13 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Formerly know as u/Arjab.
Anarchist | Antifascist | Anticapitalist.
Arch Linux | FOSS | Piracy | Security & Privacy

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In Switzerland you get unlimited 10 Gbit/s for 50 bucks.

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Very telling that people seem to confuse terrorists mass-murdering civilians with the struggle of the Palestinian people.

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I'm quite amazed that the majority of people here simply take Madison's allegations seriously and don't pull the usual misogynistic bullshit.

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The saddest is that it's children who probably had no clue and no way of deciding.

Repeat after me: it's not only about installing, but also about maintaining your system!

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One reason is probably that people don't know about them.

It's not only software vendors but Wayland itself lacks some crucial features. For me it's auto-type and screen magnification - both are showstoppers for me.

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85 % probably have outdated firmware.

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0,16 % of Germans were in actual resistance and only 24 (!) people were charged during the Nuremberg procceses. That leaves the majority of roughly 70 million German collaborateurs to be the staff of the post-war Germany.

Yes, that's known and studied.

I once did a kernel benchmark using various schedulers in different games and the performance differences were negligible.

You're technically right, but nobody anticipated and therefore agreed on their posts being used for training LLMs.

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Support your local Antifa!

It's one torrent that's not safe. That doesn't make the entirety of the website unsafe!

Good, but why are there sooo many duplicate communities?

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BackInTime or Borg
BackInTime should be easier to set up, Borg is more feature-rich and flexible. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I use both for local and remote backup for years.

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What do you need that Arch doesn't provide?

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How is TuxedoOS the "best" distro with KDE Plasma? What about Kubuntu?

Secure file sending: croc
Dedjplication: Czkawka
Sorting tool: Phockup

Is this as ad?

You could also use free LLMs, check out FMHY.

Yeah, wtf, why would you do that?

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What the hell are you working?

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I made an install script for encrypted Btrfs Arch Linux, systemd-boot and KDE Plasma in case you want to have a look.

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It's not my website, but you can contact the owner here:

Why's that? Everything is political.

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There's is a difference between advising against unhealthy behavior and punishing heavily for it.

If you're using compression, try compsize.

"HPE Cray EX235a"

VPS with public IPv4, Wireguard/Tailscale/Headscale and my own Domain.

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Hell no!

It's probably enough to save everything in ~/.config/lutris.

Just use Btrfs subvolumes.

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KMag doesn't work on Wayland.

Turkey is invading Rojava/Kurdistan right now. What a fucking double standard.

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In case this isn't clear, I do not support the opinion stated in the video. Might have been misleading.

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  1. This could be due to missing Google services?

I wouldn't say that GrapheneOS isn't ready for daily use just because you have some issues. It's a mature project with decent support for only a couple of devices and a lot of people use it on a daily basis without issues.

What is the proxy in front of crowdsec for?

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Some contect, the tractor randomly appeared on an intersection in the middle of the city. My two teammates weren't able to see it and for them I appeared to be hovering mid air. It's obviously the rusty tractor, but why is it green? Where did it come from? And why couldn't my mates see it? We were in an empty lobby by ourselves by the way.