I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.

cows_are_underrated@feddit.org to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 678 points –

Try a new sport! Like drunk driving

I feel like drunk racing should be a sport. I mean, we have 24 hours of lemons, why not drunk racing too?

I don’t see the connection.. the 24 hr Le Mans race is completed by multiple drivers switching out every few hours so no one is driving 24 hours straight. That’s not how endurance racing works

My dearest friend for the past 25 years became a drug addict. She died of an OD on Saturday. Left two young children with no parents. (Dad left years ago). I witnessed her spiral into addiction and destruction over the past 2 years. I couldn’t stop it. I tried.

If you want to become an addicted to something, please try masturbation or video games.

I’m sorry about your loss ❤️

Way to kill the vibe

this fucking guy

My bad I forgot this was a serious community. I've got to cut down on the heroin and whiskey

Honestly though hallucinogens really need to be more mainstream. Acid completely changed my outlook on life and give me a perspective of life and myself I would never have gotten through therapy or any other depression suppressants.

It's also cheap as balls if you find a good plug. 10 bucks for an all day ticket is wild you just have to be with someone you trust with your life who won't fuck with you.

Let's not forget that acid can be dangerous, I'm still recovering from a traumatic experience I had with acid 10 years ago, I still get flashbacks and panic attacks due to it. I also stopped smoking weed because it would trigger the flashbacks.

I also stopped smoking weed because it would trigger the flashbacks.

I had this years ago after a series of bad trips (the common denominator turned out to be the presence of a certain person, then things got better). Anyway, hope you can get through to the other side.

I will never forget the time I did twice as much acid as I intended and it ended up being a heroic dose complete with ego death and everything - not fun. Now I'm very cautious and typically only do microdoses.

There are people trying pretty hard to make that happen, though mostly in the context of supervised medical interventions.

Which I'm here for - while a lot of people do OK (fantastically even) with less structured psychedelic experiences, many do not. A really bad trip can do a number on you, sometimes for a long while.

I would suggest growing your own mushrooms as the safest way to be sure they aren't tainted, it's pretty easy (the hardest part is keeping things sterile) and you can grow quite a bit at once in a small footprint. In my jurisdiction it's not even illegal so long as you destroy the final product upon maturity.

Destruction of the final product is also very easy, there are some strong chemicals capable of breaking it down in your own stomach.

Agreed, doesnt work for everyone tho. I've done acid a couple times and it didn't really change anything for me, other than the actual effects at the time. Perhaps it gave me a slightly larger understanding of the situation we're all in and how the future is likely to look, but that already weighed on my mind heavily and just makes me sad.

This seems pretty fucking dark even for a shitpost.

Shit is also quite dark so.....

Mine is green🟢

You should get that checked out It's supposed to be red

Bro I had a major scare last month. TP came back straight blood red. Was like great got the colon C or even hemorrhoids.... Nope just crappy low quality TP scraping my gentle, milksoft asshole flesh. Switched back to the nice stuff and nothing but beautiful brown now baby.

Not OP, but I have much darker jokes for you. But I'm afraid this whole Lemmy instance will be closed down by authorities if I post any of them.

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Probably because the high isnt permanent and the higher you go the farther you fall. Long falls hurt a helluva lot

They're joking of course. Nobody wants this life.

I've seen plenty of people who think they could take hard, addictive drugs and not get addicted, or that the addiction would be a small price to pay for the highs of the drug. Plenty of people have far too much self confidence for their small understanding of the situation. It's why drugs like heroin are still around; if everyone intrinsically understood that they're not worth it, they'd have disappeared a long time ago.

I still don't get how people still use Heroin. Like, its common fucking sense that Heroin isn't something to play around with. Everyone that barely knows anything about drugs knows, that its highly addictive. Even if it might be not as bad as other drugs(in terms of physical damage) it is a very dangerous drug and even tho, most people don't know the details they know that its quite dangerous.

I think a lot of the time people get prescribed pain killers for legitimate injuries then they become addicted to opiates and when the prescription runs out they seek them from another source ex. Heroin

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I just dealt with the pain whenever I was prescribed stuff like Vicodin. I don't want to risk it at all.

Vitamin D deficiency is a silent widespread issue for a lot of people. Had a battle with it a few years ago. Was tired no matter how much sleep I got, had negative motivation to do anything. Libido all but disappeared, and finally sought a doctor visit when I started have suicidal thoughts.

Turns out I just needed more sunshine and 50kiU once a week for a month.


I know vitamins are typically measured (at least here in the US) in International Units (IU), but I've never heard of "kiU".

What's that short for?

Vitamin D toxicity is also a big problem, and doctors have been overprescribing supplementary vitamin D for years. Feels almost like a joke, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Deep down, I know the cure for my depression is cocaine or meth. I just am too depressed to get any of it and I don't think mania suits my vibe.

Edit: MDMA would also likely work, but that drug is almost a literal fast acting antidepressant similar in effect to SSRI's so I think it hits the nail too hard on the head.

i mean psilocybin (administered by a professional and in a safe environment) is actually documented to work for some people, so maybe hold out for that instead of drugs that may well be 50% drain cleaner depending on where you get it?

MDMA is also documented to be very effective in curing depression, but as you said, its not as easy to tell if they used other stuff to mix it into the MDMA

Pharmodynamically, it is very similar to how SSRI's, SNRI's, and MAOI's work, just with a much faster time (the aforementioned take about a week). MAOI + MDMA is a surefire way to the bus of serotonin syndrome and cooking yourself from the inside because of that.

Its what literally changed my life. I was really socialy awkward, spend most of my lide behind a computer, and when I managed to go out to parties in a subculture scene parties I loved, I couldnt talk to anyone, had a few beers awkwardly in a corner and went home.

Then I met someone who introduced me to MDMA. That happened almost 8 years ago, and now I am an organizer of 2/3 of the same scene regular parties in our city, Im helping and DJing on a festival that happens here, and am living my best life in that regard. All thanks to that one best friend who got me something that made me talk to, and get to actually know people in the scene in the extent that I always wanted, and get comfortable enough that I no longer need to be high to interact with anyone. Since now they are friends and regulars, and not random people I wanted to talk to, but was afraid of approaching.

But, it wasn't as easy as it sounds. I was always trying to be responsible and cautious, and In did get bordeline to addiction in the process, which I was fortunately able to recognize early and put a stop to it by getting help in a adictiology nonprofit. It was never bad, more like a precaution. And I caught it in the best possible moment. I'll never forget my first group session, where literally everyone else said "I'm 35+, I used to take stuff at parties for fun when I was 25, and then I ended for 10 years in meth...".

Everyone had similar story. And I went "Well, I'm 25, and I take stuff on parties for fun...". And that was a really strong lesson, where I realized I'm stopping a really huge problem at exactly the right time.

So, it might help. It is definitely fun, but it is so hard to not end up badly. You will need a lot of luck, especially if you are exploring it on your own. I still take things on parties, but with personal experience about the dangers it has. And getting that, is something that no one can give you, unless you see it for yourself. And for most of the people, that comes too late. I was lucky, you probably won't be. But in conclusion - drugs are amazing, and have changed my life. Its a shame that personal experience will probably vary.

For anxiety cases like yours, something that is very seritonigernic (which MDMA is) is very helpful. For unipolar depression without anxiety it may be just a nice manic episode. For type 1 bipolar depression, it might be a nice way to get yourself involuntarily committed, arrested, or, if you're really having a good time, both.

There are amphetamine antidepressants. You can ask your doctor about it (e.g. bupropion, which is not addictive).

Brother I've been on bupropion and I loved it. Hypomania is a blast, though maybe not for someone taking to me due to pressured speech. The tachycardia and tremors though, was a bit much for me.

Yeah I've been on bupropion for about 1.5 years. Had an increased heart rate in the beginning as well so we started at a very low dosis, then went up step by step. However the side effects vanished after 2 months. I don't feel hyper active, I just don't feel super low anymore. It doesn't make the depression go away but it allows me to work on it, because otherwise I couldn't even get out of bed

the cure for my depression is cocaine or meth

Adding short bursts of mania to my episodes of depression, because nothing improves my overall mood than a huge rush of endorphins followed by a sharp crash and an aching emptiness.

Don’t forget the painful regrets of your actions while high!

Don't be a weakling and take MDMA to cure it. Real men learn how to live with your depression /s

While arcade games are stimulating, both opiates and alcohol are depressant drugs and well known for causing depression. Depression isn't sadness, it's slowness, emptiness, and an inability to get things done. Opiates and alcohol obviously do that in the moment, but repeated use eventually results in a prolonged depression that persists long after the substance is eliminated from the body.

It's also feeling tired all of the time, losing interest in activities you previously enjoyed, not experiencing pleasure in sex, unexplained weight gain, listlessness, and only seeing the bad in yourself and in the world.

bro please i promise its not addictive if you boof it please bro this is a different strain

Have you tried generating ai porn. That's pretty fun

Now nothing is fun and nobody trusts to not to steal anything that isn't nailed down.

sounds like an expensive hobby

It depends. As far as I know Acid isn't that expensive.

I mean its not as cheap as weed but both are some of the safest drugs physically speaking. Also not really comparable to opiates.

Weed is quite cheap even tho, that it can get quite expensive when you build up your tolerance 10€/g is the normal price here. But since weed is now legal in Germany it is possibly one of the cheapest drugs to be addicted to.

Randomly read a click bait article the other day on "How famous people died". The older ones were alcohol + drug prescription overdose, while the newer ones were fentanyl + cocaine + alcohol.

Remember people, stay hydrated! Drink your drugs with water like you're meant to!

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Because some people think that getting high as a kite is a suitable way to not be depressed.

Alcohol is a depressant my man.

Neurologically speaking, so in a different context, yeah, but neurological depression also seems to lead to actual depression, the mood disorder, which also show up as neurological depression.

We really need better imaging tools to measure neurotransmitter activity, would make for several advancements I'd say

Abuse of any psychoactive drug on the regular leads to depression. It isn't just this concept of depressant or stimulant or even related in any way. Any stimhead can tell you all about the suicidal ideation inducing comedowns and inability to get anything done after stopping use.

Abuse of any psychoactive drug on the regular leads to depression.

That's a biased generalisation.

While abusers of psychedelics are rare, they're generally manic and psychotic moreso than depressed.

Yes, depression can be caused by any addiction and abusing stims can cause a lack of neurotransmitter due to exhausting the resources for the body to do so.

It's a bit different than using something that's a direct depressant though.

Depressant isn't linked to depression tho. Get that idea out of your head completely. Like seriously go read some neuro textbooks and stop getting your pharmacology info from tiktok. Depressants depress the CNS... depression is a mental illness.

Also I've abused psychs and known a few others that did and I wouldn't call any of our our activities/side effects manic or psychotic by any means. I know one person who had a family history of schizophrenia that had negative effects like that from their abuse. But just the one. I'd be interested in scholarly articles about the subject tho since I have biased data, and apparently, yours is not, at least from what one would construe from your comment.

Isn't linked?

That's just wrong. Correlation is a link. The long term high dose use of any CNS depressant correlates with actual depression (the psychological issue [I added the brackets because you seemed to miss when I specified the difference earlier.])

Oh wow, an anecdotal story, well that just proves what you're saying is 100% correct.

Science couldn't possibly disagree

"Pure" psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin rarely cause any sort of abuse, really, but I've been on a drug abuse closed ward and the manic people were generally in there because of CNS stimulants of all sorts. Psychedelics are just less likely to yield any long-lasting harmful effects compared to say smoking crack or snorting meth.

So yeah, while a CNS depressant isn't the a thing that directly causes psychological depression as such, you can probably see how they're linked from the following analogy; imagine that I tie your legs together. That doesn't remove your ability to walk, per se, as long as you remove the restraints. But if no-one removes them for 50 years, do you think you'd walk as well as before?

In much the same way, yes, CNS depressants are linked to depression, and alcohol and benzos are the clearest examples.



This one is a CNS stimulant.


So is this


They're both linked to depression too. My point is that you need to get this idea of correlating the terms because of how they look similar out of your head. It's a result of drug abuse (addiction/overuse) and the consistent changes caused by that in brain chemistry, causing negative effects when they aren't affecting you. It's not a result of it being a depressant vs a stimulant that you're addicted to. A depressant, when not abused, relieves symptons of depression (and even when abused, often relieves them upon intake). Not going to get into how stimulant mania is likely caused mostly by lack of sleep, but you can look into it if interested.

And you're right that psychedelic abuse hasn't been linked to increased depression or anxiety... mostly because there's no research on it whatsoever. In fact, almost all of our studies on drug abuse and addictiveness are incredibly flawed in the first place. That doesn't make your anecdotal experience from a drug ward any more powerful tho, especially as it's going to self select for people with mania as they are more likely to both be committed by the state and by their family or friends, more likely to cause people to take notice and sit them down, etc.

Analogies are great when it's not medicine. Medicine is really fucking complicated tho. We can have a veritable chemical pathway and successful trials in animal testing and still end up with a result we shouldn't expect.

My point is not that CNS depressants don't cause depression from abuse, but that it's just a result of abusing drugs, not the fact that they're a depressant class drug.

Yes, abusing drugs of other classes can cause depression too.

Who ever argued it didn't?

A depressant, when not abused, relieves symptons of depression (and even when abused, often relieves them upon intake).

It also relieves those symptoms despite being abused.

on drug abuse and addictiveness are incredibly flawed in the first place. That doesn't make your anecdotal experience from a drug ward

I literally emphasised how anecdotal experiences aren't evidence enough, which is WHY I LINKED ACTUAL PEER REVIEWED DATA.

My point is not that CNS depressants don't cause depression from abuse, but that it's just a result of abusing drugs, not the fact that they're a depressant class drug.

And you're wrong. First off, research the difference between the terms "addiction" and "dependence", and then read the science I just linked in my previous reply.

You're willfully ignorant, pretending you understand a subject you're barely conversant in. (Why do people feel the need to do this online?)

I used the analogy, because it's literally how the depression causing part of downers caused psychological depression; by long-term CNS depression.

That's why alcoholism is so strongly linked to depression. Just like benzo abuse and opioid abuse, but unlike meth, speed and other stims, which tend to cause mania.

(I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Probably because I am, and you just keep ignoring the actual science, because it proves you wrong and you're not man enough to admit to having not understood something perfectly.)






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I was talking about how hard it was for me to cut 5 pounds for my fight. This one guy told me I should take up meth to make weight. Genuinely look at him with utter confusion.

Had a lady demand I hire more meth addicted as ''they work really hard for nothing''

I declined her business advice.

He's right. They used to put meth in chocolate and marketed it as a great way for housewives to lose weight while keeping their home tidy.

Didnt know about housewifechocolate i only knew Panzerschokolade, but it wasnt for the wifes at home. But i mean who doesnt need a wife at home who is working at home and still has the energy to work you

Alcohol is a depressant ?

I've heard that drugs, including alcohol, trigger the chemicals in our brains that make us feel "happy". After the effects wear off, our natural "happiness" level is even lower than it was before. This is why we feel the need to use the drug again, and over time, we also have to take more of it to feel the same level of "happiness".

Doesn't "depressant" have more to do with your body's functions and not necessarily the depression we think about? Been a long time since high school health and EMT classes.

Yes, but if you become an alcoholic you will be depressed and feel like a piece of shit regardless.

8.5 years sober, thank fucking god.

Crucially, it doesn't seem like one while you're high on it. For most people anyways.

Anhedonia is horrifying if you think about it.

Green Maeng Dae and THC gummies are all that keeps me going some days

Kratom cut my drinking by 80%. Haven't had a single beer at home alone in years. Still go out occasionally with friends, so not a recluse or anything, just the excess stuff.

Man, I've been tempted. I've started saying I'd try a drug if it was ever offered, because I'm too much of a coward to figure out how to get it myself. I have an additive personality, so I know it would kill me and, honestly, I'm fine with that.

Alcohol will just make you more depressed eventually. Haven't tried fentany.... yetl, will slam one iv style and report back

NGL, if she showed up to help me I'd demand to know who funded all that shit and why they couldn't have spent that money on actual public healthcare.