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Joined 1 years ago

Imagine being stuck behind the fog of a chainsmoking uncle for nearly four hours because you can't overtake him

I know it's a joke strip, but don't worry about being judged at the gym, only the 1% bottom dregs of gym goers do that. Most of us know it's difficult and respect you for trying, we won't bother you unless you might injure yourself.

And that woman is quietly getting jacked af, look that massive back in her last panel

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Can't win my current district, this $3000 dollar donation is proof that there is 10 million in dark money behind my rival - couldn't be me getting caught jerking off some random guy at a play for kids

Anyone still supporting her after that has got to be blind and deaf

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This shithead's genocide is going to birth a new generation of vengeful extremists out of the ashes of Gaza for the rest of the world to deal with, in the future

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The stated point listed in the article was to prove that manual photography has merit and that 'nothing is more fascinating than Mother Nature herself', which he proved by winning the people's choice award. He didn't say the disqualification was inappropriate nor did he criticize the contest for inconsistent rules? It seems quite clear that he expected to be removed from the contest after making his statement, actually.

Personally I hope this doesn't become a trend of machine generation and manually shot/created work spoiling each other's contests.

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I work at a small company - absolutely everything from work macros, accounts and shortcuts are all intertwined in Chrome, they've been using it like that for ten years - it'd be faster for me to find a new job then to unclog that mess from the entire office. I still installed firefox for personal use though.

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Any dude who 1) didn't already know, 2) goes out of his way to compliment his relatives at gatherings, is a good boy who will never trust you again

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My senior colleagues have already been cured of depression - I can't see any leftover soul in those eyes no more

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Only Onion headline I can quote off the top of my head. Never gets old (unfortunately).

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This fucking shooter could set behind democracy in the US for dozens of years. Land the shots and you martyr him, miss and you galvanize his support. Seriously the conservatives were starting to shift away from the far right after Epstein documents and Project 2025. Now deep state wackos will NEVER go away and resort to crazier armed shit. Seeing people comment that the shooter 'was so close' is insane and makes them no better than political extremists.

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Same location as OP

Wotlk WoW era Blizzard was a failing company? In what metric?

Money makers like OW2/Diablo Immortal aren't designed for the majority either, but for the 1% willing to spend exorbitant amounts of money. He made a successful studio develop into a souless money printing machine.

Edit: If you want to credit him with everything Blizzard's achieved since his tenure, why not also credit him with sinking Blizzard's reputation into the ground for the current generation of youths, ensuring that whoever comes after will have nothing to work with?

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I'll never understand the evolutionary advantage of nature developing the friendliest fluffy soft ears and putting them on a 200kg apex predator.

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Most vanilla kink

From the view of the actors too - if you had to pick a kink to act in/start in, it would probably be this one. Not too extreme, not too niche, but spicy enough to attract attention. Doesn't need extra props or locations, all you do is change the term you call each other by.

Dude went from gently talking on his knees to ultraviolence in a second holy shit

You can see his rage meter max out on his face

Sure, AI photos have their merit. I believe manual and ai generated photos are their own categories and can be appreciated seperately as such.

Why limit AI photos to being a clone of real photos? Push expression of the subconscious, the psychedelic, the eldritch, etc. Make something creatively unique from the photoreal, something manual photos would struggle to recreate.

It's probably intentional though, Bibi wants to prolong the conflict to stay in power. It was the main reason he got elected back then after all.

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The ancient Egyptians knew. To err is human; to cat, divine.

What a massive freaking L for Riot, Vanguard was the reason why I didn't play Valorant

Bot on bot violence

Yeah no, cats will do this after they invite the approach regardless. They will plead for pets for minutes and dodge when you try... And then mine circles around, slams her head into my hand and repeats the process

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A little mind control in their life builds character

My public gym one is covered in so many layers of grime, even touching it causes a lingering gym sock smell you have to scrub off with soap.

The thought of chewing it makes me nauseous

Ah, noted. Maybe I was lucky

Some of their old songs sound so edgy now, but there's something about 'Numb' that still holds up. Not even a personal thing, play it at a karaoke and people just join in, everyone knows the lyrics.

Just feels weird to punish game devs for spending years of their life learning an engine ruined by circumstances outside their control (plus there were no signs Unity would come close to downfall back then)

I had friends in Digipen's gamedev course and they paid for torturous nights and their final year on it, what a damn waste.

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I get that the stunts will draw attention to the environmental issues the activists are protesting for, but surely not pissing off the public would be beneficial in spreading a message to them?

The uninvolved public would just remember the attempted defacings, and not care about the damage being temporary or minimal.

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Point him in the direction of more interesting news (rich minister's supermodel wife got kidnapped, etc) and hope typhoon Rance passes by peacefully

Isn't this like an evil being devoured by a greater evil? It's not like the power and money is being returned to the people.

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Those Astro Boy boots have got to be super uncomfortable

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Tea preparation rebels are not constrained by shallow concepts like 'being edible'

Maybe it's been all the terrible news lately, but every now and then nonsense news like this just brings a smile to my face

Cool gimmick, just icky that their target audience is the type of people looking for unfair advantages in a multiplayer game

Imagine the uproar if a Japanese soldier sexually assaulted local girls on US soil. This dude needs to be made an example of

I hope steam makes a top 10 most privated games sale after this goes live, CoAL would be up there for sure

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🎵 Accidentally in love 🎶

They are adding an offline mode after launch according to devs... Some day.

Until then, it's to thoroughly crush the hopes of anyone still interested in the game.

It's camouflage for someone who can't open up, where all the pages are jokes and fluff except for the bottom right corner of page 37

Reminds me of a recent poster I've seen

Maybe you've just grown out of gaming. The Steam Deck has it's issues, but the sheer amount of different great games playable on it is debatably it's greatest strength. Hades, Armored Core, Persona, Dark Souls, pokemon romhacks, etc.