Kentucky's largest school district had to cancel class for two days so it could overhaul a 'disastrous' new bus system that left kids on buses until 10 p.m. to – 273 points –
Kentucky's largest school district had to cancel class for two days so it could overhaul a 'disastrous' new bus system that left kids on buses until 10 p.m.

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My local school system pays very well to be a bus driver. The issue here isnt pay, it’s the weird split-up day and the fact that kids, by and large, are assholes. No one wants to deal with that, even for a good livable wage.

I mean… if nobody wants to do a job for the pay allotted, then the pay is by definition too low. You can make other changes that bring the acceptable pay range down (make kids not be assholes or something idk) but in the end it’s always about the pay at the end of the day.

That's true. But the pay isn't "low", as such. Just still unacceptable

Seems like arguing semantics. "Low" is relative. There are people who argue that living in minimum wage is 100% possible by oneself. People perform truly shit jobs that greatly endanger their lives simply because the pay is right.

Capitalists want a market economy right until the moment labor is treated the same way.

Semantics. If not enough people will do it then the pay is too low. Pay me a million dollars and I would move there and drive a bus.

I'm a bus driver and I fucking love the split-up day since the break in the middle gives me a chance to go for a bike ride, have lunch and a nap before going back for the afternoon run. But the wage is really not "livable" even though the hourly rate is decent, since we only get 4-5 hours of work a day.