
1 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fi makes it pretty clear that use outside the US is meant to be temporary (unless you're on military duty overseas). The person you replied to got a really long run and honestly has no cause for complaint.

Mike Johnson said "I personally have real reservations about doing this [expulsion], I’m concerned about a precedent that may be set for that." Yes, let's NOT set a precedent of holding politicians accountable for lies, fraud, and theft!

It should be pretty easy to find the list of everyone else who voted not to expel, so we know who is pro-corruption.

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If a 1 year old got pregnant, I think you should be more concerned about arresting whoever TF impregnated a 1 year old, rather than whether it's a crime for the 1 year old to have an abortion.

Do these people even remotely understand that the younger a pregnant person is, actually makes an abortion more necessary? Beyond the health demands of pregnancy and childbirth on a young person, do they really want 10 and 12 year olds, or even younger, being mothers? (Don't bother answering; I can guess.)

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I'm pretty sure it was Melania who noped him out of that. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump didn't bother actually asking the kid if he wanted to do it before trying to shove him up on stage.

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Unoriginal copycatting. This is only because she said MAGAs would need deprogramming. Accusation = confession as usual

I think Prime is up to $140 a year now. They used to promise 2 day delivery, but that is now 2 day shipping, and delays prior to shipment aren't counted. We are not renewing when it comes up later this month. It's no longer worth it.

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It's notable that the Republicans have not attempted to court the pro Palestinian voters in reaction to the anger at Biden. Because they are if anything more pro Israel / anti Palestine than the Democrats.

I agree that the Dems are the "only slightly better" party in a few aspects, and they need to do better. But slightly better is still better than the alternative and we need to vote like it.

19 more...

That scumbag will say anything to get attention. The filthier the better, and it seems filth is all he's got left.

I want to see a photo of Letitia James standing in the doorway of Trump Tower spinning the keys around her finger. And smiling that Cheshire cat smile.

Apartment in NY and a condo in Florida? And selling one is going to make him homeless? Let me get my tiny, tiny violin.

There are probably many hundreds of thousands of people in the US who have had to downsize -- not go homeless, just move to a smaller place. Ghouliani doesn't need 2 podcast studios, he doesn't need 2 homes, he doesn't even need one luxury home.

They have to blur the faces to keep the public from helping identify them and thus help the DoJ.

Oh really? So why hasn't God smote the Democrats already? Why is retribution always an in-the-future threat?

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I understand and sympathize with their disappointment, but voting Republican would be even worse. The issue at hand is that both parties are pro-Israel.

It would be nice if the Democratic party wasn't simply the "less bad" choice for Muslims (and various POC) on some policies.

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How does a person see these errors (and not just this but the many others) and not think this guy's brain has turned to algae? And continue to believe he is a viable candidate for president and will lead this country better? And vote for the algae?

It's far too vague to be reliable. You notice how easily the facial construction became termed a "photo" as in "We have a photo of the suspect." DNA is not going to have info on hair length, facial hair, if the suspect dyed their hair, or weight.

Jenna, a grifter? NO!!

Didn't his company supply a bunch of Starlinks because of the war? Was he expecting Ukranians needed to watch more Netflix and do more school stuff while getting bombed out by the Ruzzians? What a crock

Yelp has made this wall of shame incredibly hard to browse. It's not sorted in any clear way, and there's no way to sort or filter it. You have to keep clicking "load more" to get 15 at a time. They really do not want to help you find which businesses to avoid in your area.

Yeah, it's entirely theoretical. A medication might have a side effect that is known to be extremely rare, and this might cause a doctor to have to perform an abortion against their principles, so let's just take that medication away from everyone.

And it ties in with the great replacement thing. They don't want to be outnumbered by those non-white non Christian second class citizens.

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What is this garbage talk about God controlling whether a woman gets pregnant or not? It's a biological function, if the egg is there when the sperm is there, you get babies. It is not some holy blessed event -- God causing babies is about as sensible as the stork bringing them.

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It's not about the voting method. These people want to invalidate votes they don't like. Arizona Republicans went on a wild goose chase of looking for bamboo fibers in printed ballots which would "prove" they were printed in China.

Let's call him Wimpy: "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberder today."

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Seeding clouds for rain definitely affects weather, so I guess that's illegal now?

Seriously, he looks like the love child of Beavis and Butthead.

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Someone needs a muzzle and it ain't the dog with 4 legs

Typically people go in when there's not much time left, but hospice is really just a commitment that you're not going to bother fighting whatever illness you've got or might get. People can go into hospice and stay there a long time, and even come out of it.

Assassinated by Dark Brandon's laser eyes no doubt

we’re going to prove this one day

In other words after all this time and your people swearing up and down they've seen proof, the pillow guy trying to present garbage as proof, it is still not proven and you actually have nothing, not one piece of concrete evidence.

Headline should be "Has No Idea How to Post That Massive Fraud Bond Without Actually Paying Any of His Own Money"

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I've gotten cards that offer a free product for a good review, and cards that offer a gift card, but not an actual refund. I've been offered refunds to take down my bad reviews.

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I've never used any of those services. If the restaurant doesn't deliver, I pick up my order. I also try to go to the restaurant's website and use whatever ordering system they have there, under the assumption (perhaps mistaken) that the restaurant chose that ordering system because it was the best deal for them.

The other aspect I believe plays into this is insecurity. They can't accept brown & black people being equal, or LGBTQs being just as human as they. They can't accept that some people don't believe in the same God they do, or have the self confidence not to believe in any god at all. They are frightened by people making choices different from those they would make because it might mean their own choices are wrong. And they react by lashing out, trying to put "those people" back in the closet or into second class citizenship or labeling them as baby killers. They don't have the self confidence to let others have the freedom to make their own decisions, run their own lives.

Yeah, but we already have "falsehoods" for that, why make up a word? Because untruths is more of a soft pedal.

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And Republicans being against diversity, equity, and inclusion.

He said this well after the Ethics Committee released its findings. Santos was effectively shown to be guilty.

In the previous attempts at expulsion, a lot of people voted against simply because the report wasn't out yet. It would have set a dangerous precedent to vote to expel someone without proof of wrongdoing.

And I wonder how do they define 'credible'? Are they literally going to research a writer to determine if they're capable of following through on their threats?

Part of the problem is that you can have a state consisting of 300 neckbeards and it will still have Senators and a Representative in Congress, and thus voting power on legislation. I don't blame people for fleeing, but staying and making states blue will have a bigger effect on change.

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Yeah well he didn't swear to read the Constitution either, so it's okay if he doesn't support it /s

It's actually rather painfully clear he's never read it anyway.

This is just some inane bullshit dancing around language.

He's had a lot of terrible things happen to him with regards to family, and he strikes me as someone whose tragedies stay close to his heart and remain fresh. He's very human. I'm okay with him forgetting which year he lost Beau, because I sometimes get mixed up on the year I lost my mom (5 years ago) and I never remember the exact year my dad passed away (20+ years ago).