should we be discussing reddit less? to – 485 points –

Seems like a good portion of the activity in the communities is reddit oriented. If the goal is leaving/hurting reddit, it seems we should be continuing on like it doesn't exist, instead of continuing to drive interest to the site. Thoughts?


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Talking about Reddit is like thinking about your ex right after the break up. It sucks and oddly satisfying at the same time, and it will pass 😅

Similarly, I almost liken it to getting out of an abusive relationship. Not exactly of course because it's just a website, but similar.

I joined Reddit in the middle of an abusive relationship. I don't even need "almost" as a qualifier.

"Look at all these nice things I'll give you for the low, low price of making you feel like you can't function without me through a series of increasingly hostile and degrading actions while making you believe that this is the best you'll ever find."

A domineering ex who kept moving the goalposts while gaslighting you.
But the sex was usually fantastic, and it kept you hooked.

Honestly, I can't relate and don't understand what is ofdly satisfying about that.