4 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Musk is a proponent of near-absolute free speech

Anything goes, so long as it doesn't hurt his feelings personally

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Has John Oliver already had an episode about spez's enshittifying of reddit? Because if not, I guess this is one way to make him at least mention it on Last Week Tonight. xD

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I think making a custom award for the sub's creator qualifies as knowing about it.

Also, you can microblog with your kbin account, so boosting with it actually does something.

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It isn't the case.

The first problem was actual trolls using were using's open and automated registration (beehaw makes you write why you want to join and manually approves registrations based on that) to troll Beehaw.

The second problem was that the moderation tools aren't mature enough yet to deal with problem one with anything between manually banning every troll (which will immediately come back by creating another account) and total defederation from the instances most of those trolls are coming from.

Because Beehaw's mission statement is to be a safe space, it was decided to go with the defederation option.

However, the defederation isn't planned to be permanent. Improvements in mod tools and/or maturing of communities are said to be reasons to refederate again.

Edit: spelling

Disappointed that the article didn't mention the fediverse

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I would claim actual free speech absolutists don't exist.

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Haven't seen any indication of it being in danger in Switzerland. But we have proportional voting rather than first past the post and referenda are common.

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Always keep your mind partially open to new perspectives and do your best to practice intellectual humility.

This is the basis of true intelligence/wisdom.

Easy. Kbin/lemmy admins actually listen to their users, unlike spez and his cronies. The asshole can move to their own instance and continue there, but that might get them defederated.

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Or not anymore, anyway. Google's algorithm seems to have come to the conclusion that pinterest isn't worth linking as much anymore.

I was part of the Linguistics subreddit, but I don't feel qualified to open a kbin magazine or lemmy community for it. While I did have linguistics as my major in university, I had to quit after getting my bachelor's credits but before finishing my thesis (due to depression).

I edited loads of my old comments to suggest people join kbin, but it seems the mods of /r/linguistics hate that. They were all removed with no exceptions.

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Except you don't have to be intolerant of Salafis. They can be Salafis or not for all I or anyone else cares, what matters is whether they hate people for who they are and spread or communicate that hate.

I'm personally not entirely sure about male to female trans athletes being allowed to compete in female-only leagues and am concerned about the wisdom of allowing sex change procedures for minors that weren't born intersex. I wouldn't marry a trans person and if a close family member suddenly came out as trans I might have long discussions with said family member for a while,

But that's it. I wouldn't even dream of hating someone for being trans or demonizing people who are. Even if I had religious beliefs against that kind of stuff it would at worst make me worry about such a person or make me pray for them.

If I were a moderator of a public space, I'd allow them to talk there without fear so long as they're not actively attacking others, same as any other group.

Likewise, you can believe that trans people are wrong and will go to whatever equivalent of hell your belief system has and I would tolerate you as long as you are civil about it, come from a position of compassion and empathy and don't try to force people to listen to you (like by using multiple accounts to circumvent blocks and/or bans) who have clearly communicated that they don't want to hear you anymore (same goes in the other direction, btw) and don't try to incite others to treat them as anything other than fellow human beings.

If someone from either side can't do that, that person lacks tolerance and in turn can expect the same level of tolerance being directed to them.

They won't be getting familiar with the fediverse though. They'll be getting familiar with Meta/Threads, as happened with Google Talk and XMPP.

I fully abandoned Chromium in favor of Firefox ever since they made extensions like Ghostery work worse (on Chromium, you can only prevent a tracker from running, but it will still get (down)loaded; on Firefox, extensions like Ghostery can prevent a tracker from being loaded at all). It's been like that for years.

Yeah, given the shit that they allow on their platforms that is barely or not at all working asset flips, the only reason they're doing this is the legal risk.

German speaking Swiss here. Absolutely no idea.

Ah yes guestbooks. My first foray into actual programming (rather than just HTML) was when I wanted to add a guestbook to my silly little website, followed a tutorial, found out tutorial was borked and went looking for advice on what was going wrong (multiple things). By the time my guestbook worked properly I knew PHP(4 or 5) reasonably well.

Someone else suggested Fedinaut and I love it.

I'm neither blind nor have any family or loved ones who are, but seeing people on the fediverse add captions like these warms my heart every time.

Right-clicked on the link, copied link, went to, pasted link into wayback machine, selected most recent (in this case only) snapshot.

As you can imagine, it doesn't work if hasn't archived the link yet.

Does he? Is that even possible?

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@MsPenguinette @Pixelologist

Artemis, an app in development for kbin, is also heavily inspired by Apollo (hence the name also being a Greek god starting with A and known for their skills with the bow)

I speak German (it's basically my native language) and I have no idea what that word is meant to mean.

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That's because he sees himself as a king.

Switzerland's isn't so young either. It dates back to Napoleonic times.

It being a moth girl is the cherry on top

euphoria and disphoria aren't quite the same thing...

I'd also like to point out userscripts like the KBin Enhancement Script on greasyfork for collapsing comment threads and showing a user's home instance.

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I like my username too much to have a hand in making it shill ads and misinformation.

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Seems like you posted or commented something that got boosted/"retweeted" at least 25 times then.

You can block the instance itself, you know. No need to hunt for the communities.

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Let's just hope the majority isn't bots, like some instances have seen.

Writing a cookie and reading it back should work just fine even in incognito mode. It just gets deleted once incognito is closed.

That's a bad take. There are some users that regularly write outstanding content or even just a series of posts that you don't want to miss the next installment of. Examples on Reddit were /u/Gambatte in /r/TalesFromTechSupport and /u/SqwrlTail in /r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

Try using the fork of Power Delete Suite that waits 5 seconds between each edit. That seemed to work for me.

Eh, I care a bit because they're polluting Mt Everest.

To quote the end of the article: 🤣

If you define the number to be the amount of flat surfaces the die can land on and you assume the surface is non-physically smooth, maybe. "maybe" because we can't see the underside, which might be flat.