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Joined 1 years ago

Yup. Trans or not a girl should be allowed to wear a suit or a dress. So should a boy. As long as it qualifies as "formal" for either group it ought to qualify for the other.

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Oldest man. IIRC the oldest woman is a few years older.

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And who bring a Playboy mag to their university's computer lab, and advertises their possession?

Probably a random grad student. They were just coming out of the "sexual revolution" of the 60s at that point. It'd be a lot weirder ten years earlier or ten years later.

That a similar thing did happen ten years earlier is the weird part, I think.

It's an older meme, but it checks out.

The ADL confirms, your comment is anti-semitic.

I'm honestly shocked that American juries aren't anonymous by default.

Looks like the instances that have defederated the most other instances, rather than been defederated by the most.

One of the girls didn't have any smoothie. She said he came downstairs multiple times to check if they were asleep.

Sounds fishy.

My son rode his bike across Saskatoon for work during this cold. Didn't even slow him down. Not sure if he's stupid, crazy, or brave.

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My first thought was "oh boy! Now I can exceed my data cap in seconds instead of minutes!".

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It means the process respinsible for unlocking the screen has crashed. I've seen it happen to me a lot too under some circumstances, but my error message is in English.

It's telling you to switch to a console and manually unlock the session.

That's difficult to imagine, a cubic football field would exist in six demensional space.

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Don't know much about fhe context here, so I won't defend this person if she's actually pretending. That said, I wore masks consistently, and completely understand their value, and would never complain about people wearing them, but...

Holy hell are people harder to understand when wearing them. I know it's a me problem, and I know why it's a problem, so I completely understand why somebody would say that.

Still not enough to justify not wearing one.

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I like to measure the area of rooms in foot-metres. Square foot-metres is a great unit for volume.

Today I unironically described the length of something as "about 1 centimetre less than a foot".

Bah, Canada's part of the same treaties. We still did it.

Where'd my kid get a Guy Fawkes mask?

Seriously, though, who cranks the thermostat to 30 and walks out the door?

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For giggles I kinda want to put them on my minivan.

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I have a 25 year old HP LaserJet. Great printer.

Don't buy a new one, though. You're right about money fires there.

I'ma show my age and say 90s Duke Nukem. Thanos wouldn't stand a chance against bad 80s action-movie parody camp.

I probably need to watch more Futurama, but wasn't Zapp well intentioned, but completely incompetent? Only kinda fits Putin.

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The only right way to slam down the phone requires an old phone with actual bells for the ringer. You know you did it right then the bells ding at you.

Missed a 0.

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That sounds a lot like Canadian (and also British) constitutional theory. The King is powerless himself. He just wears the crown, the Crown has all the power. The King wears the crown, and parliament controls it.

Damn right! It's somebody else's greed! Totally different.

My dad told me stories about his school days, when he's bring a rifle into the school, put it in his locker, then go shooting after school with his friends. This would have been in rural Canada in the 60s.

Not without a bunch of lawyers winning.

The USA should just do what many other countries do: universal compulsary military service for a time during early adulthood. That'd meet the mandate.

I set up FreeIPA at home. Similar in principle to AD.

FreeBSD 13 and Fedora KDE spin.

Yup, I'm one of about 6 people who work in my office that used to have around 100 in 2020. They all still work here, just from home. Great for me, especially with the reduced headcount. But many of my coworkers also like WFH, and I'd be first in line to threaten to leave if there was a return to office mandate.

Hoist up the thing! Batten down the whatsit!

What's that thing spinning? Somebody should stop it!

Turn hard to port! (That's not port) Now I've got it!

Trust me, I'm in control!

Thanks for not just assuming I keep my house below freezing!

Now, you could get around it by calling someone "a female person" - except that we already have a word for "female person", and that's "woman".

I'm going to nitpick a touch. "Female person" includes girls. "Women" ecludes them.

Firefox gives up keeping open tabs up to date. I've had 5000 tabs open without any slowdown. But I do realise this is about Chrome....

Well that's pretty inexcusable then.

OS/2 was great in its time. I'd very much like to see it open sourced, even though IBM has repeatedly refused.

At my school there was an office phone outside the office that anyone could use. No need to staff it.

Come to Canada, most of our existing stuff is robertson, and only the really cheap new stuff isn't.

MeatStiq6969 is that you?

Mine will too, when it's reasonably warm out, but not below -15 or so. Below -30 it's even longer, and might not keep it clear, and I need to open windows just so moisture goes somewhere other than the windshield.,