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Joined 1 years ago

I can tell you that what works for me is to be polite but distant. I’ll say “good morning!” to my coworkers and “have a good night!” At the end of the shift. I’ll be helpful when needed, and I’ll do my best to work well with others.

However, I’ll keep an “out” handy for when people get gossipy or nosy. I’ll bring a book along to read during breaks and at lunch, or I’ll keep something work-related in my hands when I’m around a group of coworkers, as an indicator to the group that I’m not wanting to chat.

I’ve also gotten good at turning conversation back around on really chatty, insistent people. “No, I don’t have a favorite color. What’s yours?” “Yes, I do think that patient looks like Elvis, are you a fan of his?” “No, I don’t have a dog. Do you?” Basically, be really boring with your answers, but let them keep talking about themselves, as they’re likely tire themselves out eventually. Works if you can stand it, and if you can do your job with a coworker talking at you for an hour. Last resort, and all that.

Of the examples you’ve given as responses, I think the only one that doesn’t make you come across as dickish is the one stating that you don’t want to talk about religion or politics, and even then, you sound like an asshole when you state this.

Instead of “‘I’ve worked here for a year already. It should be clear by now that I’m not a talkative person. This is a question I don’t want to answer. And I hope that you respect that.’”, you could say something like “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this”. It’s shorter and way less aggressive, and people are more likely to listen to you when you’re not all up in their face over a question, you know?

“‘that I don’t talk doesn’t mean I hate you, it means I have nothing to say’” For the record, I also think it’s ludicrous that you feel you have to say this. Maybe you could word it a little differently though, something like “I don’t mean for you to take it personally, I’m just a private person, and prefer to keep my home life at home”

“‘I don’t see what that has to do with the job’” could be “Not to be a buzzkill, but mind if we keep this conversation on work?”

So much this. Working all day is exhausting. So is keeping the house. Having to do both all of the time when you have an able-bodied partner? Gross. No one wants an adult child as a partner.

Men have no idea just how exhausting it is to have to carry all of that weight. Well, some do, I’m sure. I haven’t met any, personally, but that doesn’t mean they’re not out there.

Having a partner that is an actual partner gives you the room to breathe and relax. And honestly, that is the real turn on.

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I fully believe this. Tesla has absolutely abysmal labor practices.

Some people shouldn’t have children.

Jfc America, get your shit together.

Hahaha! They don’t give a fuck

My favorite is the “delusions of adequacy”, that one had to sting! The six-pack one though sounds like possible ADHD or some other learning disorder - your child is smart enough, but lacks the ability to do well

If you were a man. Women were committed over far less

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I know it’s yikes. It felt icky to write it out, but I did because its true. It’s well documented that women are far more likely to be “running the house” even when working full time. So many articles, podcasts, and books have been written about it. There’s even a comic floating around the internet. (

Good lord, the sheer amount of “nuh-uh!!” in the comments is insane (and yet also fully expected). It’s the same shit I’ve heard again and again and again in the blue collar industry where I work, as though just because some guy hasn’t personally witnessed one specific incident that somehow discrimination against women magically doesn’t exist, instead of coming to the realization that they’re just not seeing it, probably because they aren’t looking for it.

Open your eyes, gentlemen. Discrimination holds many forms, more than you’d think. Pay more attention to what’s going on around you at work. Maybe actually talk to the one woman in your workplace, and then actually listen to what she has to say (and to what she isn’t saying).

You want to prove that somehow your workplace is the exception to the rule? Then make it that way. Correct hiring practices that bias towards men (and this starts with how job ads are written up, by the way). Change how pay is structured in your company to a fixed, listed scale that is open and readily available to all employees. Have clear, consistent pathways to promotion to correct the gender bias. Allow for flexibility on working hours, or remote work.

And if you can’t do any of these things because you aren’t on a position to, then at least start the conversation. Be an ally. Recognize discriminatory practices when you see them, and push for change. In the end, you’ll benefit, too.

Well, as a product of rape myself, I can tell you that I am a firm supporter of abortion. I absolutely should have been aborted, but here we are. Pro-birthers are unbelievably selfish assholes.

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MDMA can have that affect. So can psylocybin. Science Vs. did an excellent podcast on both these drugs that explains the whys and how’s of it.

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I’m trying to figure out what her being a mom has anything to do with the story. She has kids, who gives a shit? In this country, you’re forced to do it, so what’s the point of calling someone out for it?

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I don’t think that ADHD “gets better” when people grow up. I think that life and circumstances change, and change affects ADHD. But this is a problem with neurodevelopment and brain chemistry, it doesn’t magically go away.

That being said, it sounds to me like you might not be medicated. That’s ok, if that’s your choice, but know that medication is the single most effective treatment for ADHD that exists right now. On its own, it’s not enough, but without it, shit gets real. Dr. Barkley has some great informative videos that really help to explain how ADHD works in our brains, and the role of medication. So. In that regard, I suggest you reach out to your doctor.

Smaller things that might help though, I always find that if I really need to concentrate, or if I really need to get something done, voices distract me (podcasts, videos, anything where someone is talking). So, I will listen to music instead, particularly music without lyrics. Lo-fi works well for this for me, or piano music, or whatever. I just try to keep the lyrics (voices) to a minimum, and it seems to help.

Something else that helps when I really need to focus is a fidget toy in one hand (give your mind monkey a banana) while I read/learn/concentrate. It’s such a small thing, but it helps SO MUCH!

Good luck, hopefully these work for you!

It’s longer than I’d expect, but it’s what it should be, so it’s refreshing that a judge somewhere is taking rape seriously.

I think I get what you’re trying to say, I just wish I existed on better terms, you know? I mean, I’m happy with who I am and how I turned out, and I love my life now, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I shouldn’t exist. I’d love to have been a happy little accident, or even the love child of an elicit affair, rather than to have my very existence be a constant reminder of hurt and betrayal and the worst moment of somebody’s life. It’s a raw deal, but not anything I want to take back, if that makes any sense.

I mean, it mentions that the parents were from the West Bank.

“Wadea’s mother and father had moved to the United States 12 and nine years ago, respectively, and their son was born here, Rehab added. They were from a village in the West Bank, he said.”

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This headline is a bit misleading. She didn’t just help her daughter have an abortion, she helped her have a late-term abortion, and then burnt & buried the remains.

“According to prosecutors, after the pair bought pills to end the pregnancy, Celeste Burgess gave birth to a stillborn fetus. At the time, Nebraska law banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Celeste Burgess’s pregnancy was well past that point, according to court records.

Police say that the Burgesses buried the fetal remains. An examination of the remains suggested they may have also been burned, according to court documents.”

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38 times, not 3. Also, there was no “machete”, it was a cellphone. And even after all that, one of them was still yelling at him to put his hands up or he’d shoot again, while the guy was facedown and dead on his own front lawn…

“After the shooting, a Border Patrol agent could be heard threatening to shoot Mattia again if he didn’t put his hands out as the agent approached him lying motionless face down on the ground.

"Put your hands out, bro. You’re gonna get shot again," an agent yelled at Mattia in the video as he was approaching him. Mattia’s cell phone and case could be seen lying next to him in the video.”

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It isn’t about saving babies, or saving women, or any of that crap. It’s about control. Always has been.

I need more cats. I don’t have the right ratio yet

I have literally never balanced a cheque book in my life and I’m 40. I’ve never even seen one, let alone have any idea what to do with it. Is it an actual physical thing? Or is that a euphemism for budgeting?

Kittens are good. Maybe some BBC stuff? Get her into the nature shows. Damn near anything on BBC Earth should be great for that.

Diy building stuff: Simone Goertz is awesome, as is Laura Kampf.

For some super chill diy, check out SteadyCraftin

ClickSpring builds super cool old shit and is just beautiful to watch.

Either The Action Lab or Steve Mould should work for understanding science.

For fun experiments and sciencey things, Mark Rober is entertaining.

Want something food related? I’ve heard good things about Tasting History (Max Miller), haven’t checked him out myself, though. Or James Hoffman does a great show all about coffee.

Does she knit or crochet? There are hundreds of channels about yarny things - Tiny Fiber Studios does stuff like that.

Or maybe she likes other things. Sashiko Story teaches the art of sashiko (Japanese embroidery). The Violet Unicorn teaches weaving.

How about music? Tim Reynolds is incredible, as is Marcin.

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I’ve been trying to follow this story, but I’ve got some questions.

How does the friend fit in to this story? Why were Franke’s kids left with her long enough for her to be starving them?

Where was the dad? Why isn’t he being charged with abuse? Or at least neglect, if he didn’t have custody? How could he have not known his kids were being treated poorly?

Why did cps take so long to respond? Neighbors and family members had made numerous reports over a very long period of time, but nothing happened. Why were so many reports blatantly ignored?

Absolutely this. They don’t like being bested by anyone, especially if you’re younger or smarter or a different gender than they are.

Uh, lots and lots of people are hungry, lack shelter and jobs. Almost 600,000 people in the US right now are unhoused, and one in eight homes are food insecure (roughly 44 million). The only area where the US is doing good right now is the unemployment rate, which is currently sitting at an ideal 3.7%.

As for causes of civil war, economic inequality plays a large role, as does political deprivation, both of which are rampant (you can thank late-stage capitalism for the first, and the far-right for the second). There are other factors at play, of course, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility for the US to go there.

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Is that it that “activists want to insert themselves and their cause into every possible area of society“ or is it maybe that trans people are actual living breathing humans who are a part of every possible area of society, and they have the right to exist and live their lives in peace, same as you?

The only people in the story that are “forcing” anyone are the bigots who are actively attempting to ban trans people from competing, but they’re doing it poorly. Not surprising, since most bigots lack critical thinking skills.

This is also the Canadian political cycle, it seems.

Katya the Bear is a female brown bear native to Kazakhstan[11] who was imprisoned in 2004 after being found guilty of mauling two people in separate incidents.[12] Katya was held in the Arkalyk Prison in Kostanay.[11] The bear was released from imprisonment and allowed to congregate with other bears after serving a fifteen-year sentence. Handlers report Katya socializing well with other bears after her long imprisonment.

…locked her up in 2004. A bear. In a human prison. For 15 bloody years, no less

I think being kind to others, even Abbott and his cronies (who I truly hate), and other of like minded colleagues, is the best medicine.

This is all well and good, but there is a difference between being kind and being nice. I think people conflate the two far too often. If I had kids (which I do not) I’d want to make certain they understood the difference.

Well, I’ll be damned. Also, if you’re a woman with adhd and are PMSing, apparently lidocaine has about a 25%effectiveness rate.


Well done, India!!!

Jesus, dude, just search for it yourself, it’s not that difficult

organic doesn’t mean pesticide free

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It seems to me that you’re attempting to equate an internal monologue with intelligence, and I don’t think that’s a fair assumption. An internal monologue is just a brains way of formatting its thoughts and feelings about the information that flows in. There are many ways to do this, and one way isn’t necessarily “superior” to another. That’s just how brains work. And while many intelligent people do have this internal monologue, it’s absolutely not necessary for intelligence.

Side note, one of the most brilliant people I’ve ever met is aphasiac, and doesn’t have an internal monologue.

No, in the same way that it’s not sexist to criticize a person for something unrelated to their gender, and it’s not racist to criticize someone for something unrelated to their “race” or ethnicity.

I think the person in your example is being an asshole, and they clearly don’t understand the definitions of antisemitism or misogyny. Assholes are everywhere, in every country, culture, and religion. Nowhere is exempt. Which is a shame, because people everywhere are deserving of dignity and respect.

Except for assholes.

THAT’S the excuse they’ve been giving?! Ugh.