I can't wait for the new Futurama! We're inching ever closer!

Soullioness@lemmy.world to Futurama @lemmy.world – 257 points –

Futurama is my spouse and sons favorite show. It's been nice bonding over it.


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Does anyone else think it just doesn’t hit the same when it’s not 4:3 and slightly blurry? Don’t get me wrong I love the show, and new content will probably be good, just curious if others feel the same about the aesthetic hah

There is something to aspect ratios or low res but it not quite just those things. Those things should get the people making shows to design the show to look good in that format. Those design decisions then can lead to a different feel.

As an example it's kinda hard to have a ton of stuff going on in a single frame with low resolution. Props or visual designs might be simpler. The way people would be positioned in a shot would have different limits for the aspect ratio as well.

Always Sunny is in the same boat with older seasons then moving to HD. I think some of the creators of the show wanted to keep doing 4:3 but I'm not 100%.

Haha sunny is the other show I rewatch all the time and feel it there too.

Totally understand your point, it’s not just literally the aspect ratio, but rather more generally the restricted medium (compared with today) and how you worked with it