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They're also adding a lot more incompatible text formatting and shit to keep Android incomplete with their real chat protocol. Gotta keep those teens bullying Android users. Also E2E encryption would be nice, but the EU didn't force them to do that.

Still great because MMS is garbage and ruins photo and video quality.

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Also going 69 MPH? Nice.

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"Notably, Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo all have the same problems, and in many cases, Google performed better than Bing and DuckDuckGo by the researchers' measures."

Click bait headline. I see they're good at SEO themselves.

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Nobody thinks it's weird they didn't rent a bus? They rented a UHaul box truck and just piled in and sat on the floor? Folding chairs? Like this sounds like some low budget human trafficking cosplay.

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Staring at the shaker nodding your head. When they pour, get eye level with the bar and follow the drink level up with your whole head. Make a whistle increasing in pitch as you do this. Pretend to eat the bar like an ear of corn when you get to mouth level. Take the drink in both hands at eye level when leaving the bar. Say "you too" as you depart as if incorrectly responding to "enjoy your drink" even though they didn't even say that.

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The headline stat is a misinterpretation of the study which was done by Arkose Labs which "provides businesses with lasting bot prevention and account security by sapping the financial motivations of cybercriminals."

That's pretty vague but skimming it sounds like they prevent automated account creation and takeover. The stat comes from the companies they have access to (who need bot protection enough to pay for it), and 76% of activity on the login/account creation was malicious. That makes a lot more sense. All the various hacks and credential leaks result in bots banging in stolen credentials on high value sites.

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Technically correct, but it was originally aimed at Blackberry.

Apple pioneered a moderately useful mobile browser and fully touch screen UI (except for the home button).

They've been copying each other ever since, to the point where I watch the WWDC keynote thinking "they didn't already have THAT!?" most of the time.

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Not a ton more detail, but it sounds like a kid has a visible gun that some students reported seeing. Then they tried to enter the school, but the school had a video doorbell/door buzzer type setup. There were five or so shots in quick succession that must've included officers.

Have to wait on more info, but it sounds like at worst they failed to deescalate. At best they showed up and the kid started shooting and they returned fire.

No innocent kids died, so that's a win in my book.

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On CHRISTMAS FUCKING EVE! He has like 10 kids. He started a fire drill for employees on Christmas Eve, they have families too. What a cartoonishly villainous thing to do.

Why not get a phone that can take, send, and receive pictures and video. It would also have maps, GPS, encrypted messaging, streaming music, audiobooks, e-books, home automation apps, ride hailing, food ordering, decent browser, etc.

Then, stay with me here, don't install social media apps. The lengths people go to so they can avoid social media when it is extremely avoidable is crazy to me.

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"Poor memory" he probably answered a ton of incriminating questions with "I don't recall." Just like any sane person. Selectively forgetting only the points they don't have evidence for demonstrates great mental clarity. Neither side can just say that though.

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Anywhere AND anyplace? Stable genius. Given his bouts with slurring and dementia I'd like to see him get shredded by Biden.

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Why let you have your memories at all? Each day you remember the doctored history of a happy employee. You're excited for another day of peak productivity with a short break for your favorite meal (the only food you're aware of): Soylent green. Hey where's Steve today... who's Steve... better get back to work.

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46% or 74M voters voted for him. Only 29% of 258M US adults voted for him. This same delusional 30% shows up all the time and they vote hard. They aren't 50% though.

I think it's not a question of if they can get them. It's a question of if they can use them.

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Exactly. They really sealed the deal when they sent a push message to get people to call Congress and stop the ban.

"TikTok can be used to influence our citizens politically" * TikTok proves it true immediately on a personal level for legislators * "See!"

Couldn't have found a better way to put gas on that fire. You're supposed to ~bribe~ lobby when they start talking shit.

What are they gonna do, believe "Big Coroner." The same folks that lied to us about COVID deaths! /S if that wasn't obvious.

Here's hoping he had a dead man's switch that releases tons of kompromat.

So they're going to let him get a loan to pay bond for the appeal. So he'll be able to appeal if any bank takes that bet.

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I've been wondering about that too. This dude was already busted for passing off dolls as aliens. The article said they aren't even sure that he's made new dolls since then. So maybe this is just an opportunist that saw renewed interest.

More generally though, there's sort of a drumbeat of alien news from official sources. Like it's a psyop, but I don't know why. Maybe to give the Q-susceptible types something more controlled to fantasize about? Aliens are actually in contact and the govt wants to soften the blow? They made some badass weapon and want a cover story?

Guerrilla marketing for another X-Files reboot?

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They're trying to provoke the judge so they can have room for appeal or at least fodder for his mentally stunted base. "This judge was so mean to me, I couldn't get a fair trial." Especially if they can make the judge snap at them, then that's what it's about: an unhinged, emotional, hothead judge abusing their power.

Luckily I think most of the judges smelled him coming and are just giving him all the rope he wants. That's my hope at least. Then if they do jail him for contempt they've got stacks of evidence and second chances. I may be giving them too much credit.

Experts believe the SEC faces significant challenges if it proceeds with fraud charges. “Courts typically prefer fraud cases that involve clear false statements,” said Fagel. “Transforming a regulatory violation into fraud, especially one involving delayed disclosure, can be an uphill battle.”

James Park, a securities law expert at UCLA, added, “Regulators could potentially frame this as a case of market deception, which complicates matters compared to straightforward falsehoods. It’s a nuanced issue but significant enough to warrant serious consideration.”

The biggest thing in their favor is a firefighters pension that sold at a lower than expected price if he had made the disclosure. They're not wrong, but it's a lie of omission type thing. We'll see if it flies over the next 5 years of appeals and shenanigans. Meanwhile he wrote himself a check on Tesla stockholders dime to cover the Twitter fuck up. I'm betting he fucks them over as Tesla spirals into a crater.

It's more like "Why are you smoking cigarettes, stop buying cigarettes." It's addictive, well marketed and cool, and totally avoidable with some self discipline.

I wouldn't joke about people with an actual illness by telling them to toughen up, but we're not talking about that.

It's a turnover rate over time. If everyone quit and had to be replaced in a day you'd be at 100%. Anything after that is over 100% for the year.

I've seen rates of 150% bandied around for Amazon. That means replacing 12.5% of your total headcount on average monthly.

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Wow that's literally the whole article in the headline.

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They might hope to make money at any point in the future. AGPL is too viral to integrate with. Working at a large corporation they've banned a standalone desktop tool we could have used because it was AGPL. We wanted to pay for it, but we couldn't. It's a dead end product for corporate users. So personal use , hobbyists, and those companies that think the AGPL won't infect their IP or don't care. You limit your TAM severely if you use AGPL.

So if you aren't in it to ever make money in the future, go for it.

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Exactly BYD is their biggest problem. Also they can't claim higher build quality so you'd really pay more for just the brand.

Ok now we know why their alignment team quit.

He's negative after not paying rent, his server bills, and firing everyone then not paying severance. That leaves $1.2B in interest per year plus whatever salaries he's actually paying. They made $5.08B in 2021. It's probably down a shitload more than 50%.

Your ISP is doing it wrong, which I guess you already know. I get a /64 net via DHCPv6 for my LAN which is pretty standard.

+1 to dual stack. Too much of the internet is v4 only, missing AAAA, or various other issues. I've also had weird issues where a Google/Nest speaker device would fail 50% of the time and other streaming devices act slow/funky. Now I know that means the V6 net is busted and usually I have to manually release/renew. Happens once every few months, but not in a predictable interval.

Security is different, but not worse IMO. It's just a firewall and router instead of a NAT being added in. A misconfigured firewall or enabling UPnP is still a bad idea with potentially worse consequences.

Privacy OTOH is worse. It used to be that each device included a hardware MAC as part of a statelessly generated address. They fixed that on most devices. Still, each device in your house may end up with a long lived (at least as long as your WAN lease time) unique IP that is exposed to whatever sites you visit. So instead of a unique IP per household with IPv4 and NAT, it's per network device. Tracking sites can differentiate multiple devices in the house across sites.

This has me thinking I need to investigate more on how often my device IPv6 (or WAN lease subnet) addresses change.

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They could offer a way to download a copy and steganographically tag it to hell with your id so that they know if you distribute it. You can "loan it out" by letting friends stream off your Plex or whatever. If you start selling that streaming service or it shows up in torrents, it has your ID on it.

Boom, you own it forever and you're incentivized not to over share.

Or you know sell DRM free versions and let people do whatever, but that probably has a snowballs chance in hell.

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Yeah, if I'm reading that right they're complaining that they're stuck at phase one of enshitification - lose money on aquiring users. The reason behind that is they're not able to monopolize the market for their games. "These damn mobile stores won't let us turn the corner and put the clamps on our users. Fix it please."

They dropped to second place for DUIs at least. BMW drivers are nearly twice as likely to be caught driving drunk.

If we're talking about the neural lace from the Culture Sci-Fi series, hell yeah. It's all nanotech that could be installed and removed in a non-invasive way. You get a lot more control over your body, enhanced cognition, mental backups so you're really hard to kill permanently, comms, all the knowledge, VR more real than reality, control a robot as an extension of your body, etc.

They were still vulnerable to remote takeover in extreme and unusual situations. I think an EMP like thing would switch them off.

Realistically would I let somebody put something running binaries written in C and ad supported apps in my head? Not happening.

If you're an ssshole don't you come back as an insect or animal? That would mean rich folks would have to do actual good to avoid that. Whatever their policies, after the first few trust fund dung beetles and assorted other multi-lifetime embarrassments, they'd probably snap out of it.

Hey check out the cockroach yacht club guys! Lol, how did that forced birth + soul tracking debt thing work out for you!?

Then like half their debtors would achieve nervana and fuck off to heaven or whatever.

I think the kharma religions, this would take care of itself.

I'm kinda glad they couldn't redirect the religious fervor to DeSantis or anyone else. Trump isn't in great shape and he's not getting younger, so there's a definite shelf life for that blind devotion.

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"In an October 2023 analysis for Congress, the Defense Department reported it was “likely” that China has considered locating a “military logistics” facility in Equatorial Guinea. Earlier this month, Gen. Michael Langley, the current AFRICOM commander, warned the Senate Armed Services Committee: “China is actively pursuing a naval base on Africa’s Atlantic coast.”"

“Equatorial Guinea seems blatant about the fact that they are very much for sale to the highest bidder. They are very happy to be courted by Washington and Beijing because they occupy a strategic spot in the world and sit on a strategic resource and they have the money to allow them an independence that other countries in the region don’t have.”

"bIdEN CoZiEs up tO ThE WoRLds WoRSt DiCtaTor" lol OK. What's the alternative, let Winnie the Pooh just set up a naval base uncontested? "Liberate" them? That's in the playbook too, most people don't enjoy it.

App updates must specify a target SDK of >= 31 which has been out for 2 years. There are lots of reasons around security and privacy mostly.

You can still have a minimum of API 21 (Lollipop from 2014) and ship to those older devices.

To get that warning, they'd have to have a target of <=30 and less than your device. I don't know what phone you have, but 30 is 3 years old.

The app publisher needs to step up their game.

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They wrote up a whole thing about it. It was linked in the article.

You think these bots are streaming movies and music? 73% of Internet traffic is not bots. It's all YouTube, Netflix, Insta, TikTok, Spotify, etc media consumption. 73% of login traffic may be bots, but it's a teeny drop of global traffic.