One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia to Humanities & – 70 points –
One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia

Ksenia Coffman’s fellow editors have called her a vandal and a McCarthyist. She just wants them to stop glorifying fascists—and start citing better sources.


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That was a good read, thanks for posting!

Original article link: One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia, by Noam Cohen

The getpocket link doesn't work for me even though I have the pocket app.

Thanks for the feedback and link. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle articles I encounter through pocket. I've found and posted the original article in the past, only for paywalls limiting the bees that can read it. It seems like posting the direct archive link as the main link is detrimental to the current economic model of most journalism.

The best solution is probably technical -- to allow posts to include alternative links for the same content. In the meantime, we'll have to rely on helpful people like you.

You're welcome.

Poket works fine in general, it's the first time I get this kind of error message when opening an article. Maybe that's a random bug in the share feature.

I typically share the original article as main link, even if there's a paywall, then add a comment with archive link(s). Bots may be one way to automatically share archive links additional. Paywalls are annoying but I tolerable them, and subscribed to a couple newspapers. It's saner for newspaper to rely on readers subscribtion than on advertiser revenu and trackers.