
112 Post – 481 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This would break ꙅ̶͓͒̃̔̋̓̄͝ß̸̧͕̥̼̳̯̗̲̥̲͋̆͂I̵͈̝̥̙̿͛̐̄͠I̵͉̲̗̣͍̾́͌I̷̺͔̞̖̊͐̈́͌͋̏͊̏̾I̷̧̡̝̰̺͉̮̲͔̔̑̅͌̆̅̌͑I̶̢̱̩͙͈͙̳͚̓̃̄͂͜͜I̸̢͑̊͝l̴̨̢̡̺͖̬̐̚̚͜l third law of containment. Indeed, there is a similar party in the Harambe timeline.

ᴰ̵̼͍̣̤̤̹͙̱́̆̔̌̓͒̂͑́ᴼ̶̢̡̝͎̣͍͕̻̯̪͊̀̏̃̾̎́̓̈́͘ ̷̡̼̮̖͖̩͕͍͛̅̔͂̂̉͒̐ᴺ̸̡̺͍̙͔͖͙̟̮̕ᴼ̷̡̧̢̟̥̘̼̖̦̘̔̏̈́ᵀ̸̥̯͍̗͔̲̫̽̈ ̸̖̲͕͐̿́́̍̆̾͘͝ᶠ̸̧̡͈̯̬͗͂̐͒̏̈́̕͝ᴱ̴͈̮̩̼̅̍͑́͘ᴬ̸̡͓͊͌̐̀̑̓̌̈́̓̓ᴿ̸̡̘̩̺̺̈́̿̐̀̚

إذا كان هناك إله، فلديه الكثير ليجيب عنه.

Also fixed is a bug that could cause an X server crash when graphics apps request single-buffered drawables while certain features like Vulkan sharpening are enabled, a bug that could lead to a kernel panic due to a failure to release a spinlock under some conditions, and a race condition which could lead to crashes when Xid errors occur concurrently on multiple GPUs.

Someone get em a blanky ;_;

Staunch Republicans avidly waiting to drink the oligarchies piss

Upping the original as a matter of course.

Sauce: https://the.me/making-the-iconic-1989-tank-man-photo/

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With the current system, anyone with physical access to your Hue bridge can take it over just by pressing the button.

If a bad actor has access to your home, I doubt light bulbs will be your main concern...

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Hans credits his improved social and communication skills learned in prison among other details shared in the public letters.

I thought prisons were meant to cause more trauma and help ensure people never leave so as to increase profits?

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At this point, I think the only reason a game wouldn't work on Linux is because of the developers political views.

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LMAO is that a boombox?!

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Microsoft asserts that the 7 TB storage per glass sheet maintains data integrity for 10,000 years.

Imagine people 10,000 years from now finding a 7tb homework folder of high resolution ponies.

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Maybe get a Steamdeck if portability is important, otherwise get a desktop. IMO gaming laptops don't last as long because of all the heat stress. Really just my opinion though.

*Funny, just seen this other post on Beehaw about valve selling refurbished Steamdecks. Just thought I would share just in case.

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As expected, pretty sure blue light filters are about sleep quality, not eye strain. Not that they matter much, with most devices having programmed in light filters now days.

*I am spreading misinformation on the internet

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Man, I love Block the Rich. No more musky spam. My internet smells so much cleaner now.

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I wish more companies did this; however, I believe most CEO's have the biased view that everyone has at least some money to spare which, as you probably know (likely on personal level), isn't true.

I understand that participating in cultural aspects of society must cost money due to the very nature of economics (if you want the artist to continue to make art, make sure they don't starve to death) but 'pirating' things is there not only as a stop gap to terrible service and personal risk (privacy violations, etc.), but also as an equalizer between those that have, and those that don't.

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>be AI

>try to write a green text

>my face when face

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IMO the industry as a whole has breached the "trust thermocline" by consistently releasing broken unfinished games. There aren't as many people that will buy a game at release, and would rather wait for the bugs to fixed and buy it at a discount a year or so later; or, it's realized the bugs will never be fixed and no one buys it.

Also with the realization that digital copies (that aren't installed on your own HDD) can be taken from you at a whim. I think most people are fed up with it, and are sticking to games they already have or just not playing at all.

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In regards to the perceived lightbulb conspiracy:

Technology Connections - Longer-lasting light bulbs: it was complicated


To me, the definition of 'lame' meaning like a lame leg or something is too dated to be the first thing most people think of in most contexts.

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I'll just use an alias; sudo has been around for to long for me to change it and not be stressed about it.

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"As the climate crisis worsened and proper nutrition became harder to obtain, humanities greatest fear came to past: the extinction of the big ol' tiddie."

This vast infringement is causing publishers and authors serious financial and creative harm, publishers allege.

Creative harm? As in switching out one graph for the another? Mixing up the table of contents? Maybe adding a sentence or two every few years when that research paper is in the public domain?

*worlds tiniest violin

an average of over 9 million visitors per month from the United States

Who wouldn't be able to pursue a credible education otherwise.

Publishers should shut the fuck up and take the money that is given to them by rich kids parents. Everyone else can't afford their shit. They're making the decades old mistake of thinking that everyone that downloads their books freely would've paid for it.

The people that keep the bathrooms useable are pillars of civilization.


but you have to spit the 'p'.

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My desktop will become my server.

*5 years later

My desktop will be integrated into my personal server farm.

To me, threads is inconsequential. It's just another twitter clone that I, and everyone else, doesn't need to bother with.

The paranoid part of me thinks this article is paid psychological manipulation in favour of threads by overstating the impact of it; but it's probably just a stupid article written by a dissociated journalist that's spent too much time around venture capitalists while also not really understanding the philosophy of FOSS.

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$49.99 per year

"What the fuck‽" he said, to no one in particular.

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The largest issue for me is that I've never watched an ad and thought "I need that". It's just a huge waste of time that I find disrespectful and distasteful.

That being said I haven't watched and ad in years. A bit less then a decade now, actually.

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As a non-programmer, this entire comment sounds straight out of a Neal Stephenson sci-fi story.

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Same. The fragmentation is actually a good thing imo. Makes it easier to keep the extremists contained in their own choleric bubble.

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Plot twist: two other bears are also humans in bear suites.

I had no idea LTS could go up to six years... that's crazy.

I think you'd really like the youtube channel Not Just Bikes.

I have two accounts. One for another instance that's mainly local, and one for Beehaw when I don't want to deal with bullshit; which is most of the time.

I use my phone/laptop a lot in class too look things up. Like finding gifs of the stages of a beating heart, and generally, reading about the same topic being covered by the professor, but explained differently. It helps tremendously. That being said, there are certainly other people in any class that are on tiktok or whatever else and those people wouldn't pay attention with or without their phones. Take their phones away and they'll just distract themselves with something else. They don't want to be there and taking their phones away won't fix that; it will probably just make it worse.

This reminds me of the idea that violent video games causes violence; which they do, but only in people that are pre-disposed to behaving violently; and in those cases they're violent with or without the video games. It's the same with smart phones. They'll only distract people that are already going to be distracted. It's just a matter of what they're going to be distracted by.

The onus instead should lie with how the classes are delivered, and tangentially, how the entire system itself is funded.

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That was a good read, thanks for posting!

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The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again

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