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I'm highly sceptical of this shipping in a state that can compete with Adobe at the end of it all. The branding itself is asking for trouble, which is just plain stupid if you are serious about long-term and sustainable development of the whole suite, and 180k is not enough to even put together a competent alternative to Illustrator, not to mention Photoshop and InDesign.

And before people start claiming that you can fund this by outsourcing to Eastern Europe / India etc, please bear in mind that you usually get what you pay for. A competent developer with enough experience to actually make this happen won't come cheap, and opportunistic juniors with big ambitions won't deliver.

I wish this project all the luck it can get, but I'm personally banking on Graphite and Inkscape from the FOSS world and Affinity suite from (as of yet) less corpo commercial offerings.

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Mandatory "don't put Signal and Telegram in the same sentence" notice. Not to be a snob, but Telegram is not "secure and private", all chats are not end-to-end encrypted by default, everything is stored on Telegram's servers with "forever-ever" retention. The end-to-end encryption is opt in, uses a dodgy encryption algorithm and has some limitations in terms of who you can contact and from what device etc.

Telegram is owned by Pavel Durov who also created the largest Russian social media platform VK, which later was overtaken by Russian state as a tool for crowd control and propaganda. Even if we assume that Pavel no longer has any ties with Russia and its "government", his biography should still raise at least some questions around whether one should trust Telegram.

And finally, Telegram seems to be going the "everything app" route lately, which makes it a one stop shop of personal communication, public channels, news, bots, stories etc. (you name it). While it is not a bad thing in objective terms, these features are not built with privacy in mind, as that would pose quite a technical challenge. This means that Telegram's privacy and security will only be sacrificed more and more to get more of the social features out of the door.

/rant over/

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Use Firefox or Safari, the more people use Chromium-based browsers the faster we get to the situation where Google completely owns the Internet (and they almost do now).

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Same, actually! And that happened even after I had my morning coffee too.

I especially like how “legal issues” is not even in “Risks and challenges” section on Kickstarter.

What can possibly go wrong?

Talking about Reddit is like thinking about your ex right after the break up. It sucks and oddly satisfying at the same time, and it will pass 😅

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Tbh I’d not be surprised if that’s the case. Last time I had enough time to spare to rice me some arches was all the way back when I was in uni :(

I barely have enough time to hotfix my dotfiles nowadays :/

Yeah but… Brilliant has… a trial period. Seven days is plenty to realise that there’s next to zero educational value in that platform no matter how hard it is shilled online.

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Texts are securely stored

Right, must be military grade encryption

Depends on what kind of data, if it’s mostly internal documents / dumps of whatever communication systems they use etc, it would not be too large (mostly because of retention policies on that software).

If it is actually the data straight from Reddit’s production databases, then 80GB does sound questionable. But then what kind of data are we talking about? Is it actually valuable?

Anyways, this is big (if true).

I've never heard of that project, looks pretty cool! To be clear, I do not say that "one guy" cannot possibly make great software. Passion projects are a thing. What differentiates them from the Abode situation, in my opinion, is that passion projects rarely have strict deadlines and paying backers who expect software that is Adobe-level in terms of quality and polish in a roughly 1 year.

Sadly, what we seem to have over and over is https://xkcd.com/927/

It’s getting better though

We are one centralised and pretty Reddit alternative away from people flocking to it.

As swanky as it sounds, I doubt fediverse with all its quirks, bugs, instability, confusion etc. will be able to sustain or even gain mass adoption.

I want this to be false, but we have Mastodon as an example and it ain’t getting the traction it needs to replace or even properly compete with Twitter. Especially not once BlueSky opens up, assuming it will happen.

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Fiercely agree. I have Samsung “smart” TV that I use as a dumb screen for my Apple TV and PS5.

Samsung’s software manages to bug out even without using it. The TV remote would randomly disconnect, screen would respring, randomly adjust contrast etc. It’s like “the printer of TVs”.

The last paragraph doesn’t have to be a problem though

It is not yet, but the trajectory implies it may become a problem down the road. We're, sadly, living this decade, where you can no longer ignore where a certain service is heading and how it monetises itself.

To be honest it is to be expected, people will flock to the most active (and consequentially better maintained, at least subjectively) instances.

This might only change once these big instance become saturated and close signups, though even still I expect to see only a handful of Lemmy / KBin instances staying relevant once the dust is settled, especially with the recent precedents like Beehaw defederating from “too open” instances.

Welcome to the vergecast, the flagship podcast of left wing propaganda

In all seriousness though, this is one of the podcasts I tune in to religiously. It’s just too fun and serves as a great high level of “what’s up in big tech” even when my brain is mush.

Judging by user count alone is deceiving, in my opinion. We need to look at how many “big Twitter personas / companies” are moving to Mastodon, because they are the ones generating content and increasing traction.

As it is right now, I only see some people creating Mastodon accounts and posting 1:1 with what they still post on Twitter. This is not enough.

But at the same time, all migrations take time and we will only be able to determine a “winner” after months if not years of this process taking place.

I’m crossing my fingers and hoping for the best still.

I’m using mlem and it mostly works fine, though it is pretty early access still and has its quirks

I take digital notes in Apple Notes for knowledge and facts that should be quickly searchable and there is no need for me to remember it.

I maintain multiple digital knowledge graphs (vaults) in Obsidian.md for more complicated and interconnected information, like my work, software development, hobbies etc.

The rest is kept on paper.

Quick notes that I need to take during phone calls or conversations go into one of my Traveller’s Notebook inserts.

I’ve also started using a “concepts” notebook (another TN insert) where I note down new concepts (one per line, without explanation or elaboration, e.g. “acropalypse”, “goodhart’s law”). This helps me with remembering them better, as long as I go through my previous notes regularly and look up things that I no longer can recall.

Mullvad is trusted. They are pretty open with their policies, exist for a long time already, not involved in any privacy scandals (to my best knowledge), charge flat and fair fee without 60% sales and other dubious marketing practices. It is one of the better VPN providers, not in 5/9 eyes (they are in 14 eyes though), you can buy a subscription with crypto, which (assuming crypto was acquired anonymously too) is a good start for some privacy guarantees.

Pretty much every cyber security professional I know uses Mullvad in one way or another, usually as part of a more complex solution.

But all in all, please bear in mind that VPN is not some magic silver bullet to preserve your privacy and anonymity. With VPNs you basically shift your trust from your ISP to the VPN provider. That trust you put into the provider, it is still a requirement. Not to mention that a good chunk of tracking is happening on a lower level nowadays, so if you use Mullvad on Windows / any Apple device etc. do not expect to become untraceable :)

Dual ultra wide. Not even kidding. PPI might not be as swanky as it can be, but you can’t beat that amount of screen real estate.

Strongly suggest overriding all comments and posts (using something like PowerDeleteSuite) before submitting a GDPR request though. Replace it with “use kbin/lemmy” or similar.

Not sure whether it will work out but I am planning to do that before API is gone (assume ~28th of June or something).

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Give Linux a chance, it is fun!

Literally uninterjectable

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But you get stories now! Yaaaay 🌚

Books, online courses. Education in depth, ideally.

I use https://reeder.app/ with https://feedly.com account. Checks all the boxes between being able to access my RSS feed on any device (as Feedly has a website) and have it great user experience on my phone / laptop.

Depends on what you want to self-host. In general, I would advise against self-hosting anything before you familiarise yourself with the basics of *nix, networking and cyber security.

You at least need to know enough to make sure that whatever you host is only available within your local network and is inaccessible from the outside.

Once that’s ensured, go nuts, experiment, learn, evolve.

In terms of how to start, really depends on your budget, what hardware you can spare, how much space you have at your place etc.

For the most basic playground it’s enough to have a raspberry pi or similar, or a very old laptop / desktop computer.

For something more swanky you can get old Dell servers (e.g. R420) online for around 100$ or so. They are quite power hungry though. Or you can get yourself a NUC and use that.

If all of this sounds like too much work, just get yourself QNAP / Synology NAS and see what it can do for you (it is way more limited in terms of options, but easier to setup and you can still have your Plex / file sharing / docker containers).

Bacon sandwiches are fine as long as it’s not ultra processed bread and stuff. Embrace the bacon. Zuck the zuck.

I’ve had this setup for quite a while, it is very good, I’ve used the vertical monitor for my browser.

I just hope we won’t end up having what used to be Reddit (or Twitter) fragmented across 10 different platforms. That would definitely suck :/

Fair point!

All good, the downvotes are not my doing :)

I tolerate it, though barely. But that’s not the reference I was trying to make :)

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Thought I’m on NCD for a moment here lol

“Buttfuckers & Sons” 😅


Books, online courses. Education in depth, ideally.