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Joined 12 months ago

There's a middle ground between being altruistic and having an ulterior motive:

You want the community you're willing to moderate to not be filled with crap because you personally like it better when it's not filled with crap.

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I'll add my perspective as a male recovering from depression:

  • A questionnaire asking about sadness would have missed me. My emotions didn't take the detour over sadness on their way to not caring anymore.
  • Asking me about hopelessness would also have missed me outside of my deepest downs.
  • While, in retrospect, I did become more easily irritated by people (especially when asked to do something when trying to wind down), asking people around me about acting out would have missed me, as I generally like my fellow humans and have a desire to please and respect for people teaching me something, so expressing that irritation would have been rather rare. It also would have been short lived as I'm quick to forgive.

The best ways to have discovered my depression earlier would have been to

  • ask me about feeling overwhelmed by all I felt I needed to do
  • note how long and often I needed downtime
  • note how I increasingly failed to do things I needed to do in time or at all
  • ask me about feeling like I'm wasting my potential and/or disappointing people around me
  • ask me if I thought I was lazy despite not wanting to be
  • maybe ask me about being more easily irritated rhan I used to be

Because this wasn't caught, I spent years with undiagnosed depression. Years in which unhealthy coping mechanisms had time to entrench themselves. It was only caught because suicidal thoughts scared me so much that I sought help when they appeared a second time.

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Kind of similar to how most people clean their home primarily because they don't like living in filth rather than to benefit society.

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That's giving him way too much credit. More like an Austin Powers villain, and even that is questionable.

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Definitely. Your PR account being from your official webdomain (or rather, a mastodon/fediverse-specific subdomain, something like would be the ultimate verification.


How do you know this (fictitious) announcement that Intel is going to merge with AMD is really from Intel and not from someone pretending to be from Intel for the lulz? Just look at the home instance of the account making this announcement. Only the official Intel account has this home instance.

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Apparently Elon has a thing for the letter X. SpaceX, naming his son "X Æ A-12", and now renaming Twitter.

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Good luck trying to stay federated with everyone. Including tankies, nazis, trolls, pedos, ...

And some people have Opinions™ about where forks and spoons go in the cutlery drawer and where to put sporks and get annoyed at their flatmates when they blindly grab from where they expect the forks to be and end up with a spoon in their hand instead.

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Not all religious people are the Westborough Baptists, rabid creationists, prosperity gospel followers and massive hypocrites you know personally. Nor are the rest all militant fundamentalists who think terrorism is a good idea.

There are Jains, parts of the Salvation Army and many more that are perfectly reasonable and don't go against anything science has to say. Because at the end of the day, religions and science have very little overlap, as most religious beliefs can neither be proven nor disproven.

In a way, this gives me hope that the fediverse might actually survive in a way bigger capacity than XMPP did even if Threads/Meta manages to EEE a large part of the fediverse.

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Are you telling me that Malicious Life and The Darknet Diaries are right-wing? Admittedly, I haven't listened to either in quite a while, so something might have been said since.

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If the ads aren't optional and opt-in like in Brave, people will just create an identical fork except for the ads code being removed.

Ah, so it was people being prideful idiots because it didn't come from their own fiefdom.

Several reasons. But I would guess a big part is that air pressure drops with altitude. 1atm is the pressure at sea level. According to my google-fu the air pressure on Mt Everest is a mere 0.33 atm.

You don't want your light bulb exploding when it breaks, especially if part of the reason you put a special gas in it was to prevent it from imploding when it breaks.

Now of course most people live significantly closer to sea level than to the peak of Mt Everest, but if a gas is heated in an enclosed space, its pressure rises.

Also, if you have to choose between shards tending to go inwards or outwards when the bulb shatters, you'd probably prefer them tending to go inwards, provided it's not so fast they shoot past the middle as they would with a much lower pressure.

Lastly, it saves on gas.

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It's like saying government officers should use gmail accounts instead of writing their emails from their own government-run email servers.

That sounds like a great idea. Kind of like Twitter verification except the verification that you're really a government official comes from the fact that your home server is a government run one.

And the same could go for corporate accounts. You're a public relations guy at Roblox and want an official, verified account on mastodon/in the fediverse? Spin up as a mastodon server that has your PR account as its only user, disable open account registration and you're good to go. (maybe an optional dummy account to get federation going by subscribing to all known fediverse servers of interest)

Not APIs, they use the same communication protocol. Like email does, or like websevers do with HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol).

I just blocked the entire instance. Does that not work in lemmy?


Tbf, beehaw plans to refederate with once either the moderation tools for lemmy get better or makes it harder for trolls to just make a new account when banned from beehaw.

Nope. But my problem isn't that disabling it again is too bothersome. It's that even if I go into Settings->Display and turn off Adaptive Brightness, it turns on again without asking on its own randomly while I'm using my phone.


I had never even heard of it, what made it special?

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To be fair the post rules don't explain how the ! syntax works. !community@instan.ce btw.

That's also the only format that works across platforms.

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If you write !someCommunity@some.instance and aren't on some.instance yourself, that works for everyone, regardless of whether their instance server knows about that community already or not.

If you are on some.instance and write !someCommunity@some.instance, both lemmy and kbin are overzealous and it ends up only working for people on some.instance.

In that case, you can use [link text for lemmy users](/c/someCommunity@some.instance) and [link for kbin users](/search?q=someCommunity@some.instance). The one for kbin users looks a bit different to guarantee the link works even if their instance doesn't have anyone subscribed to someCommunity@some.instance yet. Not sure if the lemmy link works in such a case.````````

Oh don't get me wrong, I fully expect Meta to go EEE. That they're not talking about it in those terms makes sense, given that the Embrace part has barely started. Don't want to spook the part of the prey that still feels safe.

I just have a bit of hope that the fediverse might survive it better.

Protonmail accounts are free. Just make one and use it for bug report signups.

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I'd argue the opposite. Most religions don't care about aliens existing or not (ancestor worship, Shinto, all Dharmic religions as far as I know, animism, etc.). Others have already made arguments why aliens should exist according to their religion (argued by at least one catholic "saint"), while others would find it difficult but not impossible to fit aliens into their belief systems.

Similarly, the Big Bang at best disproves the literal nature of a religion's creation myth, if such a myth exists to begin with. An ancient Greek would just tell you that obviously the Big Bang or its aftermath is Chaos, from which the first gods came. An elf in Tolkien's legendarium would tell you that obviously that was the beginning of Ea (the universe), sung into existence by the first notes sung by the Maiar. A Hindu might say something about Brahman being split into smaller existences.

Same for the big bang someone here claims to be a proof that all religions are false.

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I remember a comment in one of the reddit migration threads in the fediverse from one of r/breastfeeding's mods about the expected fallout from Reddit's fucking with mod tools (which is why I clicked on this post to begin with, breastfeeding isn't a topic I'm interested in). Apparently very good moderation was needed and Reddit's fuckery was expected to make it impossible to maintain that.

Given that lemmy's moderation tools are currently at vanilla Reddit's level at best, if not worse, you're going to need some luck (and might be better situated at beehaw, which prioritises being a safe space and defederated with because trolls were able to just make a new account when banned from beehaw communities and no less extreme but adequate moderation tools were available).

Do you mind me asking what FHS means in this context?

I wish you good luck. Especially since as far as I can tell moderation tools aren't very mature yet. On the other hand the lemmy/kbin part of the fediverse is still small in comparison to reddit, so maybe you're lucky and nobody who's a creep about this topic joins this part of the fediverse before mod tools are ready for them.

Technically every admin could change it by making the change to the code and recompiling it. Practically it's just code contributors to lemmy development.

It may have disproven the claim that some creation myths are to be taken literally (and even that is questionable if you assume a trickster deity), but it's impossible to disprove religion itself.

Ancestor worship for example is wholly unconcerned about how exactly the world came into existence.

Most denominations of Christianity just take the Judeo-Christian creation myth as primarily who created the universe, and not really how, and a categorisation of things and beings.

Most religions primarily make claims about what happens to the self after death and whether one's life influences that. Unless science opens a portal to an actual afterlife somehow, that is not something science can answer, and religions will continue to exist.

Images: No idea.

Text: Still prevalent in forums among AAR authors. The only such forum I know of is paradoxplaza, but AARs would probably also work for games in the Civilization series.

It is notable though that you have lots of Americans which claim Italian, German, Irish etc. descent, but in comparison basically nobody outside of Louisiana claims French descent.

There's calkey for a fediverse version of Tumblr, if I'm not mistaken about what either does.

Two reasons I can think of:

  • Information is more trustworthy if you can arrive at the same conclusion or at least understand how the other person arrived at it given the same information. If someone tells you that person X should be avoided, you could either blindly follow that advice or ask for a reason to decide whether you'd agree with the assessment.
  • Knowing the reasons behind something is also useful for extrapolating to new knowledge. A child who asks why they need to bathe will not just learn to wash themselves regularly but also about hygene in general, societal expectations about body odor and/or a possible disease vector.

Part of my brain keeps claiming that that acronym must be a variation of Not Safe For Work, Not Safe For Life, etc. >_>

True. Why did it remain relatively unknown while webp seems to have taken off?

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