16 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In the words of Ubisoft we need to feel "comfortable with not owning your game". If buying is not owning then piracy is not stealing.

Got any recommended resources for piracy sites/lists?

Thanks for the comment! It is cool and also pretty aesthetically pleasing!

Yeah lol. Search engines have gone down in quality so bad it really does feel like that. It has been so difficult finding stuff on google/duckduckgo etc that I have to rely on portals now.

I'm worried eventually even Kagi will get enshittified. It has been a common trend that almost always occurs. Open source is the only way to ensure stability. Conflict of interest is what leads to companies either overcharging, or even accepting to get bought out.

Don't get me wrong, Kagi seems to be a great company thus far! But for something as important as search it would be best to have an open source solution.

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Microsoft Pluton has detected thought crimes in violations of Section 232 (17 U.S.C. ยง 381) on your device. Your IMEI and local audio-video recordings have been transfered to authorities for further inspection.

Altavista was ahead of their time. The modern internet desperately needs a technical search engine.

Thank you all for your answers!

I wanted to add one resource I found that has helped me find even more relevant search results:

A Lemmy Search Engine

Numberphile, Computerphile, PBS Spacetime, PBS Infinite Series (sad they stopped), Standup Maths, 3Blue1Brown

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Please feel free to ask any questions! Math is a wonderful field full of beauty but unfortunately almost all education systems fail to show this and instead makes it seem like raw robotic calculations instead of creativity.

Math is best learned visually and with context to more abstract terms. 3Blue1Brown is the best resource in my opinion for this!

Here's a mindblowing fact for you along with a video from 3Blue1Brown. Imagine you are sliding a 1,000,000 kg box and slamming it into a 1 kg box on an ice surface with no friction. The 1 kg box hits a wall and bounces back to hit the 1,000,000 kg box again.

The number of bounces that appear is the digits of Pi. Crazy right? Why would pi appear here? If you want to learn more here's a video from the best math teacher in the world.

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Improvethenews is a collection of all news sources and provides all sides of an argument. This is one of the best news aggregators.

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The enshitification has been a gradual process. Think of it as slowly boiling a frog. I've observed the quality of search slowly degrading over the past 2 decades. Just recently, it has gotten to such a severe point that searching has been useless.

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Vsauce is awesome! He makes you question everything after each video!


I mean this! Thank you mods for keeping "reddit" like questions out. The quality feels much higher here because of it and I greatly appreciate it!

Valve is great! Private and non-profit organizations give me some hope for a better internet one day.

Regarding Kagi, there are other potential concerns with privacy, data leaks and price gouging as well. The Patriot Act and Snowden's leaks have shown that companies will lie in their privacy policy to appeal to authorities even if they claim they are not storing information. All your health related searches, sensitive personal details, private life, etc is also always linked to your payment method waiting for a potential data leak if they are lying. (Or a copy is just sent to five eyes)

All that is to say, be wary of trusting your privacy to companies. Monetization is a powerful motivator!

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I've heard a lot of great things about Kagi, though the search limit and subscription is a little off-putting. A self-hosted Kagi would be amazing though!

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Half Life is awesome! If I had to choose from all the games I've played, the half life series has to be best in my opinion. There are so many small details and world building elements in each half life game that it really does make it feel like you are in the game. And then there is Half Life: Alyx...

It was so immersive, I smashed my head against the wall trying to run away from something lol

::: spoiler Warning Half Life: Alyx Spoilers. Do not read it unless you have played this game. It is a once in a lifetime experience. I had that moment in Half Life Alyx: at Jeff. No game makes you feel genuine fear as that level did. You felt as you were there physically trying to escape from death. Best gaming experience ever!


Thank you mods for your work! I'm loving these communities!

Thank you so much!

Hmm, I did notice a sudden severe drop in quality recently. Perhaps they are A/B testing something.

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LEMiNNO, Barely Sociable, Melody Sheep

Glad you are enjoying it! Please feel free to share any other channels like Computerphile, Numberphile, Mutual Information, & Veritasium. It's difficult to find gems nowadays on YT.

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Wow thank you!

There was a response I left in the main comment thread but I'm not sure if you will get the notification. I wanted to post it again so you see it

Response below

Please feel free to ask any questions! Math is a wonderful field full of beauty but unfortunately almost all education systems fail to show this and instead makes it seem like raw robotic calculations instead of creativity.

Math is best learned visually and with context to more abstract terms. 3Blue1Brown is the best resource in my opinion for this!

Here's a mindblowing fact for you along with a video from 3Blue1Brown. Imagine you are sliding a 1,000,000 kg box and slamming it into a 1 kg box on an ice surface with no friction. The 1 kg box hits a wall and bounces back to hit the 1,000,000 kg box again.

The number of bounces that appear is the digits of Pi. Crazy right? Why would pi appear here? If you want to learn more here's a video from the best math teacher in the world.

Conflict of interest is the best explanation. The goal of search engine companies is not to provide information as efficiently as possible but rather something else entirely.

A lack of competition is another factor as well with the monopolization of Google, Microsoft, etc. There may exist better search engines, but the average joe, and even some of us, have trouble finding them. The quality search engines don't get a chance to expand and or are bought out like with Altavista (Regarded as the best search engines from the golden age). For example, is the best search engine (outside of kagi from what I've heard) but I'm unsure if they will be able to stay afloat for a long enough time to get a chance to expand and take shots at Google.

Same! And lemmy has provided the highest quality answers on the internet in my opinion.

Some of my favorites are from Edward Frenkel and the Langlands Program. In analogy the Langlands Program can be thought of as the "Theory of Everything" of mathematics linking various seemingly disconnected fields together.

Another great video is from 3b1b where he shows Pi somehow emerge from 2 blocks colliding against each other.

Links & Resources

That is awesome! This is why Lemmy is the best social media site. Thanks for the resource!

Haha I can just see it. "As an AI language model, actually Quantum Barn Mechanics forbids this"

This is why I love Lemmy! We are all nerds

Wiby is great! I love using it to discover sites. It's very similar to spirit of search engines from the early internet. Though it's not a general search engine it has its specialized uses so I thought I'd mention it

Thanks! Search results have recently been so bad that I found Yandex sometimes offers better results than Duckduckgo/Google/Bing etc. It's quite sad actually

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I found public instances often have issues connecting to many search engines at once, will look into self hosting it. Thanks!


Your comment belongs higher. When given the opportunity to make money by social media advertising sometimes in the thousands or millions, companies, share holders, and conflict of interest groups take it. Cablemod's burning adapters, cryptocurrency scams, payed positive youtube reviews are some great examples. In general there is no honor system and its best to assume anything that can be abused will.

Also manipulating votes is incredibly effective towards swaying public opinion due to the bandwagon effect. Spend a days worth of effort making fake accounts and downvoting any opinion you see as undesirable and most people will follow suit. This is especially bad in echo chambers like on twitter, reddit, etc.

I wish a broader audience could be aware of this. The best I can do is try to spread the word.


Thanks for sharing! (No worries, changed the title from "fact" to "thing" to be a bit more broad)

I know right? Valve keeps raising the bar so high you wonder how it can be topped. I can't wait for Half Life 3!

It's very sad indeed that this is the "best". The only thing better would probably be specific youtubers who go get news sources for themselves. But I'm not aware of many.

Neil Halloran! They produce the highest quality documentary-like videos on YT. And I bet you never heard of them! Please do give him a search

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Thank you!

No problem! Glad you found it useful!