Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump to politics – 463 points –
Trump rally: God punishes anti-Trumpers

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Oh really? So why hasn't God smote the Democrats already? Why is retribution always an in-the-future threat?

Because that's what holy wars are for unfortunately

"Bow before the Lord, or get smote!"

"I'm not going to bow before th- OOW! Why'd you hit me for?"

"I acted as a vessel for God."

God is up there doing his Goku powerup.

"Next time on:HumanitZ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! "Tune in next week for more AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

God commanded us to smite the infidels! How do I know? I feel it in my heart! If you don't believe it, you're obviously an infidel.