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Joined 11 months ago

I am against prostitution being illegal. I am also against slut shaming. And I am even more against ruining someones future opportunities of ANY kind for having been in the sex work business. But befor you let anyone teach: Make sure they are a teacher. If you want to teach biology (which sex ed is a part of) to children, you better have a degree in biology and teaching, ffs.

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Why is this legal? What kind of shithole country allows this?

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I have heard this for years now. This all fine. I also have an E-Bike. I really love using it. But I live in central Europe. Weather is really shitty here from October-March. I use my car then. And no, clothing for biking in bad weather is not an option for me. I really can't be bothered to change clothes on my job. I just won't do that.

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I do have 2 monitors. But I have an opaque side panel. Case closed. Pun intended. you know how crowded Costco is on Sundays.

As a German: I hate you.

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Why should Rogan and Musk be concerned about a law in Scotland? I can't be botheres to look up if Rowling lives in Scotland, but she's at least on the same island.At the minimum Rogan and Musk should mind their own business. As a German I also don't judge US gub laws, for example. None of my business.

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I AM a teacher. I teach English as a foreign language and Computer Science (just CS right now). I have a gross income of slightly more than 60k a year (59k €). That’s about 3.850€ net a month after health insurance and taxes. I also have a not too shabby pension guaranteed as long as I don’t quit the job. That’s included in “my package”. Also I am tenured. I can only be fired for gross neglect or having an affair with a (minor) student, bribery or things of that nature.

The “catch” (some say advantage): That’s in Germany, not in Retardistan.

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Why? Cause shops are open on sunday? Having no workers rights makes that a lot easier

Yes. Shops being closed on Sundays is a major PITA. I have 2 days off a week. So I have to buy groceries in overcrowded shops in the evening or in overcrowded shops on Saturdays. Or I drive across the border and buy in Luxemburg, on Sundays. So the VAT I am creating stays in another country. Which is just plain stupid.

Also: workers' rights and shops being open on Sundays aren't mutually exclusive.

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Are they one-stop in the US, though?

In Germany you usually have a little shopping center with Aldi and/or Lidl, a DM and an Edeka. Once you have finished shopping at Aldi and DM you can pop into Edeka and get the 1 or 2 items you didn't get at Aldi and DM.

Many people in Germany are doing it like that. Edeka seems to florish from the people who prefer branded products and/or can't get into 2 shops because they don't go grocery shopping by car and can't really visit more than 1 shop, because you can't enter a 2nd one with a bag full of goods from the 1st one.

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Maybe. But it does so in ALL OF THE GAMES!!!

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I don't drive a car that needs detonating dino-dhiarrea anymore. And BEVs only habe one gear. So there's that.

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I try using Linux on my desktop PC from time to time. Whenever I buy a new rig, I try Linux, as I want to reinstall the system anyway. It never worked. I always tried with brand new hardware -> something is not properly supported -> install current windows. Rinse and repeat every 4 or 5 years whenever I get my hand on a new desktop or laptop. That never changed for the last 20 years.

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I have the cheapest Philips shaver. It is pretty mid. It came with its own charger. On the shaver's side it looks like a standard ungrounded 220V female connection. But it actually is some propriety DC thingy. Very annoying. Why not just use USB-C?

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I called my car (MG) a product of our friends with almond-shaped eyes. Got my account suspended indefinitely. Why???? I avoided "Schlitzaugengezücht" as a description for my car and still...

I am still lurking at reddit from time to time. But my account got permanently suspended because mods over there are wankers. So... sort of.

Also, Tesla's button replacements actually do work more or less reliably. The other manufacturers decided to save money by adding a potato instead of a potent CPU that powers the screen in the middle of the console.

Sorry, I don't understand your post. Who are you arguing for? Who are "the folks who are opposed"? Those opposed to the ASS-Club?

Nah. The OS is not important enough to me. I buy according to specs and price/performance-ratio. If Linux won't easily run, I will just run windows on it. It's only the OS after all.

So... I go to work by e-bike 8 out of 12 months. Whenever I take my car, I take my BEV (MG4) that I charge with electricity from renewable sources.

And you? What do you actually do for the environment?

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I have no plans idea what you are attempting to say. "A few Millenium" is supposed to mean what, apart from being grammatically questionable?

Nope. I pay a bit extra for electricity from renewables. You could argue that the stuff that comes out of the socket still is the energy-mix that is produced at the time, but my invoice says something along the lines of "x kWh of electricity generated from renewable sources" and x kWh of electricity from renewable sources will have been fed into the grid over the time frame covered by my invoice. Good enough for me.

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Not really. Do you need energy to produce those things? Yes. But how much dino-energy can be saved during the livetime of those products? Way more!

I got permabanned from reddit for repeatedly trolling some ahs (probably not entirely unjustified). Whenever I create a new account and forget to only log in via a private browser window, the new account will be permabanned as well. So know I go "well, fuck it, I don't need reddit".

I don't even intend to try to find out if I could somehow beg somebody to revoke my ban. After I got banned I just send a reply asking the responsible mod to kindly delete themselves.

Oh, I go there too, occasionally. Especially for returning "Pfand" and buying wine, I really enjoy "Albali Reserva" (not Gran Reserva). It's a more than decent Tinto for only 3.59€/bottle.

But somehow I never really grew fond of Kaufland. Somehow it's always sort of filthy in there, shopping carts are often not to be found at the entrance, not enough registers are open, "chavs" are loitering at the entrance... I don't know, I am always stressed out at Kaufland. Aldi, Lidl and Edeka feel more "cozy" to me, I guess.

You’re just fucking lazy.

Absolutely. Is there any context in which you can "I can't be bothered with..." interpret as anything else as lazy? But so what? I will not ride my bike in shitty weather. And most people will do the same thing.

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Let's stay on topic: Environment. Human rights is a whole nother can of worms. What do you think the supply chain of whatever device you are using for lemmee right now looks like?

Back to environment: What are you doing for the environment except for judging others: I drive a car that has a very low carbon footprint regarding its whole lifespan. Also I ride to work on an E-Bike 8 out of 12 months. What are you doing?

It does. But it shouldn't. There's absolutely no reason.

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I had no idea about what ketamine actually is, It seemms most likely to me that it was administered via IV by a MD, no? Wasn't this manslaughter by the doctor, then?

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either give it 3 to 6 months after release of new hardware or be willing to learn how to make it work. expecting software to work with hardware it hasn’t yet been designed to work with is always going to be a recipe for failure.

No thanks. I can't be bothered with that. I'll just run windows.

So... society does not accept post-natal abortions... yet.

It's dead Jim.

I used to unlock the bootloaders for a couple of years on all my phones, 10 years ago or so. I installed cyanogenmod and used it the way it was supposed to: rooted. But then Google Pay came along as well as banking apps that actually did their jobs better then the banks' web sites. You couldn't use either of that reliably with a rooted phone. So now I am back to stock android and I am actually quite happy with it. I like the google services, including Google Pay. Also, stock android improved a lot since the early 10s.

I never followed this case. So he raped 2 women? Or at least that's what the sentence is for. A sentence as excessive as that does not seem wise to me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any sympathy for rapists. I do have sympathy for the victims.

But what does this sentence really send as a message to criminals? From a criminal's point of view you can just as well kill all witnesses, especially the victims, if it won't make the consequences of being caught any worse but reduced the chances of being caught. This is really, really unwise.

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You shouldn't. But you can. And we really shouldn't make the worst alternative more attractive for those low-lives.

If the founders didn't just want to stir the pot, they would call the club "free-will humanitarian anti-authority club".

After a bit of prodding ChatGPT suggests: "Free Spirits for Global Empowerment and Liberty" (FSGEL), which is a million time better then invoking satan, just to get on people's nervs.

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As a German: I think it really is not our job to criticise Israel/the jewish people. There are about 200 other countries that are capable of voicing their opinions. I seriously doubt Hamas left Israel much of a choice, though. They are still keeping and mistreating hostages. What is Israel supposed to do? Passively standing by and watching their hostages being impregnated?

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I always ridiculed her, although secretly I admired her determination and also agreed with her aims.

Then she started her pro-Gaza ramblings. She clearly has no idea about history of the middle east and also can't classifiy current events. To noone's surprise as she has hardly visited school. She's also 20 now, so a full adult, she does not have this young-innocent-girl Jeanne d'Arc bonus anymore.

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