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Joined 1 years ago

I don’t drink

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  • It Hurts When IP
  • Lord Of The Pings
  • WAN King
  • You’re My WiFi Now Dave
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Men are people too, so “can people not be terrible” is still accurate…

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Haha yeah it’s weird how NOT drinking is weird. I couldn’t care less what other people do, nor what they think of me; drinking is just no longer appealing to me

No idea why you got downvoted so bad, I guess I did have the benefit of your edit when I read your reply.

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Had? I hope you’re ok.

This could have just as easily been on the dadjokes community.

Unsure if your asking seriously (if not, whooosh to me), but it’s an open source alternative to Plex.

Plex is a media server that you run to host your TV shows and movies. Think of a self-hosted Netflix.

This is exactly the reason neither of my kids have a single picture online (to my knowledge).

It’s not up to me. When they are old enough, they can decide. Until then, I’ll do damn hardest to keep it away.

What are you going on about?

Nobody in this thread has said “not all men”.

The top comment said “can people just not suck”, then OP responded saying “actually, in this case, only men suck”.

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That’s not an intro, it’s a work of art wrapped in cocaine.

What you mean

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I didn’t know I needed this word, but I definitely do.

Is mastodon worth signing up for, as a content creator?

I used to be a pretty avid tweeter - I’d post random things related to my job (software engineer), like gotchas I encountered, new articles I’d written etc etc, but I left Twitter when a certain somebody took over.

I’m not bothered about a large following, but I did enjoy randomly helping people that would see my tweets and fix their issue / help with the thing they were working on.

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Which piece?

If you’re talking about a SimpleLogin, you CAN email from it. I forget the exact terminology (I can check if you need) but you can generate a forward address that you email and the receiver (Spotify) will see it as If you have emailed from your forwarding address.

What you mean

I did end up creating an account, but I’m not sure about posting my handle here as I want to keep the things separate (especially as I’m using my name on mastodon).

Aha! Sounds like we just have different definitions of “content creator”, that just sounds like a normal account to me.

This was probably just me confusing things =]. I used to post all my blog posts etc on Twitter, but I have no intention of doing that on Mastodon. I didn't spend enough time ensuring there was a distinction between the two platforms.

Fyi it’s also a custom to make an intro post when you join, tag it with #introduction and just let people know what to expect from your account. Load it up with the relevant tags so people watching them find your account, it’s usually a good way to kick things off and get some initial followers.

Ah ok, thanks! I have already started posting but I'll do that anyway. Thanks :) seems to point to fingers, dry with a lint free cloth?

I'm not interested in promoting or advertising. The vast majority of my tweets where just sharing random things I came across while working, or reminders when I encounter gotchas (e.g. slices as function parameters in Go).

Being completely honest, not overly interested in meeting people either. I'll give it a few months and see how it goes :)

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