Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort to – 482 points –
Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort

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I am against prostitution being illegal. I am also against slut shaming. And I am even more against ruining someones future opportunities of ANY kind for having been in the sex work business. But befor you let anyone teach: Make sure they are a teacher. If you want to teach biology (which sex ed is a part of) to children, you better have a degree in biology and teaching, ffs.

Lol, get a load of this guy wanting a position getting paid 35k a year to have a degree.

I AM a teacher. I teach English as a foreign language and Computer Science (just CS right now). I have a gross income of slightly more than 60k a year (59k €). That’s about 3.850€ net a month after health insurance and taxes. I also have a not too shabby pension guaranteed as long as I don’t quit the job. That’s included in “my package”. Also I am tenured. I can only be fired for gross neglect or having an affair with a (minor) student, bribery or things of that nature.

The “catch” (some say advantage): That’s in Germany, not in Retardistan.

I know a teacher in Retardistan (Florida) with a master's degree and over 30 years experience pulling down just over 40k gross.

I'm generally against using the r-slur but fuck if I didn't laugh at "retardistan"

Different languages and all aside why use the r word as a teacher? It's really not necessary.

Also as a teacher from the states please don't paint such broad strokes. You make it sound shameful to teach.

Edit: to add to this, the subject of the article wasn't actually a teacher but part of a council that advised the district school board and curriculum/instruction teams.

If you want highly skilled teachers, expect to pay wages and compensations for highly skilled workers.

I do expect that. I expect teachers to be very well compensated. You are talking about educating future generations and the sustainability of the country. Not about selling microwaves (nothing against it, it's just that I consider teachers to be as important to society as firefighters and healthcare workers).

I'd take it a step further and say that teaching is the most important job in society and point to everything going on as a result of the failure of the education system as evidence.

You had me until the sex work part. I'm sorry, but that DQs you for anything that requires a public image.

It does. But it shouldn't. There's absolutely no reason.

A few millennium of valuing monogamous relationships might be important.

I have no plans idea what you are attempting to say. "A few Millenium" is supposed to mean what, apart from being grammatically questionable?

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