Twitter is now X to – 229 points –

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Apparently Elon has a thing for the letter X. SpaceX, naming his son "X Æ A-12", and now renaming Twitter. was the startup Musk (and others) launched in 1999. It merged with another startup to create PayPal in 2000. Musk bought the domain back a few years ago.

So yea, he's been obsessed with the letter X for a while. Other than SpaceX, there's also Tesla Model X.

Model X is called that because he wanted the models to spell SEXY - but Ford still owns "Model E" so he had to go with S3XY instead.

Can he legally change his son's name to use the new x?

𝕏 Æ A-𝕏ii

Apparently according to Elon his wife came up with most of the name