Statement: Nextcloud stands for an open and free society - Nextcloud to Open – 192 points –
Statement: Nextcloud stands for an open and free society - Nextcloud

I think I'm OOTL. An ant-fascist statement from them is wonderful, but what is their association to the Potsdam incident referenced in the statement?

Edit: is it just that they are a German company?

Probably. Germany is having a bit of a fever with a fsr right party.

In a little more detail: germany has tried to conquer europe and used industrialized genocide against marginalized groups under fascist leadership.

The party in question has evidently planned to start deporting immigrants, immigrant decendants and sympathizers.

That is pretty much how it started the last time.

No plans really. They (members of party AfD) "JUST" had a meeting, in November, with a guy (Sellner) to make such plans. This was leaked in a journalistic research by Correctiv. Shameful and concerning as it is, they are two different things. Hopefully that Sellner is banned to enter Germany again (he's been revoked visa to US and other countries already because of such talks). Now, my concern (personal opinion) is that other zealots (CSU, CDU) distance themselves as a 'better' alternative still being right extremists themselves...

Edit: To clarify, the "just" in quotes is to denote sarcasm because even if there's a difference between planning, having a plan or implementing it, the matter at hand is very important indeed. Of course, it can't be taken lightly. Still, is a relief that we are living the first, and not the second or third scenarios mentioned.

They‘re not just talks but thanks for clarifying. I know most of this but others might not.

Hitler did the same. They just „talked“ in the beer halls back then. This ideology needs to be banned from holding german office ever again. Even the idea to deport people based on their heritage (not their immigration status) needs to disqualify from holding public office. Actually, using heritage, blood, genes or anything to distinguish between people that can be used this way needs to be outlawed immediately.

Also, the cdu has reighned over this country for decades and although I‘m not a fan, making them the same as the fascist party (afd) is very counterproductive.

Every party needs to reflect on this and try to reach their members who are in danger of becoming fascists and educate them and definitely need to make rules that fascist ideology can never be part of any party or the government.

As they say „never again, is now.“

Also, it's worth pointing out that some other parties may have potential of embracing fascism, but if their current stance on right extremism is a negative one and their policies and rhetoric aren't even verging on the extremes, they probably should just be corrected for the obvious bad things and not labeled as "right extremists". Even though some of the candidates could be called such based on things they've said.

I agree. Labeling everyone as fascist or right wing nut job or whatever is only going to help the real extremists hide.

The idea of taking care of home is not extreme. Distinction comes through education. If someone knows their history they can tell you what to look for. It starts with jokes, goes on to „I‘m just saying they‘re not nice people“ to „I wish they would leave“ to „lets make them leave“ and so on.

Thats why I leave if someone on the dinner table just „needs to say this“. No you dont.

I disagree with calling CDU right extremist, because the majority isn't. Calling all conservatives right extremist erodes the meaning of the term. Now we know that parts of the CDU are (likely) right extremist, but I'd say it's a small minority.

Edit: is it just that they are a German company?

Yes, they are.

Thank you Nextcloud. I use a self hosted version at my home to back up my Documents and Pictures. If anyone would like to move from big tech for cloud storage, it's easy to do with Nextcloud + Docker.

Nextcloud (or rather Owncloud) was one of my first projects I selfhosted (on a Pi). It's also the first software which broke on a upgrade, which isn't strange given my lack of knowledge and it's complexity.

Nowadays I like to split my services, because it's easier to maintain and solves my use cases better. Immich for photos, smb for file access (as I don't need sync), radicale for calendar/contacts. Still, Nextcloud is awesome for getting started with selfhosting or if you need a complete platform with integration and all those bells and whistles.

Yes it's pain to setup for first time. But it's an one time effort that pays off eventually. Once it's setup, I never experienced any issues during upgrade. It's easy as simply pulling latest container images.

Yes, I had issue with an upgrade installed through apt, and was likely misconfigured by me. Another time I had issues after an upgrade was because of the webui and the cli worked. Yes, Nextcloud as a container is great.

I'm going to install this in my home lab today I think. I run stuff on nomad with traefik in front, to route things easily to different docker containers. Nomad is really cool.

Also can be done with Yunohost and Nextcloud. The numerous options regarding installation are a nice and good thing.

Virtue signal much


Heaps of words, no action. Offer discounted/free services to groups opposing these Nazis. Take some sort of action.

Hey, the fruits of the development are free. They are literally giving it for free, albeit sans hardware or VPS.

...Not to mention that in Germany it's: if you don't denounce the Nazis, you're often seen as one of them. Whenever there's a big movement against the Far Right, all kinds of companies, associations and public figures give out statements in support of the movement. Sometimes it is pure virtue signaling, but quite often it's sincere and doesn't just run with the latest cool thing.