It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic to – 392 points –

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Haha yeah it’s weird how NOT drinking is weird. I couldn’t care less what other people do, nor what they think of me; drinking is just no longer appealing to me

No idea why you got downvoted so bad, I guess I did have the benefit of your edit when I read your reply.


I mean, you teach yourself to drink something that tastes rotten. It impairs your ability to think and accomplish basic tasks. It increases your risk for legal trouble. It can make you vomit and sick the next day. It damages your internal organs, and it costs a ton. Finally, it traps you into needing it.

Yet, it's the people who DON'T do it who are weird?

I understand most of your point, you do you. But tastes rotten? Only my really bad batches of homebrew have truly tasted rotten. There are many delicious alcohols!