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Joined 1 years ago

Hmm it's really weird that your post doesn't mention the 2500 Nazi scientists that the USSR recruited/relocated during Operation Osoaviakhim. I'm sure that's just an innocent oversight though!

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It's still part of their code of conduct, and Alphabet (which owns Google) has "Do the right thing" as their motto. Google did evil shit even when "don't be evil" was their motto, and Alphabet continues to do evil shit today despite their company motto.

Turns out corporate mottos are absolutely meaningless when there's profit to be had.

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Could you please show me the people defending Nazis here on 196?

It's possible to be opposed to authoritarian state-capitalism and opposed to Nazism at the same time!

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Ugh can't even come to lemmy to escape real life - spent most of Monday morning denaturing/counteracting PPO in my uni food science lab!

Polyphenol oxidase is the enzyme responsible for browning in shit like apples and potatoes when cut and exposed to air.

I haven't read the study linked in the OP yet (and I'm far too sad and intoxicated for it right now) but in other fruits/vegetables it's pretty easy to deactivate PPO through application of some combination of Vitamin C (converts quinones back to their phenol form and reacts with oxygen before it can get to the PPO) and heat (which actually denatures the PPO enzymes).

When we were denaturing PPO in potatoes in a lab setting we simply blanched the sliced potatoes in 90°C water for 5 minutes before placing it in an ice bath until cool.

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Depends on how old you are - dust from half a century ago didn't have any microplastics in it!

Climate activists have been trying peaceful, convenient protests for decades now yet humanity is fucking up the environment faster than ever.

The Green Party in my country is blocking the development of green alternatives to the industry that is one of the highest emitters of greenhouse gasses and various other pollutants (there's a reason most of our rivers are no longer safe to swim in and the levels of certain cancer-causing compounds are 10-100x the EU safe limit in some areas' water supplies), while private corporations and the main right-wing party are pushing for their legalisation.

A certain local indigenous group (which is technically a registered corporation) doesn't really like people mentioning the fact that they're currently driving an endangered native animal extinct by turning the only area they inhabit into dairy farms.

Also most of the politicians in this country are liars and/or sociopaths, but that kinda goes without saying lol

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Isn't that a problem with specific instances/federation rather than the software itself? There are some hateful right-wing Lemmy instances too but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you as the instance you use has probably defederated from them.

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Since giving waterboarding a go I've found myself disgusted by any government that allows the use of waterboarding on anybody - governments that encourage it are even worse, and the way the Americans handled Gitmo is fucking disgraceful.

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Wow what a shock, religious people using it as an excuse for their bigotry? Who could have ever guessed that this could happen!

I think you've got a bit of a misconception about FOSS software - you're allowed to make money selling it, you just also have to provide the source code to any customers! A fair few FOSS apps have free versions on F-Droid but paid versions on the Play store, for example.

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Can you prove that China isn't an oppressive authoritarian capitalist state?

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Yeah and? I don't want to live in an oppressive shithole, doesn't matter to me if they became oppressive because they were copying China, the USA, Nigeria, the UK or whatever - they'd still be oppressive!

I honestly didn't think that saying "I don't like authoritarian capitalism" would be such a controversial statement...

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The whole megaupload ordeal was one of the first times I remember feeling ashamed of my government's actions as a teenager. The cops used an illegal warrant to raid his home and illegally sent copies of his hard drives to the American FBI.

Yes, exactly. Most people don't want their governments to copy imperialistic authoritarian capitalist shitholes like China, the USA, or Russia.

The American government being awful doesn't mean that everybody else should copy them and be as awful as they can.

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Treating minorities better than the USA isn't exactly a high bar.

My country also treats minorities better than the USA, it's easy to get into uni, celebrates diversity, has an alright social welfare system and socialised healthcare, does the occasional infrastructure project etc.

Thanks for teaching me that I'm actually living in a socialist paradise rather than a poor, neoliberal capitalist, physically isolated island where private corporations are free to wreck the environment for profit!

Eh the authoritarian capitalists who love the CCP generally seem to embrace the fact that China is authoritarian - they see it as a good thing!

Kinda hard to buy a Framework when they don't sell to your country! Framework laptops are only available in a handful of areas, whereas Macbooks are sold in almost every country on Earth.

Do you think that those publishers would be significantly worse off if the copyright length was, say, 20-40 years rather than the 70 years used by most of the western world nowadays?

From what I've read there's one researcher on the sub, two members of one of Pakistan's richest families, an "explorer" who rode with the Amazon guy into space, and the CEO of the company that thought their submarines were too advanced to get categorised/certified for the depths they visit.

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A Chinese corporation openly tested those spy balloons over my country a decade ago (allegedly just for monitoring livestock), why is it so unbelievable that they'd use a more polished version on their biggest geopolitical rival?

Nintendo has had underpowered/old hardware compared to their competitors for almost my entire life, raw processing power isn't really why most people buy Nintendo.

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Yeah that seems pretty reasonable to me. Was pissed off when the government here sneakily extended copyright length from 50 to 70 years as part of a trade deal with the UK a year or two ago - even 50 years was far too long IMO!

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Nah g fuck authoritarians. Every time authoritarians take power the first thing they do is murder all the non-authoritarian leftists that fell for the "left unity" meme. And I reckon that making excuses for the genocide of minorities and oppression of LGBT+ folk is a bit of a shit cunt move.

Unfortunately FB Messenger is the defacto way to communicate in some countries - if I refused to use it I'd fail uni as I wouldn't be able to communicate with group members, I wouldn't be able to contact most of my family, and the number of friends I can talk to would drop to about 5 (of which most have recently had children and are thus a bit preoccupied)

Yeah I reckon we need less authoritarian capitalism, not more of it in slightly different flavours!

Adding on to your comment, I read a really interesting study recently that suggests that interacting with AI engages the social parts of our brains but does not provide the same stimuli/feedback as interacting with a real person leading to increased loneliness and thus increased alcohol abuse and insomnia.

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The world will have to make do with a few fewer nazis, I guess. What a shame.

New Zealand!

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Honestly the only bot I've actually found myself missing is the metric/imperial conversion one, makes talking with Americans a lot easier!

I've legitimately got no idea how they can fix their countries (or if they can even be fixed) as I'm more focused on my own country. I do not want my country to copy either the USA or China, and I resent the close relationship my government maintains with both of those oppressive states.

The USA pressured our government into performing illegal searches/arrests to favour their corporations, and the CCP has repeatedly been caught infiltrating our parliament. Those big authoritarian countries just bully smaller states to get what they want, and we need to stop pretending that it's morally justified and normal. It's not okay.

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Beehaw is still federated, it's just not federated with those specific instances which means that you can't access content posted on them through your Beehaw account and accounts on those instances can't post/comment on Beehaw.

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Their rule agains slurs obviously isn't enforced considering it's full of anti-trans slurs and "jokes" about trans folk killing themselves.

Do you really think that a community that's full of nothing but hate and amazing posts like "why do women disrespect or avoid nice guys and go for the players and bad boys" is gonna be healthier long-term than one that fosters respectful discussion?

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Most far-right fascists also make up excuses for the genocides they support - the Nazis said that Jewish people were responsible for the collapse of the Weimar economy (and a lot of other bullshit) for example.

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Part of it is the fact that the more right-wing instances end up full of nasty hateful shit which results in everybody else defederating from them - just look at Exploding Heads where two of the posts on their front page are "I absolutely hate fat people" and "I support Trump because if he wins there will be mass suicides"; not exactly the kind of content most users want to engage with!

Yeah it's the TLD for the country of Mali

Yeah at the end of the day the whole idea of every single person owning a one ton chunk of steel and rare earth metals just to avoid taking the bus or walking a couple of kilometres is unsustainable and incompatible with the continued survival of our society (and maybe even our species).

Valve and Steam have pulled their fair share of shady anti-consumer moves, like the time they violated Aussie and EU consumer protection laws with their refund policy (fucking EA Origin had refunds years before Steam); there have also been allegations of it being a toxic workplace with a trans former employee claiming she was referred to as "it" by her manager.

Yeah ae beehaw has so far been one of the best experiences I've ever had with social media, it's definitely not everybody's cup of tea though I guess!

Allowing hate also kills discussion - I don't see particularly many trans users joining in with the "fun" over on exploding heads, for example.

Every single "free speech" website ends up turning into a hateful circlejerky echo chamber where discussion that doesn't align with the agenda is shut down hard.