
1 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The cartoon for the curious.

No wonder I feel at home.

Me: 😊 But you will prosecute, right?

THEM: 😐 ...

ME: 😟 Right?

They want to expand that to manipulate everyone.

Once upon a time when backend developer had to wait for their code to compile and frontend developers only had to reload the page to see their latest changes, the frontend developers got jealous. And so they created frontend frameworks with webpack compilation. And that's how frontend frameworks were born. And now, both sides have to wait for their code to compile.

The gist, X can't say: look that data isn't mine so I can't control the content (well to an extent). But also the data is mine and you can't mine the data, well you can't mine it without giving me a piece of the pie.

X tried the legal approach, and it didn't make it far.

Let's fediverse archive.org!

It appears to be empty.

Apparently it was an engineer. I genuinely thought he/she was a customer service rep.

I can top this.

I was running hackintosh along side others OSes. Keep in mind it was working fine until it wasn't. So this hackintosh one day started having a problem. After some time of inactivity, the monitor would sleep. Once it did, it wouldn't come back up. Only a reboot would help. Eventually I thought it was incompatible with the DVI output since I saw similar hackintosh issues online. I bought a new monitor that would support display port. When I was disconnecting everything I notice that the DVI port wasn't fully plugged in. 🤦‍♂️

To add to this, don't forget they can borrow against this paper value. Since it's a loan, they don't pay taxes on it.

I'm gonna go with #2 very high likely chance. Also, they didn't mentione what they think that, and I wouldn't be surprised if the other person tells your neighbor about the conversations. Meaning you think your conversations are one to one, but maybe the other party shares with your neighbor.

Lol any

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For current reddit's owner, it only needs to last until the IPO. They better hurry before it deteriorates into nothing but a site of bots.

This ruling is a major win for responsible consumers who pay their credit card bills on time and businesses that want to provide affordable credit,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce Litigation Center Counsel Maria Monaghan said in a statement.

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To be fair Google practically modernized the search engine. I sometimes miss the before before times instead of by SEO ranks

I enjoyed it way too much on my emulator with infinite life.

Nice. So user got auto switched from Google's chromium to Microsoft's chromium? That's almost just a skin. More worried about it stealing Firefoxs's tabs. Specially since I like my addons.

So wait, what happens if you (obviously) turn off the computer, unplug the second ssd, then turn on the computer? Try that and report back.

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Can't be. They are white.


Hard life. Followed by Shit life. Then Extreme shit/hard life. Then Apocalyptic life where resources are scarce because of extreme climate. Followed by extinction? I mean eventually it's coming.

8.042 billion people that have existed for a fraction of the time the world has existed. I'm just not sure the number is any indicator.

Hardware fuse disabling Knox on bootloader is irrelevant now. You can't unlock bootloader. At least for snapdragon chip.

I was waiting for the options to be available. I guess it sold out fast. Now I would have to wait until early 2024. However, I need a laptop now. I guess I'll have to buy something else and upgrade to framework when that upgrade breaks.

Thanks for saving me a click.

Well said nevertheless. Both suck.

Yes but also, I wanted to bring the concept of repeating the same lies. It drowns the truth and when you repeate the same lie, people start tobelieve it. Idk, just read like that when Putin took over Crimea. I don't remember everything but it was basically repeating the lies.

I'm surprises they didn't outright denied it ever happened.

Deep fried sushi is on the menu at our local sushi bar

I agree with this. Good tip here y'all. Let's just move in if the feelings aren't reciprocated. An adviced I should had followed long ago instead of wasting years of life thinking it could happen.

Umm... Keep in mind that I lack experience. Take the following with grain is salt.

I understand your pain with Swing. Not sure how to help other than change to another GUI framework. I think maybe eclipse does thins thing where it allowed me to make code GUI changes. Maybe?

Change GUI framework?

Consider doing a web base where the server does the folder structure?

I know nothing about Dart.

Finally, super personal opinion, but go with C++ and wxWidgets. I love this library.

Are we going to ignore the following:

keep the deer or bear for his own use as if the animal had been killed by that person during hunting season for the animal.” Va. Code § 29.1-539. “Compliance” means that the driver must immediately report the accident, whereupon an officer “shall view the deer or bear” to ensure that it was an accident. If the officer is satisfied, he or she may award the deer or bear to said driver.

Cross comment to cross post: It seems that you are vulnerable during pairing which is for like a minute. What am I missing?

Try those but also wanted to say enlightenment. I don't even know if it still exists. If it does, give a try.

Unlock is the way. Also, sometimes IPS routers use ipv6 and pihole does not support it.

My favorite subreddit migrated to Lemmy.world so that's how it happened with me.

My Wednesdays' dinner.

But where are the other 0.999999999 Million? Like how they came up with such number?