1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 weeks ago

I can only recommend squirrel stapler. It is a small(about 1h long) funny Indie game, where you hunt squirrels and staple them to your dead wife. It even has a story.

Now all together: One of us, one of us, one.......

I wanted to check out some yt channel, that I used to watch and he only does clickbait now. Its kinda sad.

It isn't about them being available. Its about discussing the content and the deeper meaning. I would be totally fine with reading Adolf Hitlers - Mein Kampf in School, as long as the content gets discussed and why what he wrote wasn't good.

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The Moment i realised the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.

For it being "just one state" I read about book bannings way to often.

I(German) can agree(sadly).

Shit is also quite dark so.....

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I knew multiple people who spent several ten thousands USD in State of Survival. A fucking mobile game.

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That's why I'm glad, that my instance defederated from those. I saw some of that content from another instance and I don't miss it.

MDMA is also documented to be very effective in curing depression, but as you said, its not as easy to tell if they used other stuff to mix it into the MDMA

I still don't get how people still use Heroin. Like, its common fucking sense that Heroin isn't something to play around with. Everyone that barely knows anything about drugs knows, that its highly addictive. Even if it might be not as bad as other drugs(in terms of physical damage) it is a very dangerous drug and even tho, most people don't know the details they know that its quite dangerous.

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It depends. As far as I know Acid isn't that expensive.

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Depends on the drug.

He even tried it a second time

Don't be a weakling and take MDMA to cure it. Real men learn how to live with your depression /s

Weed is quite cheap even tho, that it can get quite expensive when you build up your tolerance 10€/g is the normal price here. But since weed is now legal in Germany it is possibly one of the cheapest drugs to be addicted to.