Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive to – 81 points –
Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive

No no no no stop talking about it, quick before the Nintendo lawyers show up!!

Ship Of Harkinian (and similar projects) have kept gping for a long time, and they don't do anything remotely illegal either

legality was never a thing nintendo considered

With the last two big things I've heard about (Yuzu and... Dolphin, I think?) they were legally in the right, but at least where I live there is absolutely no way to spin a recompiler + asset extractor as something illegal - they can't even claim the developers are circumventing DRM, because OOT and MM didn't have any.

Though, I would not be surprised if there's something in US law that can be exploited for this.

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