
3 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I go by the same username on world and frozeninferno.

Politically non-binary

Sounds like they really want people to use Firefox!

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Blows my mind how many conservatives think net neutrality is a bad thing just because the TV told them it's bad.

None of them can even tell me what the hell net neutrality even is.

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“Age is front of mind for American voters in a way that it has not traditionally been and they are nervous about it,” said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University.

Um, yeah, because never was normal to have so many 75+ year olds in power. They need to retire. And yes, that includes Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The Silent Generation and Boomers ran this country into the ground and never gave up that power.

Remember when Canonical used to give away installation CDs to anyone who asked? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Elon doesn't pay his bills either. Who knows how long his site will last.

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Elon simps are already going "lol $1 i literally paid more than that for my coffee"

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Makes you wonder why he bought it in the first place. He's thrown everything away: the employees, the offices, the code, and now the brand.

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Sure, because everybody who owns a computer, tablet, or smartphone is a web dev. Obviously.


Let's face it. Nothing makes any sense anymore.

It's possible to be angry at both Republicans and Democrats.

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I knew about that. They also pay to be the default search engine on Firefox.

But my joke was that these changes make it seem like they don't want people to use Chrome anymore and switch to Firefox instead. If users knew about this stuff and understood it, Firefox would bounce back.

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Chrome runs like garbage compared to Firefox, and this has always been the case for me. I didn't make the switch in 2008. I also had a bad feeling that Chrome would become the new IE with every other browser ditching their own rendering engine and basing on Chromium.

People back then said it was OK because Chromium is ostensibly open-source. Look where that got us. Surprise, it's still controlled by Google!

And the fact that Chrome has a virtual monopoly on the browser market isn't going to help them either. Other than Firefox and Safari, every other browser is Chrome, and most web devs only test on Chrome.

It's IE all over again, and I'm a bit scared that iOS's app store restrictions are the only thing stopping Chrome from being a complete monopoly.

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Yeah, from what I understand, he said he was going to buy it, then changed his mind, then the shareholders sued him because I guess there was a tentative deal.

Just shows me that Elon doesn't know what the hell he's doing, so spez looks up to him now? Yeah, I'm lost too.

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Please add more examples to the list.

How about an example of Wayland forcing me to use GNOME like this rant alleges? I hate GNOME but have been using KDE with Wayland for like two years now.

No, people don't want to spend $60,000+ for a disposable car that you can't drive in the rain.

Wow. They want me to install the app to read this.

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And people wonder why I have such an issue with so many 80 year olds being in power. This is why.

Depends. Unless you're on Ubuntu or Elementary, Flatpak and Snap are optional. When I'm on Arch, btw, I don't bother with any of those and just use the AUR with a helper like yay.

But I find the convenience of Flathub too good to pass up on other distros. I have been using Linux long enough to remember when the only options if your distro didn't ship something were to compile from source or to use a sketchy installer script, because Flatpak didn't exist. And as others mentioned, if you're using a full desktop environment, it likely can update everything at once via the GUI.

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Yeah, even Apple includes the iWork suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) for free on Macs and iPads, no subscription needed.

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Still blows my mind that a co-founder of a popular (at the time) site decided to copy a guy who knows nothing about social media and is running it into the ground.

Yeah, I know spez is an asshole, but it's still bizarre.

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extended warranty

All they have to do is say the magic word: "Cosmetic"

This is a rambling of how Wayland supposedly forces everybody to use GNOME, which is BS.

The rant even includes an admission that the author didn't even know what Wayland was when it was written.

What? Look, I really don't like Biden at all, but there is no "bipartisan consensus" or even grounds to impeach him. You can't impeach someone just because you don't like them.

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"We'll also use union actors to tell our team members why unions are bad."

Boot from the gparted live CD/USB. Never modify the partitions while you're using them.

It's Christianity. They believe getting an abortion is murder and being gay or trans is a sin. Because conservatives want to live like it's 1950. It's bullshit.

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Like water for chocolate...


If you can't find the option to block in your preferred app, you can always go to your instance in a browser and block the user in your settings.

Nothing will ever get done in this political climate.

I disagree. Too many people take one side or the other, take for granted that their side is 100% correct, and refuse to believe anyone could possibly be center.

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What crimes?

And this article does not say Fetterman is in favor of impeaching Biden.

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The awful screen is one big reason I don't use my System76 laptop more often. It's the worst laptop screen I've ever seen, has terrible light bleed, and has a pink tint. And this is the warranty replacement they tried to charge me for. The first one had the same awful screen, but kept freezing on me randomly.

And the damn thing STILL has hardware features that only work on Windows 10, five years later (like multi-finger trackpad gestures). I'll take System76 seriously when they start putting good screens in their laptops and get rid of nvidia.

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Lemmy is built for the community. Reddit just wants you to stay long enough to look at ads.

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Ice Cubes, Mammoth, and Mona aren't on this list either. Ice Cubes is the app that got me to actually use Mastodon regularly.

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Yeah, everybody who wants an iPhone has one, and most people aren't upgrading every year, despite what the stereotypes say.

And as far as the Mac goes, most people who wanted Apple Silicon upgraded when the M1 was the hot new thing. People held off on buying a new Mac in the latter half of the 2010s because of the keyboard and thermal issues, and once Apple Silicon was announced at WWDC in 2020, we knew the Intel Macs' days were numbered. Most of us bought an M1-based Mac once the model we wanted came out, since the M1 models essentially fixed what was wrong with the Mac.

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Since deleting my account on July 2, I just don't care enough about Reddit to create a burner account or download their app.

Say what you will, but this article actually does a pretty good job summing up why I don't want to switch back to Android after trying my first iPhone. As a longtime Linux user, I naturally thought I'd be using Android for the foreseeable future, since it's Linux under the hood.

One of my friends got her first iPhone, and she talked me into giving it a try, and while I was lost for a while, I was quickly blown away by how much better everything worked. And knowing that I'll get the latest software the same day as every other iPhone user, for at least five years, is pretty awesome.

Android could be a great thing, but manufacturers rely way too heavily on proprietary modifications to both the UI and drivers and have no incentive to provide updates for as long as Apple does, because they want you to buy a new phone. The fragmentation among Android manufacturers is real too. I don't want to have to root my phone and reflash the OS just to get a usable phone either.

Look, I know tons of people on the Internet are like "lol apple sux" but there is truth to this article. If you love Android, or flashing a custom OS, I'm certainly not going to tell you you're wrong. It's just not my cup of tea anymore.

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