Armenia joins Russia's list of 25 countries where foreigners will be able to open accounts in Russian banks to World – 22 points –

The news of Russian Western isolation


Yeh... Who would want to open an account that could easily be seized for their warmongering?

Probably just people who can't get less risky accounts, or who are hoping to get money out of Russia.

Isn't this more bringing money into Russia? I wouldn't think putting money into a Russian bank would be an effective way to get money out of Russia...

Arrange a transfer from Russian branch to Armenian branch, withdraw money, close account.

Or just a plain withdrawal if you already have an account with them in Russia, and other banks are refusing your business.

Why? There's no need for the citizens of the 25 countries to pay for it.

The idiots who pay for the warmongering are US and Europe themselves, thanks to the sactions, the high prices of the oil and gas, aids to UA and their stupid way of conducting the foreign policy with the rest of the world.

Putin smiles like never before.

And now the citizens of 25 countries will be able to send and receive payment to/from Russia freely, without a need to use shitty american SWIFT.