3 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Computer guy, occasional gamer, shitty music producer. Denver, CO

The encryption: base64 encoding

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It’s here, it’s there, it’s everywhere. The problem with replacing things that work with something “better” is that “better” is subjective, so you end up with a new “better” way every few years, and maintaining existing systems becomes a god awful slog. See the JavaScript ecosystem.

The bash I wrote 10 years ago still works today, and it will still work in 10 more years. The same bash will very likely work on your computer, on a remote server, etc. This is the power of not chasing “better” all the time.

Try running a Ruby or Node program from 10 years ago today on your computer. Now, try running it on a random Linux server.

Please do not take this as a slight against Ruby or Node, or any other high level programming language. Bash compared to those is simply apples and oranges, they are not the same thing.

By all means, if you have a project that requires a Ruby runtime anyway, write operational scripts with Ruby, run them with Rake, etc.

Want a portable script that doesn’t depend on a complex runtime? Use bash.

If bash is too limiting, use Perl. No, seriously. Perl is fine. It is about as ubiquitously available as bash, and the standard library likely has what you need to get the job done. People blindly dismiss Perl because some blog post told them to, usually in the context of writing application code. You’re not writing application code, you’re writing scripts. Would you write an application with bash? No.

I wish every language had a gofmt, this is such a non-debate (tabs are indentation, spaces are alignment)

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To be that dick, a headless component library is still meant to do something, show an example of it being used!

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But Discord has cultivated a queer membership by serving a different need than those platforms: privacy.

Yeah, gonna stop reading right there. Discord is absolutely selling your data. Nothing against inclusivity features though.

Discord became ubiquitous because it works well, and is free. Take VC money, run at loss, get tons of users, enshittify, die because something better becomes good enough. It’s just another one of those speed runs, which will happen over and over again until the end of humanity.

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You have to listen to your heart, at least once in your career, to learn that grass on the other side is covered in just as much dog shit as it is over here.

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This is what life is when all viable phones are made by two giant tech companies.

The JetBrains AI plugin wants to be activated so badly, but legal says we can only use GitHub copilot. The copilot plugin is really good so I don’t mind, but we all know the data is going to OpenAI regardless of the plugin. Data sovereignty will only be achieved by running these services locally.

You may not agree, but they are right. We are not most people. They want, and they have, that sweet “lowest common denominator” market, and they will take advantage of that until something else generates more cash. The “lowest common denominator” demand more CoD and whatnot. They don’t care if it’s bad, because them and all their friends will buy it and perhaps even have some fun. The big studios converging on vapid cash grabs instead of creating interesting content is depressing, sure, but hardly surprising in a world where morals and ethics don’t matter, where you can get away with the absolute most heinous, reprehensible acts, and suffer zero consequences.

I don’t really care though. The indie scene is unaffected by this, and has only gotten better every year for as long as it has been around. It’s fucking GLORIOUS already, and it’s not going anywhere because it’s not run by an oligarchy of publicly traded shitfactories.

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That article is about their web browser. Agree that it doesn’t exactly instill confidence that their search engine is squeaky clean. Regardless, DDG results are much more useful than Google results, as the entire first page isn’t ads.

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I can assure you that Google, an ad tech company with a near monopoly on web browsers, has an interest in eliminating ad blockers in the browser that they have direct control of.

Isn’t it that horrid ugly fucking foot

To be frank, it’s not that people are oblivious, they just don’t give a shit. Who cares, let them not give a shit. Internet communities are only ruined by too many people, this one can continue to exist autonomously and not have to be “new Reddit”

YAML comes with its own unique pains in the ass

These things actually matter, come up often enough to actually be annoying, and are a bit difficult to explain and learn into people. You’re basically fine if you just string quote everything that you can, but nobody does that.

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In terms of hype it’s the crypto gold rush all over again, with all the same bullshit.

At least the tech is objectively useful this time around, whereas crypto adds nothing of value to the world. When the dust settles we will have spicier autocomplete, which is useful (and hundreds of useless chatbots in places they don’t belong…)

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Strings became ubiquitously used for a reason, they map really clearly to the way we think as humans. Most importantly, when you’re debugging, seeing string data is much friendlier than whatever data your symbols map to (usually integers, from enum structures)

No, obviously it’s not the most efficient thing in the world, but it hardly matters, and you’re not getting anyone to stop because you’re “technically right”.

MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING!! Which also kills the other lever guy, bonus!

Does anyone else think it just doesn’t hit the same when it’s not 4:3 and slightly blurry? Don’t get me wrong I love the show, and new content will probably be good, just curious if others feel the same about the aesthetic hah

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It’s a huge faff, you will get a different answer from every person you ask. They’re used interchangeably, and it just doesn’t matter.

To entertain your prompt. Real world engineers (structural, etc.) aren’t entrusted the title because they “care” about what they build, it’s because they have to be correct, and as such, they follow extremely rigid process and take the time to never be wrong. Obviously I do not have real world structural engineering experience, but I think we can all agree on this from an outside point of view.

That’s not how software works most of the time, and it’s even heavily discouraged in a lot of the industry. We learn from failure, and the consequences of software failing are nil compared to the consequences of a bridge failing. This is a huge superpower of software, not a weakness, or some sign of deficiency. It is the key reason software evolves so quickly. Software engineers (or developers, alchemists, whatever) are allowed to fail, learn from mistakes, and improve. They can test completely new, never been done ideas, nearly for free, and nearly instantly.

Again, I don’t really care though what the industry wants to call it, developer or engineer. It doesn’t matter and it’s all made up anyway.

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It’s gotta suck being the director of the next MGS game knowing that everyone knows you aren’t Kojima.

I’m sure plenty of the offenders are legitimate, but it’s completely safe to check private key pairs into code, or to bake them in to images. It entirely depends on what the key pairs are used for. Very common to include key pairs for development/test environments, for example. If it’s a production secret, of course you don’t do this.

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Packages often have recursive dependencies. There are some conscious packages that go the extra mile to not have any dependencies, but it’s very rare in the JavaScript ecosystem. Welcome to hell. You can at least use dev dependencies to avoid downloading them in CI etc., but that’s about it.

I’ve heard it much better described as a “distributed monolith”, which makes complete sense to me. It’s what you get when you “break up” a monolith into “services”, but the spaghetti is still there, it’s just distributed across services now. You have to actually eliminate tight coupling, define the correct boundaries, and vigilantly respect them. All of which should happen from within the monolith first, ideally, where you still have the massive luxury of one codebase to deal with as you make the huge refactors necessary before completely decoupling into services. Even better, do this required prerequisite work and discover that your monolith is actually… fine.

The one that comes with the IDE, because I don’t really care.

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Aw gee guys we are soooo sowwyyyy that we hurt your feefees

I didn’t even know this was a thing. It would not have been great, and may have been good, but Naughty Dog doesn’t really seem to be in the camp of settling for good

Oh man, if solid apps like this can tighten the experience with the polish of their old Reddit clients, this shit is gonna be lit

lazygit is seriously so good, it’s a shame so many people write it off because it’s not some beautiful Apple GUI. it’s an extremely efficient productivity tool.

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Was always a big fan, but the steam deck has me playing a handful of new indie games every month, and it’s fucking awesome. So many little gems, so many unique ideas, for way less money, way less time invested, way less SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Rather, more instances, not servers. An instance can scale out using as many servers as the owner can tolerate.

I certainly wouldn’t want to be the one managing a horizontally scaled fediverse instance on a cloud platform though, that shit adds up fast, and no way in hell is anyone going to donate here.

I honestly don’t get how that’s supposed to work indefinitely, that’s usually where ad money comes in and… god dammit we’re back to square one lol. I’m here for a good time, not a long time 😎

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Excuse me. This was one of the greatest RTS and 40k games of all time, and I will accept no other answers.

Watching the decline of the internet in real-time is fucking depressing. How long before the FTC lets google “verify the integrity” of every data center in the US, completely eliminating all hope? Doesn’t even sound that crazy anymore.

Don’t forget this bullshit

This right here. Get good at navigating code of questionable quality that you didn’t write. If you can’t do it, start questioning your tools, and mastery of those tools. For the big boy jobs, you should be working with existing code much more than writing new code. Learn to get excited by tweaking existing systems with a few well placed, well researched changes, instead of being The Asshole that adds a new abstraction wart.

All I know is my gut says maybe

To me, a corporation cannot maintain quality code because requirements are ill defined, and there is no “done” state. With those two conditions present, unable to be changed, it’s not possible to form a coherent codebase. Those who try will make things worse, because their abstractions won’t fit in a year or two.

This is exactly the “messy code” people then leave behind. Bad code can come about for other reasons too, of course, but this is one of the more annoying reasons, because someone wrote it with self-righteousness, as if they were the only people to truly SEE the problem. Sigh.

It’s fine, this is how enterprise works. You can learn to navigate and make a living from it. You MUST internalize and accept that it is NOT the same as maintaining code for an open source library or whatever people think it’s going to be.

A single competent, seasoned app developer can not only replace hundreds of engineers, but vastly outperform them. But. Only when the vision is clear. Apollo, Sync, etc.? Extremely clear vision, it is a Reddit client, everyone knows what a good Reddit client should be, so a competent developer can make it happen, it’s just a function of time and money.

Businesses work differently, especially VC backed businesses. The actual app to such a business doesn’t matter, what matters is:

  1. Is it making us money?
  2. Next year, will it make us twice as much money?
  3. In two years, will it make us five times as much money?
  4. Ad infinitum (pun intended)

The shit that ruins the official app is shit attempts at the above. Because again, the app does not matter.

I’ll be honest, I just look at the steam store page for the game. If the initial impression from the images is good, and it’s a genre I want to play right now, I watch one or two of the videos and read a few top reviews. Then I just go for it. I don’t watch streams or anything. I am usually perusing indie games so it’s at most like $20 on the line, not the end of the world if I hate it, or if it needs a few years of patches to feel worth playing.

Yield sign. It means stop if there are cars, pretty simple concept.

Decoupled from venture backed tech corporations is all that matters. Close second is actual people creating actual content, which feels like the case! Curious to see how moderation pans out in the long run, but at least it’s in the hands of the community itself.

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