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It’s good actually that the mail doesn’t censor based on viewpoint

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Yup, and it seems like more and more that it wasn't explosives, but regular pagers tampered with to explode using parts they already contain as to not arouse suspicion.

Totally false.

You’re listing all of the reasons it’s not a monopoly - you can go almost anywhere else and buy the same good.

Therefore, I think Amazon has a literal monopoly in the tech industry right now, you're literally forced to buy from them

You literally weren’t and literally aren’t, so they’re literally not.

They have so aggressively and dominantly taken over the supply chain market that no other tech company can currently compete with them in any aspect at all.

If nobody was in competition with them, they’d be raising their prices.

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You needed to invite a lot more people and at least a few people who didn’t like wrestling.

“Essentially” is the load-bearing weasel word here that allows this story to blame Amazon for their competitors choosing to offer the same goods at higher prices.

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"Competitors choosing" is usually considered to be price fixing

No? It isn’t?

Where do you think prices come from?

Amazon et al aren't the only US companies guilty of this or other anti-competitive behaviors

How is this anti-competitive?

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Well recent bouts of inflation say otherwise

They don’t, in fact.

I’m not saying we need to respect it, but the mail shouldn’t censor materials based on viewpoint.

Not censoring isn’t “respect”, it’s the minimum a free people should expect from their government.

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Wegovy might be covered if you’re just fat. You might also find a doctor willing to prescribe it on the basis of pre-diabetes, although it’ll be a long argument with your insurer.

But if you respond well to the drug it’s worth it. Trust me

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Hamas doesn’t use pagers, they use tunnels

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The idea that we have to tolerate intolerance is an incorrect resolution of the paradox.

But I’m saying we shouldn't tolerate intolerance. You’re the one saying we have to.

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No one is saying that it will be deadly, always. What depriving a trans person from gender affirming care does is make them miserable, drive them towards unhealthy coping mechanism and raises suicidality.

But the care results in no reduction in suicidality.

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It’s targeting the militant based on his phone.

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The fascists have breached the social contract of tolerance with their disinformation campaign

I don’t think there was ever a “social contract” where we agreed that you couldn’t send things through the mail that weren’t socially determined to be “true”, but if we ever did, you’re violating the compact by describing gender reassignment treatment as “lifesaving” when the best evidence on the issue is that it’s neutral at best.

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Equally embarrassing? Doubtful.

Why does it have to be equally embarrassing? It just has to be embarrassing enough that they’d take steps to conceal it. Which they did. It doesn’t have to be the most embarrassing situation, just one of the ones that would spur them to act.

One is a market which can be blamed on illegal activity even after being shut down and 'little' people arrested.

But they did shut it down and they did arrest people and they even seized and incinerated every animal at the market without taking samples or even identifying and logging the species.

On the other hand they didn’t shut down WIV, or really do anything to it at all.

but the lab's proximity to the outbreak is incredibly suspect.

It’s 8km away, across a river.

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Price fixing is rare because you gain so much by defecting from the cartel.

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Their father has a choice. He should act in a way that’s in his children’s best interests but if he thinks attacking Israel is more important, then the consequences will be his to live with.

I agree with you it would be better if he were simply killed, though; that’s certainly the position Israel takes on the matter.

It literally is

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Unfortunately choices have consequences

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And causing human zoonosis for that whole time

Why is a military tunnel under a hospital? (I don’t believe that Gaza had a single orphanage.)

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Wtf is that mean.

It means you have to actually go to the tunnels and fight, like the IDF is doing.

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My point is they had a vested interest in the scapegoat excuse. The market is a mild embarassment compared to a possible containment breach.

Ok, and I asked you why that matters. And you haven’t said.

Also if for example a CDC or USAMRIID site was 'only' 8 km away from an outbreak of a disease they were studying, it would trigger a full on investigation and full genetic comparison.

Well, but no, it doesn’t. For instance the CDC’s Enteric Diseases lab is in Atlanta, Georgia; it hosts the largest tissue collection of foodborne disease isolates in the world. If you were ever hospitalized for listeriosis in the United States, a sample of your disease isolate is probably located in a freezer there.

And also people periodically get food poisoning from Atlanta restaurants. About 12 a year, let’s say.

So every one of those food poisoning cases happens within 8 km of the largest food poisoning lab in the United States. Do you know how often they investigate whether the isolate leaked from the CDC lab?

Literally never. Not ever. Because there’s no reason to, because people getting a disease near where the disease is studied is not statistically significant in any way.

These are low-quality studies that ignore confounders and don’t include people who resolve their dysphoria by other means, including by no longer experiencing it.

Sometimes you bomb them so you don’t have to, or to block a means of egress. Either way it’s a legitimate military objective that justifies civilian casualties.

People could just leave the area, though. It’s not like Israel doesn’t tell them about the strike.

I’m asking you if you know of an alternate location from which Hamas plots attacks on Israel. Yes or no?

Do you think they moved? Where do you think they moved it to?

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Get on Ozempic or Mounjaro

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I mean you’ve seen people with COVID by now; did they look much different?

They’ve targeted civilians, including 40 people at a US Embassy.

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Before Hezbollah Israeli money was constantly being pumped into Lebanon.

You said “hold”, like they were in control of the place.

Now you’re just saying they invested there.

Also once again you're missing my point, both Hamas and Hezbollah were created to be enemies.

But your point is wrong - they were created to be allies. Allies of Iran, which is who created them. That’s why Hezbollah promotes Shia Islam in Lebanon.

Im addition you're still ignorent to the economics of war and foreign interests.

Waving terms like “war economics” and “foreign interests” without meaning anything by them doesn’t help your argument; Iran faces the same incentives for war against Israel that anyone else would.

It matters not what Israel wants when its nothing but an extension of the American Empire.

If Israel is nothing but an American vassal state, the vanguard of our imperial ambitions in the Middle East (lol, who cares about that shithole desert) then why have we placed Israel under arms embargo literally every time they’ve been attacked by Arabs?

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The lab location and research done means there is a lot of potential incentive for the Chinese government, the lab and even researchers in the field to not have it be a lab leak...

They also have incentive for the origin not to be a live animal market that they very publicly had claimed to have already shut down.

It’s equally embarrassing either way, so the embarrassment proves nothing.

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There are wet markets all over China and have been for....ever?

Sure, and they all result in zoonotic illness.

Second, if it were there, it likely wasn't intentional.

It connects to, and opens into, a hospital referred to by the New York Times in 2008 as “the de facto headquarters of Hamas.” So clearly pretty intentional.

Third, they could have bombed the tunnel without hitting the hospital

They did bomb the tunnel without hitting the hospital.

Fourth, and again you can fact check me in this, but it would be pretty strange for a large city to have no orphanages.

There are zero orphanages in any American city, for instance. Not strange at all. Orphanages are kind of an archaic and disused way to handle the case of orphaned children - modern societies use a foster system, instead. Gazans simply don’t care so they make no provision at all if the family doesn’t step up, so they don’t run orphanages either.

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Yes, it’s pretty shocking how people have come out in support of an Iranian-funded terrorist group that has killed women, children, and a hundred Americans

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It's hundreds of explosions, some of which were in cars (presumably causing car accidents) and crowded areas.

A person injured in a crowded area would be rapidly attended to and accounted for, especially by now, two days later.

If there’s an unaccounted victim, it’s somebody off by themselves with a Hezbollah pager and thus not a civilian. So this argument actually works against you.

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  1. Money is a form of control, if you control a countries economy you effectively control the country.

Spending money someplace doesn’t “control the economy”, stupid.

  1. Hamas received direct Israeli funding

No, it did not.

  1. My point is that war economics inherently benefits the American Empire

Proxy war with Israel directly benefits the Iranian empire.

Israel exists as an outpost for American troops to exhert power in the region.

There are fewer US troops stationed in Israel than stationed in Lincoln, Nebraska.

The idea that Israel wants peace is absurd, the people maybe but its clear that the colonial ambitions of the Israeli government

There’s no such thing. Israel is not a colony - Palestine is a colony and Arabs are colonizers.

The Hamas media? Yes, though eventually it became ridiculous for them to assert that Hamas had raped and murdered German tourists at Nova because Israel had “made” them.

Arabs attack Israel because they hate the “Yahud.”

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Hezbollah has announced the deaths of 12 fighters since Tuesday afternoon