that's just for shipping. Cut the video out of the deal and stop including it in my charge kthx

Brain dead is such an understatement too. They lost everyone's trust, and I'm not sure there's anything they can say to regain it. They're gonna try something like this again at some point, and I don't think anyone should give them the opportunity. They deserve to go under.

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So, in a little over a year everyone in the USA will be shot? 875K people are shot daily?

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That may also just be a resources issue. Too many tickets, not enough reps, and the expectation of low average handle time are not exactly conducive to encouraging those deeper dives.

Okay so is anyone going to elaborate, or..?

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Before finding Lemmy and kbin, if 3P App devs had announced that they were gonna make a Reddit competitor I would have been the first to jump

If you're comparing China/Taiwan circumstances to USA/Panama I'm sorry but I cannot call that a critical thought. The only similarity is proximity.

I had an S8 a couple years back and upgraded to an S10 when it first came out. The notification light went away and it was a huge bummer. I now have a Pixel 7 and it doesn't have it either, so I've learned to live without it.

This is a new interpretation for me. I always read it as resources for humans.

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If there is an afterlife, hopefully they're not in the same place.

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If you don't have the skills or experience to sell yourself then obviously you don't have a lot of options.

I agree with you, but I'm curious to know your thoughts: What do you do when the 2-3% of people who are willing to take that fight head-on aren't nearly enough to combat the endless bots and astroturfers across social media? I don't count myself amongst those 2-3% by the way, I'm on Lemmy and not Reddit in part to avoid some of that. Engaging is far too much effort and I have my own problems to worry about.

Would that have been worth $44b?

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Probably the reason why you never learn anything.

Has Reddit's popularity dipped? We know its quality dipped, but it's probably better known now than it ever has been. Doesn't matter how many bots there are if there are also real people there too.

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Do you want to stop playing chess after every other move and be forced to watch part of some medieval war drama unfold before continuing?

Yes, that sounds amazing actually

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It was the reason I came back to Spotify when I decided to give Pandora a shot, way back when.

That's a 9/10 stick you got there buddy, would def take it hiking.

Looked at the source, can confirm only one right arm!

I'm legit excited about that lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Absolutely! Sync was my favorite Reddit app. It's perfect. Take my money guys.

I still say "bless you"

Right. Two minutes is nothing. I live in Florida my water bill for 4 people is $50. Water conservation is the very very least of my worries.

Maybe if there was a way for me to send my hypothetically unused water over to Cali I'd care more, but.

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There's nothing to understand, it's the same situation. Neither Panama nor Cuba are currently under threat from the USA. The USA does not claim ownership over either, and is not threatening their sovereignty.

You're the one not understanding the false equivalency.

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I got $29 from the Intuit class-action suit. Yay. Pretty sure they charged more than that when I submitted my taxes that year. I was dumb.

The argument is that blue states make more money and pay more taxes. Those taxes are then used to prop up red states' economy. But that said, based on what I've researched in the last 10 minutes, it appears to be more of a mixed bag than I thought and the answer as to which "side" is more dependent on federal funding is murky. This is the best resource I've found that breaks it all down.

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And as the coup de grâce, their name is LemmyKnowsBest.

RIP Sync for Reddit.

-- Sent from Sync for Lemmy

Scrubs is fantastic. If you're into comedic sitcom with serious moments you should definitely give it a try.

The first 4 seasons of GOT are some of the best in TV history. Seasons 5-6 are good, but that's when some of the tropes start to get overplayed and you see corners being cut. I should have stopped then, but I still had hope that they would rescue it. Nope.

Well, as far as the show is concerned, we learned the ending rather quickly. Some would say disappointingly quickly.

Fuck D+D

I'd do it too. Here I am working my ass off for the next 30 years to save maybe $1m for retirement and someone's willing to just give it to me after 48hrs of suffering? No brainer. I'd ask questions about the plan to keep it safe of course, but if I was satisfied that they knew what they were doing, I'd do it no question. I'm surprised that most are saying no to this. I mean shit, at least try.

Make sure you're comparing the price on DoorDash vs the price on the restaurant's website. There's a mark-up, even for pickup. It's usually cheaper to make your order directly with the restaurant.

It would be irksome, sure. But there is no amount of weaponry that China could supply Cuba with that would threaten the USA (short of nukes), so it would be a moot point. Business as usual. Taiwan similarly has no hope of success in attacking China, regardless of how many weapons the USA provides. Meaning: this only works one way, and if China is upset about that then maybe they should keep their eyes (and hands) within their own borders and everything will be fine.