Are PMs to other instances not possible? to /kbin – 4 points –

I just tried sending someone on a lemmy instance a private message (solution to a riddle) and got redirected to instead.

Is that a bug or just how kbin handles things that are impossible (maybe lemmy doesn't have messages, or PMs between instances doesn't work)


Someone posted this as an issue, so I’m guessing messaging users on other instances isn’t implemented yet and it’ll eventually get worked on.

I read in one of the kbin discussion threads recently that PMs are a feature in progress, currently low-priority due to the Reddit migration.

I'd be a little hesitant on privacy matters when it comes to private messages. There are a lot of people who might get access to those. With regular messages, there's no illusion of privacy, but with private messages, there is.

Today, there's no mechanism for end-to-end encryption or the like.