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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah that's because it's murder...

Honestly, just navigating the phone is a giant pain in the ass. I bought my wife an iPad and finding basic settings or locating an app is a nightmare. Any time she needs help with it I feel like I'm pulling teeth.

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They also had some pretty hefty advertising directed at kids.

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This is bullshit. Israel's response is completely disproportionate. 2000+ children are dead in Gaza.

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The COVID pandemic never ended.

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WingetUI. Uses Scoop, Chocolatey, and Winget sources.

Password rotation.

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He hasn't legally adopted this "son" and he's not shown in any family photos.

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Who the fuck Google searches for "RSS"?

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Too late, shit waffle.

I might actually buy a game of the app didn't constantly sign me out.

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Waiting to see how the "the price of war" crowd is going to justify this one.

He's tearing down everything that other people created, you mean?

That's because the average American doesn't benefit from a "strong economy".

The crown act needs to be federal

No. Mine decreased when ad frequency increased.

Fred Trump? The Nazi? Yeah, I bet.

Yep. Just keep violating that gag order, Don.

Should be named timeRemaining, tbf.

Man, they are trying to piss off as many people as possible.

Nice try, McGruff.

History is based on historical facts and the Bible is not.

Israel is a fascist apartheid state.

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With flexbox and grid there is no excuse for not knowing how to do that at this point.

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Ugh, I honestly do not trust Musk to meet federal regulations for any of this.

Constantly bombs refugee camps, schools, and hospitals This is just war, bro. Yeah we have the 4th most sophisticated and accurate military on earth but we just can't help hitting civilians who just happen to be a minority in their own land...

Dude, the logical hoops you'll jump through to justify a genocide is extremely concerning.

Holocaust scholars all over the world have even condemned the bloodshed.

This isn't the cost of war. It's punishment. It's imperialism.

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This has already been debunked.

Polling is vote manipulative.

Right but it's consistent. He's going to keep pushing the election lie until he rallies another coup.

Feeling really disappointed in white dudes under 45 right now

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Soundcore Life Q35

These aren't aggressively pink but they're really nice.

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I bet they didn't announce themselves.

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This is why I don't use a messaging app that allows non-participants to control my conversations.

It didn't have to be illegal for them to sue you for violating its policies. It would be a civil suit for damages.

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You think they even spent that much on its development?

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What side? Hamas or the Palestinian people? The Israeli response has been targeting the people more than anything.

Silent Cartographer was on a demo disc that came with a gaming magazine. My friends and I played the shit out of that demo.




If you want the company survive then you need to cut excess spending. Most excess spending is at the top. Executives are a big waste of money. They never fire themselves or cut their own pay. No. They fire those who actually contribute value and then expect their peers to do twice the work for the same pay.

You know that they're are streets in Jerusalem that Palestinians are not even allowed to walk down, right? It's an apartheid state.

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