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Joined 1 years ago

My pharmacy switched me to the generic and my insurance company required another pre-auth for it. 3 years of taking Vyvanse and suddenly they're like "No, we don't wanna pay for the cheaper stuff". Morons.

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The US likes to use anything but actual units of measurement...

I love that most people don't realize how close Reston, VA (You know, where AWS 1 and 2 is located) is to DC.

Shit man, I'd be happy with a 7k jackpot tbh. 70k would be hella worth it.

We do, it's called whiskey.

That used to be the case, but Apple and Google worked together recently to make it work just like on iPhone - no need for a 3rd party app or anything to notify you if an Airtag is with you.

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Asbestos is genuinely a wonderful material. It's heat-proof, it's a wonderful insulator, it's one of the best filters for gas masks, it's wonderful for use in brake pads and clutches, etc.

It's just a damn shame it causes cancer in living things.

Because most plant juice tastes like shit and has the wrong mouth-feel for most things we use cow milk for. Its not rocket surgery.

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Switching from single use plastic to multi-use plastic has greatly increased carbon emissions of production. You also have to reuse the new plastic bags over 100 times for them to break even, emissions wise. (

I agree with you that canvas bags are better overall, but IMO we should move back to paper. It's WAY easier to reuse paper products, gardeners love the paper bags, and they break down quickly even if they are littered somewhere. There are some tradeoffs, such as transportation costs being higher because they are thicker than single use bags, but if you compare paper to multi-use bags, it's a fairly moot point.

Also, I'd still rather someone bag my shit for me. I've had so many things broken or otherwise damaged by the cashier haphazardly tossing my stuff into the cart just so I can walk 5 foot and take 10 minutes to pack my own stuff. Personal preference, but it should be given as an option imo.

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Remember when Opera had all of these things a literal decade+ ago? I remember.

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Wow, two very small issues that Mozilla has done and quickly listened to user feedback and walked it back. Totally a legit reason to not use it.

In my case, it's less of a "value my time" and more "I'm just tired of being advertised to constantly and want a break"

Epub doesn't natively have user tracking and DRM either. Mobi files are just ancient and there are better alternatives for them. Like bmp files vs jpg.

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I usually ask if they have an alternate messenger, like Telegram or even FB Messenger. Nearly everyone has something else y'all can start chatting on instead of SMS.

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I would say this is another brick in the argument for an open source car operating system

...Go analog with a carb, maybe? Only thing that can stop a carb from working is it being out of gas. Or changing altitude. Or bad fuel. Or it's too cold and/or hot. ... OK lots of things can stop carbs, but the government sure can't, at least.

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Funnily enough, removing your cat. converter is illegal, but getting caught without one isn't. Unless the Fed watches you remove it, they won't fine you.

Totally agree, though. Fuck coal rollers.

My local school system pays very well to be a bus driver. The issue here isnt pay, it’s the weird split-up day and the fact that kids, by and large, are assholes. No one wants to deal with that, even for a good livable wage.

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I've been using YouTube Premium (née YouTube Red) for so long that I totally forgot that there are ads on YouTube and was surprised by all of this news popping off.

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Yes, but if you're directly employed by the fed, you will receive back pay. If you receive unemployment pay during that time, you will have to pay it back.

The big issue is people who are employed by a contracting firm and work in federal buildings - they won't receive back pay when they come back.

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This is all similar to using Microsoft Windows or Mac OS so I guess people are so used to this behavior that it’s somehow ok.

Not so much used to it, but just kinda sigh and accept it because I like my apps to work. I'm a long time Linux user as well, and I still have to keep a Windows box around for random shit that just refuses to work on Linux for various bogus reasons.

Turns out you're actually a woman.

The one place where Sam’s beats Costco is its scan and go app. You literally scan the barcodes of the items you want to purchase as you shop, check out in the app and walk out the door. Never have to speak to anyone or wait in the checkout line.

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To put it another way, modifying your engine timings and shoving a turbo in there should be legal even though it will probably increase emissions because the intent is to increase power. Modifying your car to increase emissions just because you can is an asshole move.

While people in the car community hate CA's CARB certs, they exist for a reason. If you can prove that your performance parts don't increase the emissions, CARB has no issue giving the mfg. a certificate that says it's legal to sell and use in California.

It's not hard to make big power in a gas or diesel vehicle and not substantially increase emissions. Hell, Gale Banks has been doing diesel performance for decades and he loathes rolling coal.

Not the same person, but DDG results just seem a little bit shittier than Google's results. It's nothing I can specifically put my finger on, outside of "I'm having more issues finding an answer for my query".

I also hate the basic layout of the page, but that's not a DDG problem as such, just a personal opinion.

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Because Americans spend WAY more time in their cars than most other countries and I'll be fucked if Im spending an hour+ each day in a cheap econo-car.

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This is the #1 reason I won't be able to get an EV any time soon. We live in a townhouse, and while the HOA gracefully 'allows' us to install chargers (because its illegal for them not to allow it), the way the rules are set up it's practically impossible to actually install one.

For example, here's our bylaws regarding EV chargers:

  1. All Charging stations require approval – The application should discuss where the charging station will be mounted, the type of post used to mount it, and, in the townhouses, the path that the charging station wiring will use to get to the common ground. The townhouse owner is also advised that the installation of a charging station on HOA common ground requires a legal agreement between the HOA and the homeowner regarding maintenance and liability of the charging station.
  2. Chargers of 120V (Level 1) or 240V (Level 2) are allowed. It should be noted that while it is possible to use a 240V extension and there are some 240V extensions sold as charging cables, at this time, the use of such extensions is illegal in Maryland and will not be approved in an application. All 240V outlet plugs must be directly wired to the electrical panels of the house.
  3. Under no conditions is it acceptable for a charging line to be stretched across a community sidewalk. For a temporary installation of less than 6 months duration, residents may apply to have permission to place a tube under the sidewalk in order to run a 110V extension while their permanent charging station is installed.
  4. All permanent electrical lines must be buried in conduit according to code and go under any sidewalks, ramps, or gutters. No 240V electrical wires are permitted to be installed under community sidewalks.
  5. A charging station must be placed inside a single parking space. It cannot straddle the dividing line nor can it be centered in the parking spot as that would interfere with the numbering of the parking space.
  6. For single family homes a charging station can be mounted directly to the house or garage or mounted on a post that allows easier access to the parking spaces. If post mounted, it should be mounted in the half of the driveway that is closest to the house.

There are a number of things in there that are contradictory. You can install a L2 charger, but if you're in a townhouse, you're not allowed to wire it up using 240V. You also can't place it on your house, because the cord wouldn't be able to reach and that's not allowed anyway, because it'd cross a sidewalk. Neat.

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Not wrong calling the rabid fan base that though...

If this hits market, I'll be all for it.

DDG doesn't solely use Bing, though. From what I understand, it uses Bing + it's own crawler and algorithm so its results are almost always different than vanilla Bing.

So you're OK with EV batteries no longer being made, along with numerous other things?

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Do you have a Costco near you? They just... do all of this shit for me. Pills out of stock? They'll call around to other Costcos in the area to see if they have any and get it transfered, usually same day or next day at the latest. Worst case, they get mailed in from the main distro center. I haven't had an issue with my Vyvanse (generic now, and no issue either), or my Adderall and Ritalin before that.

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My main usecase is saving photos but I don’t want them locked away in a database so SeaFile is out.

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Me, but because I need chromium for work and refuse to use Chrome. Firefox for everyday browsing.

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Maybe the higher end TVs publish the feet width on the box, but the one I got a few years ago sure didn't. It was actually really frustrating to find that info for any of the TVs I was looking at at the time.

Even looking at a modern budget TV from Amazon, it doesn't say anything about the width of the legs on the product page.

I found what I believe to be a very similar (if not the same) TV that OP has, and it also doesn't have the specs listed on the Bestbuy website.

“congratulations, as if you weren’t already suffering enough from this we’re now also going to tell you you’ll die early! aren’t you glad?”

Are we speaking honestly here?

If it's anything like my MIL's 17' Forester, you flat can't replace the headunit without disabling a lot of car features. I believe the land departure/EyeSight still works, though.

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A little bit, because you won't explain HOW it works better...

They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren’t safari and Firefox are using Google’s web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

🎶 I think I've seen this film before... 🎶

Librewolf != Firefox, fwiw.

I have all of mine in their respective directories and have a master script that I run to bring them all up or take them down. Easier to exclude services from start up if I end up not needing them or something.