askBeehaw: should copyright even exist at all? and if it should, how long *should* the ideal term of copyright be?

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to – 192 points –

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Yeah that seems pretty reasonable to me. Was pissed off when the government here sneakily extended copyright length from 50 to 70 years as part of a trade deal with the UK a year or two ago - even 50 years was far too long IMO!

That's interesting. Where is here for you? Was that term something pushed by the UK?

Not sure if this person is in the same place but Aotearoa NZ recently extended copyright from 50 to 70 years after death due to a UK trade deal, so I wouldn't be surprised if the UK have pushed it. We've recently fast-tracked the change due to an EU trade deal, though, so it's not the UK alone.

Yep that's the one, turns out I misremembered the exact lengths, cheers for letting me know!