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People, it's hard to believe but I'm also an expert on this topic. And I have an opinion - from the newspapers.

I knew that you'd like it.

what website is that?

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Why? There's no need for the citizens of the 25 countries to pay for it.

The idiots who pay for the warmongering are US and Europe themselves, thanks to the sactions, the high prices of the oil and gas, aids to UA and their stupid way of conducting the foreign policy with the rest of the world.

Putin smiles like never before.

And now the citizens of 25 countries will be able to send and receive payment to/from Russia freely, without a need to use shitty american SWIFT.

So…the US dollar is the world’s “reserve currency”.

Correct. But it's not a binary thing, but a spectrum. Look at it in the prospective of the last, let's say, 30 years.

How much has USD declined from usage? How much have the trades in the local currencies increased?

How about the last 2 years in particular? Moreover, the counries of BRICS trade mainly in the local currencies.

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Not enough info. What are you trying to actually accomplish here by asking me this question?

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That's what I concluded too.

What the "it" you refer to?

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What the shit kind of response is this. I'm tryintg to GET help for my question.

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Yeah, we need to know why you need it.

We're SO CLOSE!!!

You aren't aware of the task in whole I've described . What I've described is 20% of it.

You and @falsem are 2 fucking sorry-ass advisers.

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You've just proven that you youself very much give a fuck what Putin thinks. Aren't you his promoter?

What? I'll always read the 1st sentense. And it's enough.

What a boring topic. Who created it?

Cool, sorry

Cool??? I knew it'd be!!!

That's what I'm doing.

The reason was that Putin wants to completely rebuild the USSR

One more sorry-ass expert on what "Putin wants". How can you possibly know that? Have you asked him?

I have one. You not?

And what? Will this make a missle turn itself into a russian one?

ZOG yes. Until you came in it.

What question have you answered?

Hamas leaders flying to Moscow

But Hamas leaders first had flown to USA, then to UK and France. Then Hezbollah did the same, in the same order

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Putin has woooooooon

Why the latter?

I haven't asked for implementation, nor have I specified a language.

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so what?

Read the history of the conflict since 2014. Read about the Mink and Minsk2 agreements which Ukraine didn't respect. Read about Ukraine's attempts to join NATO.

and it's not for the 1st time. Remember Bucha, for instance.

Snicky, one-sided reasoning -- "Well, Ukraine has done it. But! It's still Russia who is to blame". That's why we have what we do.

If Ukraine hadn't played with the attempts to join NATO, invited by USA and Europe, Russia wouldn't have invaded it. If Ukraine hadn't descriminated the russians in Lugansk and Donetsk for a decade, Russia wouldn't have invaded it.

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perhaps because you're an idiot?

Where did you get your information from?

The sanction have "hit" Russia such hard that Putin has been smiling ever since. He'd, perphaps, wish more of the sanctions any day.

Who's in resession now - Russia or Europe? Europe. Russia, on the other hand, expects the growth of 2-2.5% this year. Higher than previously expected. Higher than US. Even the US firms have forecasted this.

And Russia has been able to localize a lot of manufacturing too, ncluding engines, tourbines and similar hight-tech stuff, thus breaking dependence on the West. Every week there'll get open new manufacturing.

There've been some downsides for Russia too, but mainly - upsides.

Not to mention rushing to switch trade from USD to the local currencies or RMB.

....whilst under 15k sanctions.

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