The difference of stealing yourself vs being stolen from to Lemmy – 630 points –

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Technically correct, but it was originally aimed at Blackberry.

Apple pioneered a moderately useful mobile browser and fully touch screen UI (except for the home button).

They've been copying each other ever since, to the point where I watch the WWDC keynote thinking "they didn't already have THAT!?" most of the time.

More like Apple copies an android feature that is more than a decade old then claims it as some kind of innovation.

slaps a buzzword on it and makes a trillion. Can't believe some iphone users consider widgets modetn

My old boss would always buy the new IPhone the day it came out and brag about features and a lot of the times I would be scratching my head being like how is that different then what I have on my 4 year old android Galaxy 6??

They just got widgets? Widgets have been on Android since my first smart phone in 2011 at the very least

Now they do, but the iPhone was revolutionary when it was released. Apple literally changed the world with their invention.

A lot of people forget the early days.

Android had copy/paste first, Apple didn't for a long time.

Android had MMS support first, Apple didn't for a long time.

Android had multi tasking apps first, apple didn't for a long time.

Android allowed app store apps to duplicate inbuilt apps, like web browsers, music players, email clients. Apple banned these for a long time.

I remember having to jailbreak my iPhone 3GS to have swipe down toggles we now know as normal today. It was called SB settings from cydia. I'm pretty sure this was also standard on Android. And file manager.

Android was a poor comparison when iPhone first released. I had one of them. It was neat because it was new, but realistically it was a piece of shit compared to the iPhone. I'm no Apple fan boy, but they genuinely changed the world in many ways

When iPhone first released... it was a piece of shit compared to the HTC Dream with Android. The main improvement Apple did, was removing the keyboard.

If there were slide qwerty phones I'd still be buying them to this day.

I miss them so much. Those, and IR transmitters being common, That's a major one to me. Almost 20 years ago, I had control of every single T.V, DVD player, VCR, etc. That came my way thanks to the palm TX, it had IR and a nice little app where you'd just choose the make/model of the device you're trying to control and bam, your screen became the remote you needed. Iirc the buttons also could be used so you didn't necessarily have to do everything touch screen.

Now on my super fancy modern smart phone I couldn't dream of doing that. Hell, I even struggle to use it as a remote for my Roku because I use my device as a hotspot and Roku requires both devices be on the same network. Why can't we figure out how to do what we did so easily 2 decades ago?!

Android was not aimed at blackberry. It was to be a completely new phone OS from the ground up and add extensive capabilities to the phone world over what the blackberry (the most popular phone at the time) could. Yes the G1 had a similar form factor to the most popular phone at the time and it wasn't even the only form. The phone in the picture was from prototype stage and never shipped in that form factor. The shipping go had a screen and button under it. The screen slid sideways to reveal a keyboard. The Motorola droid was the most popular android phone when they actually shipped. I had a droid and a coworker had a G1. Development problems and companies scared to gamble on a radical new product delayed Androids launch behind iPhones. Apple did a fantastic job of developing the iPhone in secret, knowing the Android was coming.